Friday, August 21, 2020

Grocery report

 Ack I hate the new normal which is not normal at all.  I drop Far Guy off at the Infusion Center and then I do the grocery pickup. 

This week there was no lemonade, jar of yeast, Outshine fruit bars or Tator Tots.  So I masked up and went rogue in another grocery store getting everything except the yeast and doubles of what I was shorted at the other grocery store...the store I went in had only a few people inside and everyone wore a mask.  There is also a sign at the entry that says... Please limit grocery shopping to one person per household. 

There are only a few canning supplies on the lids for canning. There are single packets of yeast but no jars of I assume that everyone is canning and planning to make bread.  

I noticed that the paper aisle is mostly bare.  The other aisles seemed to be well stocked but not that aisle. 

As long as I was in the store I picked out more fruit and got a bunch of water for Far Guys coffee maker.

I also picked out some leaf lettuce...our lettuce finally quite I ripped it out and replanted a few weeks we will have our own lettuce again.  Our last planting kept us in lettuce about ten weeks. 

I still disinfect all the groceries....

Coneflowers in the Wildgardens

Far Side


  1. It still amazes me at how much stuff is missing off your store shelves. So far we've been lucky. Except for the initial panic the grocery store shelves are mostly full. Occasionally yeast is sold out but only for a few days. Some hardware stores and lumber yards are getting hit bad because a lot of the stuff is brought in from China. The lumber is because of other reasons not associated with Covid. But groceries so far are pretty good. I thank God everyday I live in rural Nova Scotia.

  2. I had to order my lids on line or purchase more jars. I ordered 4 boxes of lids. I started canning tomatoes yesterday, looks like we will have a good crop. After that when the weather cools off I'll start making jelly since I froze the berries and canned apple juice from the wild apples last year.
    I planted lettuce in waves this year and still have some coming in! I'm letting the oldest go go seed and will have early lettuce in that area in the spring. on the farm.
    Glad you went rogue!

  3. Glad you managed to get almost everything. Hope you and Far Guy stay safe and well, and continue to manage to get most of what you order (even if you have to go somewhere else to fetch some of it).

  4. The new normal is not normal at all. I'm glad you are still disinfecting, I do too even though more people think I'm being overly paranoid. Better safe than sorry!

  5. It's interesting - and frustrating - to see what different stores have shortages of. There were no large bottles of Listerine last month at our closest grocery store. So I bought a smaller size. This week I ordered the smaller size, and when I picked up my order there was the large size substituted. I am back to pick up, although last week I did go into Walmart because I needed some specific office supplies to mail out some contracts.

  6. In store shopping feels safe to us. When we go, now about 9:30-10:00 in the morning, the store is fairly empty of shoppers, masks are required, and most things are well stocked. We no longer wipe down our groceries, but we do sanitize our cart before we shop, and then spray our hands again as we leave the store. At home we thoroughly wash hands again.

  7. Sorry you keep running into those shortages. We are the same but I have found that different stores will often have different items. Paper products are hit and miss everywhere. I buy groceries on Thursdays too and the past couple of months it seems we have several medical appointment each week. I know you understand that. It sure gets old doesn't it. You two have a good weekend!

  8. I used to enjoy grocery shopping, but not any more.
    I do like the "one person per household" rule though. They did that here at the start, but now it seems to have gone right out the window.
    I usually get up early and hit the grocery store by 8 am, when it's not busy. Today I slept in and didnt get there until 10 - big mistake!

  9. I ventured into a grocery store last week: hand soap shelves were practically bare, lots of paper products, and frozen food selection was slim.

  10. What a beautiful photo of the coneflower!

    I've been lucky, the shelves are pretty well stocked here. It seems most people have either stocked up or realized that toilet paper isn't a precious product. As a result pricing is almost back to normal.

    Take care and stay well!

  11. I haven't been inside a grocery store for months except the tiny store by the lake to pick up milk. There was never anyone inside there. I had to go to Walmart yesterday to order new lenses for my glasses. I haven't been there since March except my grocery pick-up...but not inside. It felt really strange being there. Since I was already there, I picked up a few groceries but not enough to need a cart. I don't want to touch a cart even with the Chlorox wipes I carry everywhere. I still need a few things but they'll wait until next week.

  12. I don't understand the paper towels being scarce again. I do the shopping solely and it works well as I have learned how to do it in the very large store. I always pick up cheese cake or some other sweet things.

  13. Cone flowers are my fav. I grocery shopped today. Kroger does a great job. They say if you can’t wear a mast, do pickup. Kids going to school next week. I’m fretting.

  14. I don't think they go all out to find some of these products.

  15. good for you getting the groceries you wanted even if you had to go to a different store. With all the talk of a second wave of Covid I bought an extra box of TP today ( the brand I prefer was on sale).
    I sowed more lettuce and it's coming up nicely. Now it needs thinning a bit. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not.

  16. Just had this weeks groceries and no banana bread, batteries, no banana and no coffee for my daughter. It is annoying not being able to get all I want/need.

  17. I love that picture of Chance at the top with the pretty flowers! I don't think we've had any problem getting the things on our shopping list lately. I'm sorry that you have.

  18. Our paper shelves are still empty. I ordered a case of paper towels, tissues and Cottonelle (which is all my husband wants to use) from Amazon. It was in stock and I am hoping it lasts until the stores have some. We do curbside for 90% of our groceries. I keep a running list of what I can't find for when my husband braves the store. It is hit or miss with masks and distancing. A lot of stores don't want to confront the rule breakers. We usually sit in the parking lot to get the lay of the land.

  19. Connie, I have an unopened pound of yeast I would **LOVE** to send you, free of charge. I bought too much at the start of this virus business and now I'm afraid some of it will go to waste. So I wish you would accept it. Leave a note on my blog. Love, Andrea xoxo

  20. I have continued to shop in our local co-op during the pandemic. Everything is well sanitized and most everything is available here. We are on our third planting of lettuce. :-)

  21. We went grocery shopping on the same day! I have not been inside any where since this whole thing started. But it's still a tiring day with all the unloading and de-bagging and disinfecting! I bet you slept good!
    I didn't read that last part about the tattoo! Now that is a sweet tattoo!


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