Monday, November 18, 2019


This is Far Guys latest woodcarving.  It has been quite a project and is keeping him busy.  He is working on the Black Walnut base now and then the leaves are next. 

Each petal is carved individually out of Basswood and then they are fit a big old puzzle,   I have absolutely no interest in carving flowers...but Far Guy loves to design them...and carve them...must be the challenge!

The join on these three huge flowers was very interesting.

We have MANY Doctors appointments this week...not much will be accomplished on the craft projects this week other than those I can take along in a bag.

Far Side


  1. Ufff. I dislike appointments all week! Especially during this time of the year. I'd like to avoid that weather at all costs. Watch out for those sick people hanging out in the waiting rooms!

  2. Oh, wow....isn't that just gorgeous!!!!

  3. They are simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing Far Guy's creative genius with me. :-)

  4. Prayers for good results from any tests. The flowers are beautiful.

  5. It's beautiful!! Hoping all your appointments go well. God's blessings

  6. Those flowers are beautiful. He's very talented. Hope all of your appointments go well this week.

  7. Those flowers are absolutely stunning. The patience it must take to carve and fit them together is beyond me. WIshing you good news at all of your appointments this week.

  8. That is simply amazing how he does the carving of those delicate petals. I wouldn't know where to start. He is very talented and obviously very patient! I hope your appointments go well and the weather cooperates.

  9. Wow, those flowers are amazing. Far Guy is very talented! Good luck with all of the appointments this week.

  10. That is truly beautiful! He certainly is skilled to carve such delicate petals. Good luck with all those appointments. May you have clear roads and good knitting in the waiting rooms.

  11. He has a great skill and lots of patience to stick with it.

  12. The flowers are wonderful.... will he paint them, stain them or just finish/seal them???

  13. Definitely looks like a real challenge...and he is so good at it, too! Wow!
    Good luck with all the appointments. :)

  14. It doesn't look possible to take wood and turn it into such a fluid shape. Great job Far Guy.

  15. It's going to be Beautiful, I can tell that already! Can hardly wait to see it finished. Sharon

  16. Far Guy's flowers are truly amazing!! He must have a lot of patience ( as well as talent).

  17. Best wishes to you during your appointments this week. Hope you don't run into bad weather for driving. We have an appointment in Milwaukee this week and snowy roads expected at the same time.....I hate winter appointments. Praying that all will be well with you two this week!

  18. He must have a lot of patience. Good luck with the appts.

  19. FG is a very talented carver and his creations are beautiful. I look forward to seeing this one completed.

  20. You may not be interested in carving flowers, but those giants are gorgeous!!! Must be a lot of work!


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