Sunday, November 17, 2019

Just another day

Saturday was a day of projects.   Far Guy worked on his latest carving.  I went out to the old greenhouse/woodshop and gathered together some of the Cottonwood Bark and cut it to size.  I managed to use the chop saw without chopping off any fingers...only one piece of wood went one will ever notice that dent in the garage door.   So I am all set to carve little bark houses/buildings/churches if I am so inclined.   Last winter I needed bark and I had to shovel a path...not this year!  My bark pieces are safely in the house!

It was about 40 F or 4 C  eh practically summer like.  Most of the snow melted!

I got a whole bunch of cards done in the afternoon.  Mostly Sympathy I seem to go through them very fast....people are dying to get them.

I did some laundry, vacuumed in a few spots where the robot vacuum cleaner is challenged. Far Guy cooked supper while I supervised from the table whilst knitting.  Far Guy had a nap...I did not.

Far Side


  1. It warmed up here too yesterday and I was able to get some outside chores done. In the 50's here. What's a chop saw? Very funny about "people are dying to get them"...they look very pretty. I love the Church window. I got your card yesterday...thank you so much. I can't tell you how knowing someone is thinking of you helps to lift you up.
    I love your little houses. You could make your own Christmas village!

    1. A chop saw is electric with a spinning blade that you move down on whatever wood you are trying to cut.

  2. Beautiful header and it got to 40 here with a vicious wind so it felt like 20! However you now have me thinking about cards.
    Mud city and ice here.
    The snow stick looks lonely!

  3. We have sunshine but still lots of snow left on the ground from Monday's storm. I am hoping for a warm up soon. I am already over winter. We've needed more sympathy cards lately too...wonder if that's a trend going forward. :(

  4. Glad to hear your snow disappeared. We're sitting around the freezing mark, so yesterday we had a bit of sleet and snow, today it just looks foggy out there. Hopefully we get a little warmer or get colder. I'm not a fan of the ice.

    Good on you, not to cut off any fingers. :)

  5. You remind me of my Dad. We'd drove by a cemetery and he said:
    "know how many people are dead in that cememtery".
    "all of them"

  6. It will be good to have all the supplies in the house. We are having warmer weather too and I think our snow is all gone. It will come back I know. A hazy cold day is ok. Your cards look great. I have one to send out but don't have an appropriate stamp to put on it. The stamps we have say fantastic on them.

  7. Our warm day is set for today. I am hoping to retrieve the fairy garden stuff that I forgot to grab before the early snow :) Now it is a muddy mess.

  8. Snow, rain, fog last night - winter is trying its hardest to settle in for a few months.

  9. You always seem to get so much done and those cards are beautiful. You and Dennis would get along great. He says very similar things.
    Your new header is beautiful. I never change mine because I probably would mess it up. I'm technologically challenged.

  10. You are quite the funny girl in this post. Glad you are feeling your oats.

  11. Smart to get the bark in now. Love all the cards. You are making headway of so many projects. :)

  12. This Nov weather is crazy. We have above 0 highs until Nov. 24 and who knows what's coming after that.

  13. It sounds like a good day. I am fascinated by your bark carvings. I don't think I've seen bark carvings anywhere else. You are certainly a multi-talented woman. I just wish I knew your secret for getting so much done!

  14. I love cards now but 20yrs ago I thought they were a waste of money.

  15. All jokes aside, those chop saws can be dangerous. Both my DH and our oldest son have shortened fingers due to mishaps with that particular tool.

  16. Love your blog! Always so interesting to see all the things you are involved with. I'm not sleeping well at night...a lot of adrenaline pulsing thru the old body...I'll start having a small snack before bed and see if that helps at all. I'm sure I'm just worried about my new situation. Hope things are going well for you two. We haven't had 40 degrees yet...maybe it'll come our way! Blessings to you both.

  17. We seem to be losing neighbours like crazy from cancer lately. I should start making cards too.

  18. Your cards are so lovely. Wish you were sending more greeting than sympathy :-/.


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