Monday, November 25, 2019


Got a speeding ticket in the middle of the boonies Saturday on our way home.  No other cars in sight for miles...he must have been on a mission between Reservations ( Tribal Officer) would think he would have better things to do than give old women speeding tickets.

   Far Guy was I cannot even blame him...he was snoring and when I said BAD WORD VERY BAD WORD quite loudly he woke up.

MY FIRST TICKET.  Not that I haven't deserved a ticket before. I have been known to speed occasionally.

Oh well that's swell what a end to a perfect run.

Far Side


  1. I feel for you. I got a ticket once just so an officer could fill his quota. And you know hat's the case when no one else gets one for doing the same thing. I also said a very bad word.

  2. I had to smile because my MIL used to get them a lot and her reasoning as that officers just watched out for her and her old buick. Well that must have stunk!

  3. That's really too bad, but I don't think it will happen to you again. Bad luck if you ask me. You are a good and conscientious driver, if you drive like you do everything else in your life.

  4. My son is a police officer. He often talks about officers who stop a mini van with a mom and back seat of kids and, instead of a warning, they issue a ticket. Why? Especially in non residential areas with no sidewalks. A friendly reminder is all that is needed.

    He has taken classes in identifying criminal behavior. Actions of driver sinking into seat, looking opposite of the officer while passing him, etc. He leads the department in traffic stops of impaired drivers, drivers in possession of drugs, drivers with felony warrants. Two nights ago in our small town - he stopped someone with 100's of dollars of counterfeit bills. Which in our state is not a crime. You have to spend them. But the gentleman also had a lot of drugs and a few other things that turned it into an interesting story.

    There was NO reason for you to be issued a ticket.

  5. Bummer! Hope it wasn't a hugely expensive ticket.

  6. Were you on tribal land, Connie? I thought tribal police could only govern their tribal land. I've never got a speeding ticket either & I too have deserved a few. I'm sure my time is coming one of these ole days. Love, Andrea xoxo

  7. That's too bad but it happens to us all my friend. I very rarely speed and got my speeding ticket in an area where I actually thought I was doing almost 10 mph UNDER the limit. There were no posted signs. I was told I should have just "known" what the speed limit was. When I curiously asked the officer, very nicely mind you, why I was ticketed when the 7-8 cars in front of me who were obviouslygoing much faster than I was weren't, he said I was the easiest to stop because I was in the back going the slowest!!!! Seriously!

  8. I didn't know a tribal officer had any jurisdiction off tribal lands. I hope it wasn't too expensive. Bummer!

  9. Darn it, that's a shame. A warning probably would have sufficed.

  10. Oh my, I know the feeling. Somehow when I was in my 50s I went through a spell of lead foot driving and received several tickets. One situation was like yours - I was driving and my husband was sleeping in the front seat. That is what you call a rude awakening!

  11. Shoot! I would think a warning would have been enough.

  12. You are very fortunate to drive that long without a ticket. I got my first ticket when I was about 75. I wasn't happy either. Mine was from photo radar so it's really sneaky.

  13. Oh, no! I hope it wasn’t too expensive.

  14. We all have moments when we find ourseleves speeding, getting caught sucks though

  15. Sorry about the ticket. It really seems unnecessary if no one else was even on the road, but what can you do?

  16. Oh man! Only got two in my life ( So far.) I don't speed. I try not to anyway... Cheryl says I drive like an "old man" I guess that means I'm slow? I guess I should worry if she ever says I drive like an "Old Woman?" ( My mom was CRAZY speeder behind the wheel!)

  17. Awww shucks! They do come at the most unexpected time. I got one from a speed camera a few years ago and I said some pretty bad words myself.

  18. Well that sucks. I've deserved a few tickets myself, but only been stopped twice in my life, one for speeding up a hill, and once for a rolling stop. I swear I stopped! The speeding up a hill, well, yea, I was speeding. Warnings both times. Lucky me.

  19. Oh dear, sorry to hear about your ticket. I came close to getting one once, but talked my way out of it! Of course I was a lot younger and cuter back then! Better days will be coming for you I'm sure. Hope you have a great turkey day this week! Blessings to you two. Happy Thanksgiving to your entire family.

  20. I have only been issued one ticket, but it was expensive enough to make me very cautious. Well, at least for a while. I'm probably due.

  21. If that's the only ticket you have ever received.... you are doing great!

  22. So sorry you got nabbed! I've gotten warnings but never a ticket except once when I was hit from behind and they found out my license was expired....I didn't know it either!

  23. Sorry about the ticket. Mine was for a rolling non-stop. First one for me two years ago.

  24. I was going to say a four letter word for your, "Damn" but I don't talk like that.


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