Tuesday, November 5, 2019

sNOw again

It snowed again.  Roads were slippery again.  November is notorious for bad roads...as in ice.  When it finally gets really cold...  away from the 30 degree mark our roads will be better.   I "think" this is our second snow...who really knows for sure when snow has been in the air for days but it melts as it hits the ground?

We had sunshine in the morning but in the afternoon it got gloomy and cloudy and snowed some more.

We accomplished some errands and went to woodcarving...we have missed a few weeks...it was good to see everyone again.

I got out a bunch of my stamps... and stamped and stamped...my stamping box for cards is now full.

It will keep me busy a long time!
Far Side


  1. I woke up and when I flipped over the smartphone to see the time I had a weather advisory for tonight show up. Snow two to four inches. Well, the snow is coming and this changes my daily activities!
    I should put out a snow stick like you!

  2. When we have even a little bit of snow here everything shuts down making us the laughingstock of the country but it rarely gets below 30 here. I had a parent in my class who was from Sweden say that she had never experienced such awful driving conditions as she did here in the DC area. It slip and slide all the way. Stay safe!

  3. Glad you were able to go to wood carving and catch up with everyone there.

  4. Glad you were able to get out and about. Your snow is expected here sometime tonight. And yes, this snow makes the roads very slippery.

  5. I don't drive when the roads are bad, but we are far from any snow around these parts. It mostly stays in the mountains where it belongs. :-)

  6. We could see rain again today, but snow is likely north and east of us. We'll be headed to Brookings for an evening SDSU basketball game today, and they may have some snow. But we're all used to it aren't we?

  7. Your box of stamped cards will be fun to paint/color when the weather is nasty.

  8. It seems you get what we've gotten. I woke up to more snow yesterday morning, but by afternoon it had cleared up - still too cold to melt though. This morning was clear but we're expecting more snow this afternoon.

    Hope you don't have too many appointments when the roads are bad.

  9. And the winter begins.... We don't have any snow on the ground right now, it's all melted and have had gorgeous bllue skies. The white stuff is predicted again by the weekend and I'm determined to not let it get me down this year.
    Your pile of cards is wonderful. A great evening project to do while watching Christmas movies! :-)

  10. We had the snow melting as it hit the ground. Nothing to show for it. Yours looks so pretty.

    You have coloring and sparkling to keep you busy for some time. Nice! :)

  11. Be careful on those roads but you don't have a lot of traffic either do you? Less chance of banging into someone should you lose control...I pray! Glad you got out to carving. Where do you get your stamps? Enjoy!

  12. We also have to get used to the snowy icy roads.

  13. That 30 degree snow is what we have here when it does snow. Cars in the ditch all over the place.

  14. It's always nice to take advantage of days when one can get out of the house. Getting errands done and in your case, woodcarving to go to. Stay safe and warm!

  15. We have snow in the forecast for later this week. I'm not looking forward to it but the good thing is that when it comes this early here it usually doesn't stay long.

  16. Be careful on those roads. Our township is trying a liquid ice treatment this year. This should be interesting.

  17. Brrrr! But pretty with a little snow.

  18. I don't like it. It is a shock to have it around when it was actually warm not to long ago.


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