Tuesday, August 4, 2020

New Art Supplies

I have watercolor pencils and pens and a set of shimmery water colors but not a real set of various colors.

As long as you are ordering you may as well try a few other things too!   The Molotow mask marker is way cool...you put it on a card here and there... then watercolor over the top and rub the marker away and your white paper shows through...it looks like snow falling.  I  have tried every thing so far I really like the Tombow markers...they blend nicely.  I ordered an extra red and a grey marker...as I will probably use more of those colors on the Christmas Cards...I like that I could order specific colors.

I love all the watercolors! 

We had a very busy day yesterday, I did the usual laundry and then mowed the yard.  I had a bunch of lose ends to take care of and bills to pay...got it all done. 

Far Guy ordered a curb side pickup in town so we drove in and picked up his metal garbage cans...the squirrels or chipmunks have eaten several holes in his plastic bird seed can...one at the top and one at the bottom just like a drive through restaurant.  Well the restaurant is now closed!

My baby brother and his bride picked chokecherries so I washed and steamed them. 
As they were steaming I had play time with all my new art supplies! 

Far Side


  1. I love your new art supplies. Reminds me of how fun it was to buy new school supplies each fall.

  2. I love all the colors you got. Have fun with all your new art supplies.

  3. Nice! I looked at the steamer but didn't get it. I may regret that after making blackberry jelly and wild apple jelly. Just don't have room in this tiny house for more stuff. I do have a nice little "mill" though which separates seeds and skins! I'll be putting it on chunky for tomatoes in a wee bit.
    Love the colors!

  4. You deserve the best art supplies, being one of the best artists I know! More chokecherries? I am impressed with your abilities. :-)

  5. Sounds like a busy day indeed. Enjoy all of your new art supplies!

  6. We had to take care of our "drive through restaurant" a number of years ago. The two metal cans have worked well until recently. I suspect that a wily raccoon with agile fingers is to blame. I put a one cubic foot bag of Moisture Plus potting mix on top of the lids of the lids as a temporary fix.

  7. I LOVE new art supplies! I will have to investigate that mask marker....I bought a little bottle of mask with a tiny tip and used it once, it was great, but then the bottle clogged up with masking fluid and it didn't work any more. Your pen sounds good!

  8. I always got excited this time of year to buy new school supplies. And still get excited over a new quilting/sewing tool or fabric. It's that little creative spirit being fed a new treat.

  9. Ooooohhhhh... new art supplies!! Christmas in July... or should I say August? Enjoy! Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. New supplies and the anticipation of what to create with them - priceless! Have fun

  11. So grateful for curbside pickup. Today when we went to the neighboring town to get our curbside groceries, which I want to mention were missing NOTHING; we treated ourselves to curbside pickup at Cracker Barrel. We were very impressed. They had both a meatloaf and chicken dumpling lunch. We felt the portions were very large. The meatloaf (priced at only 5.99) comes with mashed potatoes and choice of side and two biscuits or muffins. The meals are packaged in containers that are microwavable which was a big plus since we have a drive to get home.

  12. How exciting to get new art supplies! It's like Christmas morning! That mask marker does sound cool. It would be fun to play with while learning how it works. So Far Guy has closed the squirrels drive through restaurant! How funny! We have a lot of squirrels and if it involves getting food they can be pretty smart.

  13. Yes, now take time to play with your new art materials. Many will be enriched by your talent.

  14. I know you'll have fun with your new supplies. I'm terrible at anything artistic but you are so talented that they will surely be put to good use.
    I like the drive through analogy. We've got Chloe's dog food in a plastic container under the trailer until the move in two weeks. Then it will be kept in the back of the truck. I can't believe our luck so far with no squirrels or mice. It IS a real dog food keeper with a rubber gasket that keeps the food smell inside. Maybe they can't smell it? Whatever it is, I'm really glad.

  15. Your squirrels are going to miss the free food! Something has chewed the handles off one of our garbage cans ( obviously not a metal one) and we suspect raccoons which we have seen around.
    I can imagine the excitement over the new art supplies. I usually end up buying at least some new pens now with all the school supplies on sale.

  16. New markeers and art supplies are awesome, I do not do yard work and never have just not me

  17. Oh boy, I love all your new art supplies. You're going to have alot of fun with those. More chokecherry work happening at your house....never a dull moment! thanks for keeping us all informed on the goings-on at your house!

  18. My wife loves to just buy new art supplies just for the fun of it. I found her an unfinished horse painting yesterday and she is now going to finish it. It was lost in a closet with our move three years ago.

  19. Who doesn't love new art supplies!?! I have Tombow markers and they have lasted me a long time. Those pesky squirrels! Glad Far Guy was able to "stem the tide". YOu got a lot done! Enjoy your new art supplies! Such fun!

  20. Glad you have some new art supplies to play with... Have fun with them!


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