Wednesday, November 13, 2019


It is a tad went below zero...about -6 F  I think maybe lower.  That is -21 C  eh!

Icy roots on Fish Hook River.

There will be ice on the lakes soon but the ice is too new to be safe.

Fish Hook Lake.

I have a pair of socks on my knitting needles and plan to cast on another pair soon.  I should work on cards...maybe I should clean some kitchen cupboards...the list goes on and on...I flit from one shiny thing to another.
 Far Side


  1. It's cold here too but only in the 20's at the moment. My son has been in Paris and came home to a foot of snow in Detroit. This is one crazy autumn.

  2. It is bitter cold here also. Also with all the snow it is hard for the City to pick up the Fall leaves as the leaves are buried under the snow. What crazy weather we are having. Keep safe and warm.

  3. I adore those ice formations! I think I love hunting for them in our creek! The bone chilling cold created some beautiful ice around here.

  4. I thought at first that ice were birds. It sure sounds cold there, but you are keeping plenty busy anyway. :-)

  5. Ice on the birdbath this morning — in mid November on the South Carolina coast. That’s just crazy. The ice on the tree trunk is a nice sculpture by Mother Nature.

  6. Oh that is cold!!! I don't blame you for finding lots of bright shiny things indoors to keep you busy. Stay Warm!

  7. Don't forget the all important nap, as well.

  8. it was 13 degrees (F) here this morning with snow on the ground. Very unusual for this part of Ohio at this time of year.

  9. Flitting between shiny things is good...flitting into work..not fun.

  10. Brrrr! Now that's downright cold for November. I have several things that need done too, but I keep putting them off. Just little things but there's such a sense of accomplishment when they're done.

  11. Any thing below zero is too cold. We were in the minuses this morning too. I did get out to feed the birds. That should be the most I will do outside.

  12. Flitting between list items is a sure way to keep from being bored.
    Very nippy out there, for sure. Stay warm! :)

  13. Yuk to the cold weather, we are back to mild and damp. You are a busy woman! I need to make a list, I can accomplish more in a day if I do that.

  14. I like your flitting between shiny things. I do that too but I don't always finish things when I flit. It does help fight boredom though!

  15. Everything here is frozen over except for large lakes and rivers.

  16. It's starting to warm up here, it's only -7C (20F) which isn't bad at all with a forecast of 6C (43F) by Sunday. Hopefully that weather makes it way to you soon.

    It's always nice to have things to do indoors when the weather outside is frightful.

  17. I have a chilly morning here but I am still in shorts and a sleeveless top

  18. Brrr. That's cold. I like the picture of the icy tree roots.

  19. That's cold. I say socks, or anything but kitchen cupboards!

  20. Brr… cold for so early in the season. But I guess the Farmer's Almanac warned us about this winter. Knit more socks....yours turn out so beautifully! Wow...all that ice on the river. Yikes! We head back to the doctor this Friday...guess I'd better take my winter coat along! All the best to you two!

  21. It's even cold in GA! I like the socks you are creating.

  22. I have never seen ice roots before.... very cool!

  23. Whoa Nellie! That is cold for this early anywhere! I need to get my socks out again. Yes, what's up with all those shiny objects? LOL!


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