Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 Far Guy woodcarves everyday out on the patio.  His latest carving was completed yesterday. 

My baby brother has a Whats this plant app on his phone.   It identified it as Creeping Bellflower.   

Here was the inspiration for the carving.

Creeping Bellflower in the wildgardens. 

I asked him what he would carve next...he didn't know I sent him another flower photo for inspiration.  He is busy drawing out the petals and making a plan. 

I have not been carving at all since the Christmas Ornaments were finished.  I have a number of unfinished projects in my carving bag.  We got a call from one of the guys in the carving group...the library where we used to meet as a group is limited to five people in the building and you have to have an appointment...all others are turned away.  So our group meeting probably isn't happening anytime soon.

My baby brother brought over some pieces of black walnut one day so Far Guy carved him a spoon.  

Far Side


  1. OHHH wow! That is some incredible carving! FG is very talented and so are you of course. That spoon is cool too.

    Great carving of the creeping bellflower. Those are some interesting flowers and the bees just love them.
    Stay well.

  2. Love the flower carving. The spoon is cool. Sorry your carving group won't be meeting anytime soon.

  3. Far Guys carvings are absolutely amazing! He sure has some talent. I hope you both have a nice day :)

  4. I love that pretty carving, and the spoon is simply wonderful. FG is almost as talented as his exceptional wife. :-)

  5. the carving is a good thing to do between all the other jobs we have to do.

  6. Wow! The spoon is wonderful and so is the bellflower. What a talent!! I have a black walnut silverware box that my grandfather made from wood on their Wisconsin farm (I believe). It's very simple with no embellishments, but very precious to me.

  7. That is beautiful. I have that plant in my garden, my grass, my ditch banks, it's a pest here. I never knew it's name. Now I do.

  8. Thank you for showing us more wonderful FG carvings. I marvel at his skill.

  9. Pretty flowers. I first thought 'fushia.'

  10. I'm sorry you can't meet with your group yet. I keep hoping this will be over soon and we can see people again.
    Far Guy's bellflower carving is beautiful. That man has major talent!! I love the heart in the spoon handle. It's perfect.

  11. That is a unique carving! Well done.

  12. Love the bell flowers and the spoon! :)

  13. Those flowers are amazing! I think Far Guy could carve anything, and I bet you could too. The bellflowers are really a unique carving to add to your collection. The spoon is really cool too. It looks rustic but in a very stylish manner and the heart in the handle is so cute!

  14. Oh my heavens, those bellflower carvings are stunning!! And that spoon is amazing. So talented. Beautiful!!!!

  15. I love the black walnut spoon and the flowers, too.

  16. The bellflowers are beautiful! Both the flowers and the carving.

  17. The carving is o wonderful. I like everything about it.

  18. Black walnut is a pretty wood for carving. We certainly have plenty of those trees around here. Too bad I gave up carving 10 years ago (Tools missing! Hard to carve when you have no tools.) Cheryl liked the Walnut but I loved that Cherry (redder color...) One of these days I may invest in a nice carving knife for little things, but currently, I simply have no room for another hobby. But I miss it sometimes.

  19. Every time you post one of your husband's carving I'm awed by his talent. My great uncle carved wooden chains. He would get a piece of wood and carve the chains from one end of the wood to the other. I loved watching him. He carved a chain for my husband and I when we got married. I was so touched and it is still a very treasured gift.

  20. Far Guy did another great job carving, this time it's the Creeping Bellflower which looks pretty but I'm glad I don't have it in my garden. Too hard to control.

  21. We call it "the sickness" here. My preschool grandchildren have had a disappointing summer. Sometimes we just sit on the porch, feeling sorry for ourselves while we list what we can't do because of the darned sickness. Everything from baseball games to trips to the ice cream stand make the list. Meanwhile, since normally the kids have more activities, I get to attend my stained glass group at our senior center (closed since March). I have a large collection of glass, more patterns than I can ever attempt and was just drawing up a plan for a window on my back porch when I first broke my arm. Unfortunately, although I have invested in a number of smaller tools and equipment, as well as a large collection of sheets of glass, I do not have the larger machines I need to use at home. The senior center has a room just for the stained glass workers. It is a small room, we squeeze in and accommodate each other's projects. but in all honestly, even if they would open the building I don't think more than one person would be able to distant space. The table butt up against each other, we sit back to back, having to stand to let people pass. And the sanding machines are elbow to elbow. I have no idea when we will ever be able to return. . .

  22. Love the bell flowers but I love the spoon even more! I'm such a practical gal. Great job on both, Far Guy!

  23. Far Guy can make wood look so delicate. Love the bell flowers.

  24. Wow, the detail in the flowers is beautiful. And I really like the spoon as well, black walnut is such a beautiful wood.

  25. What a beautiful carving of the flowers! Far Guy has so much talent. I'd love to be able to do that, but the few times I tried it didn't come out well. The spoon is nice as well.


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