Sunday, August 16, 2020


 Maybe we will have Yellow Pear Tomatoes someday before it freezes.

Maybe Fall is on the way...

On my walk about I noticed this sure sign of Fall. Some kind of Aster.

Say it isn't so.  The signs are there...soon the acorns will be bouncing off the roof of the wood shed.

Some leaves are falling out of the trees...mostly the ones that were disturbed in the heavy rains ...but still...we should have at least 15 days of summer if not another month...maybe.

Maybe someday the days will seem different and not all the same...maybe. ( I had two Saturdays this week)

Far Side


  1. Our yellow grape tomatoes are ripening, we've eaten a few. Have hope! Our birch trees are losing their leaves, no rain for most of the month has contributed to their stress I think. At least here.

  2. Our fall asters bloomed in June. I have never seen that before.

  3. Crazy to think that fall is arriving already. We still won't see cooler temps for probably months here in Florida. I hope you get those tomatoes before any freezes. Happy Sunday to you and Far Guy :)

  4. I love asters! Thanks for bringing my wandering mind to them. That means a trip to the west neighbor's pasture...after I ask if the bull is still in there!
    I'm picking wild apples now too so...fall is coming. Our tomatoes are mostly still green and creeping into the kitchen so don't get too worried.

  5. There is something about staying home that confuses your days. I know I was thinking it was a Tuesday when emailing a friend. She thought it was Wednesday. We both then realized it was Friday. Meanwhile, I am looking forward to fall, but i think it is because in my mind, the current situation will change. I am afraid it won't. Enjoy your Sunday.

  6. It's feeling like fall here also. The Rabbit Brush is blooming three weeks early, leaves are turning and changing colors and the fall asters are blooming. Although, the days are HOT (100*) and we are not experiencing rain (huge wild fires in the area) the nights are cool 51*

  7. All that seems to be happening here as well. Esp. the two Saturday thing.

  8. I am feeling the same here that Fall is closer. For us it is the cooler nights and the smells. Sherry in MT

  9. I am definitely NOT looking forward to fall. I'm concerned about winter in the trailer but hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it might. I want to have a postitive outlook about it because everything else around us seems so negative. ANd it's supposed to be 103F today. Definitely not fall here yet.

  10. Your post reads like a bittersweet poem. I sometimes think the days should be renamed. When we rarely leave our homes we just need one name for all days. Each day could be called Sameday.

  11. I noticed some yellowing leaves this week on some trees and shrubs. Can’t say I’m sad to see Fall creeping up.

  12. I have seen the first signs of fall around here, too. But today we have to endure a heat advisory until tomorrow morning. Very unusual around these parts to reach 90°F.

  13. I laughed at your last comment. My brother and I say, since I retired, everyday is Friday. I was talking to my neighbour the other night, after she returned from a short trip, and she asked what day it had rained. I had to really, really think about it because I wasn't certain what day it was then!

    I agree, fall is arriving much more quickly that I would like. We've got some heat this week but I suspect that will be the last of it.

    Take care and stay well!

  14. We usually have a spell in September we call Indian just like July but short-lived.

  15. You had 2 Saturdays this week and I "lost" a day. On Wednesday I went through the day believing it was Thursday. I was surprised when the following day wasn't Friday.

  16. We haven't had enough summer yet but it is August. I know Minnesota has all the seasons but some of them pass by to quickly for you.

  17. I love yellow tomatoes.

    The tomatoes that my husband planted this year arent yellow. Mushy red. They must have been mislabeled at the nursery. Probably ones for paste.

    Not many cukes either. I love cucumbers...and garden is being stingy

  18. I noticed some leaves down on the fairways at the golf course - also an early sign of fall approaching. Sigh!!! I love fall but for some reason I’ve not ready to give up summer yet this year.

  19. My sedum is starting to bloom. A sure sign fall is on its way.

  20. I'm greedy... I'm hoping for another month!

  21. I never knew asters were a sign of fall. I learn something new here all the time. We had alot of Sumac growing in our last yard and this time of the year it would start to turn all kinds of pretty fall colors.

  22. Cool is what it is here today not cold just cool

  23. I see signs of autumn too! My ferns are beginning to die back... a sure sign that summer is coming to a close. Love, Andrea xoxo

  24. Fall is on its way, for sure. I'm not getting any pumpkins this year, despite two plants! sigh.

  25. After years of trying, we now have tomato plants that produce. Being color blind I have to rely on my wife to tell me when they are ripe.

  26. I've noticed the changes in the air lately, and in the trees and garden plants. And it's only mid-August. *sigh* I noticed the local garden centers are getting their fall plants ready to sell. Hoping I can talk DIL into putting some asters in their front gardens! There are two in their backyard that have been blooming nearly all summer!

  27. Wow...hard to think you might only have two more weeks of summer, when what we have to "look forward to" here is two more weeks of 100+ temperatures. I hope you get to taste those yellow pear tomatoes before it is all said and done, though!


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