Friday, November 15, 2019


The sun was out for 15 minutes and nearly blinded me.  After that we didn't see it the rest of the day.

Brown and white our winter colors.
Good thing I kept some of the glass plate decorations out...hope they make the entire winter!   They are a bright spot in our dreary yard.
Far Side


  1. My yard looks so dreary - only white and brown. I need to get myself some of those glass colored things to brighten it up. Have a great weekend.

  2. It is 'brown' season,...this I saw on our drive yesterday. Brown, brown, white patches ... brown. I think this is why people in the north decide to decorate with color inside their houses this time of the year!

  3. We got our first snow and it was so beautiful. Until it got plowed and traffic added to it. Now all the drifts are black and gray splotches. We still have a lot of leaves in the trees for some reason. Yards are going to be a mess this year.

  4. I have always enjoyed your glass flowers and look forward to the crop you "grow" this coming spring. :-)

  5. This brings back memories of Western Pennsylvania. DOOM and GLOOM.I start my 'SAD' light on the time change for 45 minutes a day until the Spring time change. It makes a BIG difference in my attitude.

  6. Oh, wow...that is a winter landscape. It's still fall here even though it's cold. The leaves are just starting to be pretty but it won't last long in these temps.

  7. Winter needs bright spots...Sigh! I so understand!

  8. I always say, "If we are going to have snow, I want a lot of snow" and that's because I hate the dreariness of patches of grass and dirt, but I love the look of beautiful, sparkling whiteness.

  9. Our grass is still a little bit green, but it's foggy and dreary out today. I love the glass plates. A pop of color.

  10. I love your glass flowers. Winter does get so drab with the absence of color. I hope all your beautiful yarns brighten your day!

  11. I'm with you, brown and grey and white where the snow isn't dirty. I so miss the colors of summer!

  12. November must surely be the drabbest month. Maybe hang some outdoor lights on that leaning birdhouse to add a bit of colour.

  13. We had sun and it warmed up nicely high 40's or low 50's? Not sure but that's what it felt like. My fleece jacket was sufficient. We still have some color here but once the leaves are off the trees....we have to make it ourselves! I put orange lights out for Halloween and now Thanksgiving and then there will be Christmas. I like lights. Your glass feeder looks pretty!

  14. Brown and ...are colors but oh the shadows you get in the winter.

  15. Brown is not an exciting color. You'll just have to brighten up your indoors. Put your Shiny Brite tree up early.


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