Thursday, November 21, 2019

Catching Up

After several days away, I needed to catch up on laundry and sleep.

It is icy and snowy out now.  Sure hope this batch melts.

We are thankful that we got home when we did, we missed this bad weather.  November is always our icy month...with temperatures that are near the freezing mark and then it warms up...makes for treacherous sidewalks and roads.

Today I run errands in town while Far Guy has his weekly infusion at the Infusion Center at the clinic and afterward he goes to Pulmonary Therapy. Just another exciting busy morning at a healthcare facility.  It is getting a tad chilly to crochet in the vehicle while I I may visit the thrift shop and the yarn store and wait for Far Guy to summon me by phone!
Far Side


  1. Glad you didn't have to deal with too much bad weather on your way home. Hope today's appointment and errands go smoothly.

  2. We've had a warm spell this week and it's been nice. Having said that even our warm spell has been below our usual temperatures. November has been what October used to be and now October is too darn hot. The weather around here has been just plain crazy for the last few years. You never know what to wear.

  3. So glad you missed the ice. We are having a lot of rain today and of course I have errands to run. Go figure. Keeping you in my prayers that Far Guy can get his lung transplant soon.

  4. It's turned cold here, but the sun is shining. I think I'll carry some hot tea in a thermos on our hike. I'll be scraping the windshield, too. I like your pretty new header. :-)

  5. Safe traveling. I don't know which is worse, ice on the roads or the way other drivers treat driving in those conditions.

  6. Have a good finish to this busy week. Hope you get caught up on everything, including sleep. :-)

  7. I'm glad that the long trip was completed before it got icy. That is SO scary to drive in, much worse than snow in my opinion.
    I hope all of the appointments go well. I'm tring to summon up a bit of energy to do something, anything today. This cold has wiped me out.

  8. It is time to rest up but traveling all over does draw away energy. I am glad the set up an area for his infusion treatments. I don't like the dull gray days and ice can form whenever.

  9. Perfect timing on the trip to The Cities.
    Isn't there a waiting room at the healthcare facility where you could knit? Although, thrift and craft shopping sounds like more fun--LOL! ;)

  10. The Thrift Shop and Yarn Store sounds perfect

  11. Dangerously icy here too. Our sidewalks are treacherous.

  12. We've had some lovely weather and pretty much all the streets are clear, thankfully! Hope it shows up there too.

    I like your idea of waiting to be summoned.

  13. Glad you got home safe and sound. I wish I had a yarn store here...just Walmart but I guess it's better than nothing when you have to have some yarn. It's still warm here but raining. Glad I got my shopping done yesterday. I hope you don't live too far from town.

  14. You are managing, but my heart goes out to the two of you as you deal with these health issues as the darkness of winter descends.

  15. That sure is a pretty rose. I hate to complain but winter is not my favorite time of the year. I'm sorry you and Far Guy have to be out in the cold and driving on icy roads. Visiting a thrift store is a fun way to kill time.

  16. Much nicer to wait in the thrift store or better yet, for you, the yarn shop. Who knows what will tempt you!!
    I'm glad you didn't get caught in bad weather.

  17. It's funny, I find that when I have a specific amount of time to kill in the thrift store, that seems to be the day that I can't find much to my liking, and probably am done before the time is up. Although that is better than just having 20 minutes to spend in there. Then I'm in a bit of a panic, don't know what to look at first, lol! Do you ever find any decent yarn in the thrift store? It is so expensive to buy new, well the good stuff is at least.

    1. Yes I check there for yarn I can use making wildlife nests! I scored 4 skeins of a very nice acrylic yarn that may become a throw and a few weeks ago 1 skein of sock yarn...enough for a pair for a little person and two skeins of a wool blend that may be a scarf or a hat and a pair of mittens!


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