Saturday, November 2, 2019

November Begins

It spit snow and sleet all day.  I had a Dermatology appointment in the afternoon...all is well...she froze a wart on the back of my knee. 

In the morning I cleaned up our vehicle, I put up a No Hunting sign, put the patio table away along with the rakes and other misc stuff that was residing by the front door.  Far Guy cleaned up the lawn mower and put it and the three wheeler away for the winter.  I cleaned up the floor in Far Guys Garage and wandered around the yard putting the last of yard ornaments away...seems like such a sad time of year.  Far Guy took care of the water hoses and the wheelbarrow...  I drove the snow stick into frozen ground.

We have Bird Houses left to clean out...the summer birds are long gone.
Wild Rose Hips
It was very cold yesterday it barely reached 30F  or -1C eh!
Far Side


  1. Glad your appointment went well, and your preparations for Winter are coming along nicely. Keep warm!

  2. Brrr. I always hated putting the patio furniture away for the year. Hello winter!

  3. It's cold here today too. We had our first freeze warning last night. It was 80 on Halloween and now it's as cold as a witch's you know what.

  4. I'm glad you had a good appointment. We had to do fall preparations so early this year. I agree that it seems like a very sad time of year. But now is the warm snuggly weather with soups, breads, etc. :-)

  5. I agree with's a sad time of year. And winter is a long, dreary time.

  6. Glad all is fine with the dermatologist and you! I put my stuff away earlier this month. We got our first frost Halloween night. It warms up to the 50's by afternoon but it is much colder than usual for this time of year. It's a cozy time of year with comfort food and fires in the fireplace and crafting! I love it!

  7. It is a sad time when the garden gear is put away. We had above freezing temps here yesterday so some of the snow has melted. But I'm well aware it won't stay away. Have a good weekend!

  8. It sounds like you are all ready for winter. It is sad to put summer things away but at the same time it feels good to be ready for winter. These days time moves so fast it will be spring again before we know it.

  9. When I carried the trash out today I was looking at the taller grass and thinking "should I mow?" I don't know where that thought came from because it was in the 40s and definitely not mowing weather. I've been so happy for fall to get here, and I am thinking it really is going to skip us this year. Glad you had a good appointment.

  10. Winter is coming whether we like it or not. You sound ready ( if not thrilled). Minus 1C was our morning temperature a couple of days this week. Days remain cold and clear for now.

  11. There always seems to be a lot of last minute jobs. I keep thinking, "Did I leave something out that shouldn't freeze.

  12. Yes, it does sound like a melancholy time of year, putting all those reminders of warm weather away :(

    Perhaps that's why it seems so important to have so many winter holidays! Something to look forward to with cozy indoor activities.

  13. It is truly the sad part of the year. I call it brown season until Snow arrives. No more outside gardening for a long time. Dark early, dreary days...but I still like winter oddly enough.


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