Thursday, November 7, 2019


I am trying my best not to be cranky.  The time change really messes me up.  Who knew one hour could make such a difference in a persons attitude?

I saw something on Facebook it said "If it got dark any earlier we could just stay in bed!"   My sleep is all messed up and Far Guy well he is up before 5AM. 
Peony last summer when we were on different time and it was warmer outside

We have a Fire Stick now and Wifi TV... our cable was going to be discontinued...why in the world do they make such a small remote with no lights on the remote ( some 22 year old must have designed it along with the guide font that is so tiny you can hardly read it from across the room) and why does it keep cutting out after a few hours and asks me if I am still watching...if I wasn't watching/listening I would turn the TV off.  I have complained about the "Are you still watching"  they say an update may be available soon that you can use to opt out of that screen question...I sure hope so.

Far Side


  1. It is 6 am here and I am listening to cats yowling outside my bedroom door to be fed and it's barely light out. Sigh....I hate time changes too. I'm tired all day from being up so early and barely make it though dinner. Ugh.

  2. You aren't alone in that the "time change" messes you up. It takes me about 2 weeks to get used to it. Our TV remote does that if you stay on the same channel for a long time. It thinks you forgot to turn off the TV. So we just quickly change the channel every couple of hours

  3. I have just entered the age of getting up in the night to go to the bathroom. Then I have to read before I can get back to sleep. Depending on the time, sometime I just get up and have been know to start my day at 2:30 a.m....crazy...but it's really 3:30 am, in my defense. I've wondered about those Fire Stix....I'm still using my Roku so I'm good for now. Plus, I don't trust Amazon anymore. I got their Fire Tablet and it's advertising all the time! I hope your system both body and television straigten out for your sake!

  4. It's normal to be cranky when the time changes for no reason. It's like taking two inches off the top of a blanket and sewing it to the bottom and calling it longer. :-)

    1. That's a great way to describe it. I must remember it.

  5. I hate that "are you still watching" thing. Thankfully we were able to turn it off on the setup we have, so the TV stays on until we tell it not to. I get that it's meant to be an energy saving thing, which is nice. But it's annoying, and I'm glad most systems allow you to opt out of it.

  6. One of my daughters has HULU and the remote is tiny with no lights and only about 6 buttons. I got tired of guessing how to make it work.

    My attitude has been "cranky" as well, due to no sunshine. But this morning the sun is shining bright and I can feel my mood lifting.

  7. We are fortunate in my town that we don't do the time change nonsense, in fact I believe that starting next year the whole province of B.C. will drop it just like Saskatchewan. Hopefully Alberta will follow suit instead of being stuck between 2 provinces that don't change their clocks!
    We have fiber optic TV and internet here and I love it.

  8. I haven't had cable for over five years and don't miss it a bit. I can watch my favorite show by streaming.

  9. I didn't go to sleep until 2 am last night and was up at 6. I've done similar for the past two weeks for some strange reason and I'm exhausted. The time change didn't help at all.
    I hope you get your remote figured out. Netflix does the same question thing to us. If we weren't watching we would have shut the TV off!

  10. We've tried those remote thingys and found them NOT USER FRIENDLY for the over 60 crowd.

  11. I understand your feelings. I hate when the time changes and so do my cats. They want me to feed them earlier now. We cut cable when we retired as it had gotten way too expensive. We now have an antenna for local channels, Sling for other channels, Netflix, Amazon Prime TV and a Roku to sort it all out. We have it all for under $50 a month. We watch TV a lot so this was our cable trade off.

  12. That "Are you still watching" business is really annoying--Yes! My new smart TV has this tiny pause button way down at the bottom of the remote between two other tiny buttons--a fast forward and something else that is an arrow. What in the world were the designers thinking!

  13. I'm still hooked up through an old laptop, but it works for us pretty well. I get that 'you still listening' on Pandora and chuckle about it.
    I was super cranky all week before the time change.
    Not cranky today.

  14. You rant on one of my favorite topics! I can't read the fine print. Some of it I can't read with a magnifying glass. Everything is on black . Keep on being cranky about this one. We'll all complain with you.

  15. I had to make my guide font larger..and even still I have to get up and move closer to read. :( Don't get me started on that dumb "are you still watching" deal.

  16. We’re still messed up by the time change, too. This is the first year I’ve been affected like it like this — must be my age! Bob takes all her cues from us so it doesn’t phase her but Rosie the Cat does not like it. We figure we are at about a 1/2 hour inner time change now and by next week plan to be back with the rest of the U.S.

  17. I had to Google Fire Stick. I had no idea what it was. We are still on cable and even though it is expensive, it is very easy. I am resisting streaming. Also, the smart hub went out in our smart TV, so it doesn't get WiFi, it's too expensive to fix, and I'm not about to give up my big screen for watching streaming on a laptop.

  18. Good grief.....what a crazy sounding tv system. Hope you get some improvements in it soon. Years ago we also had a message asking if we were still watching....but we haven't had that for a long time. Hope you can get used to this time change soon. The hardest thing for me is it getting dark so early...and that will continue past mid December! I'll start praying for Spring!!! Peace to you both.

  19. We cut our cable about a year ago and cut our bill in half at the same time! We got a smart TV that had Roku. We subscribed to Hulu Live so that we could get local channels and got a Fire Stick for our bedroom TV. It's not as "easy" as cable but it sure is cheaper! I agree with the tiny remote issue and I hate that you can't scroll the guide quickly, but I console myself with the money we're saving. I hope that very soon we get rid of daylight savings, I see no purpose to it at all.

  20. Oh my gosh! I feel exactly the same about the time change. I hate it, and haven't felt right since the change. Why does it seem like everything is changing, for the worse. I love the deer pictures in your last post.

  21. I'm so glad I live in Saskatchewan as we don't change our clocks. We did until about the mid 1960's but one year we sprang forward and never went back.

    Hope you're able to adjust to the adjustments soon.

  22. Our one remote is narrow and you can't keep from changing the sound or muting it just with the movement of picking it up.


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