Monday, August 31, 2020

Sunday happemings

 We listened to church...they are still having some problems with the sound system.  Apparently someone watches for comments on facebook when the live feed is happening...and they got it straightened out.  Truth be told the songs/music was much better imagined! 

I did some housework and then joined Far Guy outside...he was woodcarving and I carded some dog fur.  It was very windy all day.  

I finished up some small gnome hats for a project that Jen has going. 

Lots of ends to weave in after we are sure they will work...some may be too tall and need to be shorter and that can be accomplished much easier if the ends are not sewn in! 

My brothers and one bride visited in the late afternoon. 

Far Guys relatives Wayne and Craig visited on Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening Odda came to visit cause she was missing us and knows the way to our I talked with Jo through the window.  

Always good to see someone else besides each other...although we are quite accustomed to a hermit lifestyle. 

The Yellow Pear tomatoes are ready...we enjoyed a few with supper. They are packed with flavor!   Pork Burgers and the last of the yellow carrots was also on the menu. 

Far Side


  1. Gnomes. I have a few and I thought that the fur would also make great gnome beards but if the fur makes her gag...hmmmm, not a choice!

  2. Those gnome hats sure are cute. You will have to tell us what Jen's project is. I have discovered that I sing church songs much better in church than watching over the internet. Something about being there makes me sing better.

  3. I was outside in our garden helping to cut up vines for the compost pile. I also pulled some red taters out of the ground. It's a little like an Easter egg hunt for me. And I am still gobsmacked thinking about your dog fur plans! :-)

  4. I am sending you an email if you don't mind.

  5. Sounds like a nice weekend. I love the little gnome hats, hope we will get to see everything finished. Have a great week and let me know how you like the Korean beef when you try it :)

  6. Oh boy, we had wind here in SD yesterday too. I guess I didn't realize/think about carrots came in different colors. Hubby dug ours & we had orange, yellow, white & red ones. He mentioned he had planted multi-colored ones.

  7. There isn't much that tastes better than a fresh-from-the-garden tomato! Yum!! Visitors are extra precious these days. Now that the kids are back in school - and Covid numbers are rising rapidly around here - I'm back to more isolation.

  8. The little gnome hats are adorable! Your entire family is crafty.

    Enjoy your day, take care and stay well!

  9. Sounds like a pleasant day. My grandson, Steve, was with me for the weekend. We had a good weekend.

  10. How nice to have company. We would like to, too, but here it is just tooooo hot to sit outside. I think those gnomes are going to be pretty cute. My Norwegian grandma called them nisse godt— good elves.

  11. What a nice weekend! Cute gnome hats. :)

  12. Jen must have an interesting project if it requires gnome hats! I love gnomes! Your Sunday sounds relaxing. A lot of us seem to have the hermit lifestyle these days.

  13. I hope you'll share pics of the finished gnome project!

  14. I will sing in church with other people but not my myself - can't stand the sound of my wonky voice! :)

  15. I'm not into gnomes, but I sure could see using those cute little hats on a snowman project I've had my eye on! We're finally picking some of the sweet snacking peppers at the kids' garden. The first couple grandson Aero picked off the plants he ate right there in the garden -- much like his gramma does lol. My dad grew lots of pear tomatoes when he was alive, they were always so very tasty!

  16. I had to grin when I read about the music that was better imagined...I am so used to hitting the mute button on the remote that if I have to listen to something I can't mute I hate it.

  17. The gnome hats are so cute...I can't wait to see the gnomes! I like yellow pear tomatoes but I didn't grow them this year. I never heard of yellow carrots though? It's nice you have visitors even if you have to "socially distance". The only visitor I've had is the HVAC guy and he didn't talk much.

  18. Now of course I will need to see how those gnome hats get used.
    It's goo that you have so much family near by for visits. We did a Zoom visit with Tom's siblings yesterday.

  19. Those gnome hats are so cute. I can't wait to see what the final project looks like!

  20. Sounds like you had a nice Sunday....even with visitors and a dog friend! Those gnome hats are cute....can't wait to see how they'll be used! My daughter brought some of those little yellow pear tomatoes....can't wait to try them out.

  21. I like the gnome hats. I could see a wooden gnome being carved and one of the hats put on him. I like the pear tomatoes too.

  22. You are so blessed to have family close enough to visit you, albiet with social distancing including. The gnome hats are really cute. It will be fun to see the finished project with them.


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