Thursday, August 13, 2020

August List

 One of the things high on my list of things to do in August was to get my military id updated as it expires at the end of the month.  Things have changed on base since the last time we were there, you have to make an appointment.  The Security Guard asks where you are going...takes your id and calls to the appropriate office to okay your admittance onto the base. 

Anyways we got it done.  As usual they were tearing down buildings to make way for new ones...nothing stays the same for long. 

It was a day. 


With a little luck I will go back in four years to get another updated id. 

The little four leaf clover was found in a book that was a wedding gift to Far Guys Paternal Grandparents in 1914.  The book now belongs to our youngest daughter.  Who knows how long the little treasure has been there.

August List:

1. Get  updated id.

2. Visit Andy and Jen's new home....we were very impressed!! 

3. Vehicle oil change and tire rotation...appointment has been made. 

 4. Far Guys appointment with his Pulmonary Doctor.

Far Side


  1. Congrats on getting your military ID updated. Sounded much easier than renewing a drivers license.

  2. The little four leafed clover just above the recipe for broiled squab (I first thought it was squash). Sounds like everything is going well for you guys right now. :-)

  3. Somehow I missed that you have been in the military. Which branch?

    1. Far Guy was in the Air Force/Air National Guard. I need an ID as his wife.

  4. I found a four leaf clover in my grandmothers bible that had to have been in there since around that same time or somewhere close. I hope you and Far Guy have a great day :)

  5. Good job on your August list. Half done and appointments made for the other half. I bet Andy and Jen's new house was great! We seem to be having far too many medical appointments these days.

  6. A book recommendation for you - The Salt Path by Raynor Winn - keep kleenex handy!

  7. What a sweet surprise to find that little clover pressed into that book.

  8. Gosh, you are doing great on your list. I am just making a list to get through today. One item is to continue to check on our car registration. We registered our vehicles through the mail this year instead of making an appointment. Checks and paperwork were mailed in late May. The registrations expired in late July. You can't call. You can sit on the computer for at least 2 hours, between 8 and 5, waiting in an online que. My patience does not go past 2 hours. I sent an email, which you can also only send between 8 - 5 and am waiting in a que for the response. . . .

  9. I see that my question about military service has been answered. Sweet little treasure in that old book.
    I'm trying to think if we have an August list. I think we just make it up as we go along. Tom did get the car serviced this week, so "check" on that one.

  10. That's a cute clover. Wonder how long it's been there.

  11. What a interesting little surprise to find the four leaf clover in the book.

    Take care and stay well!

  12. I'm glad you're making progress on your list. I have three medical appointments during the last week and a half of August. Plus Dennis's trip. Plus the move to the RV park. We also have an oil change scheduled for next week for the truck so it's ready for the trip. A busy last couple of weeks of August!

  13. One or two of my books have pressed leaves/flowers in them - preserved memories of days or events.

  14. Every time I go to our local army base, I get lost. All of my old landmarks are gone and roads are rerouted! Some were historical buildings. I wonder whose idea that was? As a former military spouse, I lived there for about 15 years.

  15. You are slowly getting through your list everything takes time

  16. Good job on the list! Air Force was one of the 3 things I considered doing after completing High School! I ended up going into a different line of work. Was Far Guy a pilot? Love that clover....we need all the help we can get these days! Blessings to you both.

  17. The month is half done and you've accomplished 2 of the 4 items on your list. I say that's not bad. Take care, GM

  18. The VA keeps putting off any Dr visits. But that is because they are serving so many Covid patients. Staff keeps being sent to hot spots for a few weeks.
    Nice to be able to get through your list one at a time. I make a list almost each day and sometimes I even complete it!

  19. Just checking off those To Do lists!

  20. Hmmm...wonder whether it was broiled squab or scalloped oysters the newlyweds had for dinner that night??? I think that is the oldest four leafed clover I've ever seen!

  21. We somehow had a category 1 hurricane blow through our week starting Monday. Resting is now on my list and trying not to look back. I hope your list is getting done as it is a happy place to be when the items can be crossed out.

  22. Glad you're already so far through your August list. Also glad things went smoothly with updating the ID.


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