Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tree and Ornaments

The Christmas tree is up on Main Street.   It has a few decorations and lights.  The official tree lighting ceremony is supposed to be on Friday night...I happened by just after the Power Company finished the lights and they were probably testing them...who really knows for sure.

Yes it sits in the center of the street and takes up about four parking spots.  As you can tell it is gloomy here...it spit rain and then snow yesterday.

Tell me about a Christmas tree in your community...is there one?   All comments will be entered in this years Christmas Ornament Give Away...a fantastic one of a kind wood carved ornament worthy of collecting!

  I will take comments until Friday night at 9 PM ...then I will draw for winners and mail your prize on Monday December 2 in plenty of time for Christmas.  Those of you who like to email me...please do!

The wood carved ornament will be revealed soon.

Far Side


  1. Friday evening we have the Twinklefest Parade in town that ends as everyone gathers around the town Christmas tree for the official lighting...oh wait! ... the lighting comes first and then the street lights come on [decorated] and the parade begins! All stores on Main Street have matching white lights on their roof tops and in their windows.

    I love it how all the stores have always matched in lights! Okay, now you have made me want to take some shots of it when it happens!

  2. My town hasn't put up their tree yet. But they have started to decorate all the lamp posts. Tree goes up and lighted this weekend. It sits on a "five-points" in the middle of town. Parade is also this weekend.

  3. Our Christmas tree is not yet up, but it will be in the area outside of the Farmers' Market, which will go on until the Saturday before Christmas. The tree will stay up until after the first of the year. :-)

  4. There is a lovely tree in the library with names of kids who need gifts along with ornaments. Well, not their names but a number & a description of them (boy, girl, age, etc). As for a tree in the downtown, we don't have one but do have decorations along the street & inside the windows of businesses.

  5. Our town has a Christmas tree on the site of a former hotel, torn down in the 1980's and turned into a mini park. It is right on Main Street, between the phone company and a restaurant. We have a big event called "Light Up Norwalk" with a craft show in the old Armory, cookie decorating for kids at the Chamber of Commerce, storytimes at the library, and a little parade to welcome Santa. All the downtown businesses (there are a few left) have special sales during the light up hours from 2 - 7 and the tree lighting is the special event at the end. I think the tree has been in place for about a week now. We don't go- but our children and grandchildren do. I seem to remember there is something about hot chocolate,too - maybe a civic organization with a booth? I have gone to the shopping if the weather is not too bad.

  6. Yes, our town has a whole Christmas display down by the lakefront. Several trees & animated figures & all that jazz. People come from miles around to take the winding drive through it all. We try to make it once a year ourselves. Happy Thanksgiving Connie, to you & yours. Love, Andrea xoxo

  7. No big Christmas tree in our town. Our town boasts the largest town square (Two blocks square) and in one corner is a bandstand. A Christmas tree sets where the band usually does - it's "Love Lights a Tree" for the Cancer Society. The tops of the building on the opposite sides of the street are outlined with lights and there are lots of other decorations, all being lit this weekend.

  8. I live in Louisville Ky. There is a large tree in our downtown area and Santa shows up as well its a very family outing. The tree is donated by a family in town that was cut from their yard

  9. There is a big lit tree on Main Street near the famous Corn Palace. It will be lit at the Parade of Lights next Tuesday evening. In past years the tree was set up in the middle of a Main Street intersection, which was pretty but not very convenient.

  10. My town has a big decorated tree in a small park area between the two Main streets, which are divided by the railroad tracks. Light posts are also decorated and lighted. I love Christmas lights!

  11. The city will light up the trees at City Hall sometime in early December. They provide hot cocoa as well, and if memory serves, occasionally there are horse and carriage rides available at a price. I must admit that I've never attended.

  12. Laramie doesn't have a community tree (at least, I'm not aware of one). It was snowing yesterday, so I decorated my small tree. The bins and boxes are even tucked away. I've never had my decorations up this early.

  13. Thinking of you both and we continue to pray for you guys.
    Our first Christmas in this little town. The tiny city park has a tree and they will be serving hot dogs during the lighting ceremony - we will not be there! lol
    John will be having back surgery in the near future.

  14. Blue Springs, Missouri has a Christmas Tree outside of City Hall. The Mayor lights the tree ( flips a switch). Then we have fireworks , school choirs singing and a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus..... a nice way to start the holiday season!

  15. Our Christmas tree is put on a corner in our downtown. It was lit last Friday during our Christmas City of the North Parade. It is beautiful. We also are very lucky to experience a huge light display called Bentleyville in Duluth. In the smaller town we frequent they will light their park display after their Festival of Lights Parade. Have a healthy and happy Christmas season!

  16. We live in a small town that will have a tree lighting ceremony next week. The towns people gather around and drink hot chocolate and sing carols. Santa will be there for the children. I love your ornaments and can't wait to see this years design!

  17. Since I so rarely get out I had to google this. Fargo has a big tree at the Northern Pacific Railway Depot and another one at Santa Village every year. I never knew that and I've been here 20 years--LOL! Says they are doing the tree lighting at The Depot tonight. Thanks, Connie. I learned something today. :)

  18. We have a water fountain in town . It is empty in the winter and they put several trees in it with lights on them. There is a Christmas parade folks gather for hot chocolate and Santa.
    Happy Thanksgiving !

  19. For a community this size celebrations here are pretty lame. I came from a much smaller town up North with colder temps and they had a tree and decorations all around town and a parade. It was very festive and lots of food at the legion and the fire dept. They have a bunch of trees inside one of the resorts here that different organizations decorate but not one outside in town. They do put up some decorations on the street lights but I never go out after dark so I never see them! LOL!

  20. The town we live in according to our address has a large tree in the old downtown, and a tree lighting ceremony. The closest little town to us has a parade, the first Saturday evening in December, rain or snow or whatever.

  21. We do not have a public Christmas tree. We do have a festival of lights which is spectacular.

  22. No tree in town here but a big one in the capitol and downtown instead of tree they light up our Fire Tower on the Gulch. Gray here and I think continued gray headed your way from what I'm seeing.

  23. We've got a big fake one on the pier. It's been sitting there for a while. They will light it up sometime this weekend. We also have one at town hall made of crap traps. I'm going to have to go get a picture of that one.

  24. There's a very tall Christmas tree in the old area of town. ( see Karen's comment). I must confess we've never attended the tree lighting ceremony.

  25. No Christmas trees like this around here, I wish there was though as I like Christmas trees

  26. There is a BIG tree in Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane. It is gorgeous when it is all lit up. They put lights all over the park.
    Yesterday when I picked Alex up at the airport at noon there were no Christmas lights anywhere. When we went back to get Mandy at 10 everything was decorated outside the airport. That was fast! Lots of elves I guess. :-)

  27. Sounds like a fun contest with a wonderful prize. We have a big tree in our community...which is really made up of 3 communities that all run into each other. It will be lit Nov. 30th when Santa and Mrs. Santa arrive by horse drawn sleigh...greet all the children and then they all make their way to the tree to light it and celebrate the holiday. Connie, how can people email you? I have often wondered about that. Blessings to you two!

    1. My email is in my profile. captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom

    2. thank you! I just went to enter it and discovered that I already had your email address. Dummy me. Thank you for your quick reply. I appreciate you so much!

  28. Our old town use to have a big cedar tree. They cut it down and put up an artificial one the next year. Then they planted a medium sized Christmas tree from a farm and it now is about eight foot tall. Not so impressive but in another ten years I might be. My neighbor from Mexico has every square foot of his property covered with lights. He smiled with a great smile when he said, "I like Christmas" as I shook his hand.

  29. I live between two small towns in Georgia and both have trees downtown. Both are live trees. I usually can't make it to the lightings because I work swing shift and it never coincides with me having off work. They both are beautiful but one that I pass by every day on the way to work and home has a lot of blue lights on it. It makes it seem to stand out more.

  30. We have several large blue spruce trees around City Hall and in traffic islands. They get draped in white lights. And the biggest tree at City Hall gets colored lights and giant shiny balls. They have a tree lighting ceremony along with carol singing.

  31. While there are public Christmas trees all over the area, the big one, the center of the big tree lighting event, is in Westlake Center in downtown Seattle. It is very tall and covered with thousands of lights. The tree lighting festival takes place on Friday with lots of fanfare, and is accompanied with the lighting of the big star on the Macy's building and fireworks. Thousand of people attend.

  32. I know there is a tree in town, but I can't really say more than that as I don't get into town much. I do have a couple trees I see decorated on neighboring houses that I look forward to each year. One year Stella and I decorated the big tree in front of our house. We got up on stupid high ladders (when no one was around to stop us ;-) and it was magnificent :-D.

  33. Christmas is big here and we light candle every Advent. But people are pretty good about not putting up trees or decorations until December.

  34. We could technically go to two tree lighting ceremonies. One tree is at the top end of a park we sometimes take the dogs too (though we usually stay down the bottom end of the park) and the other is in the middle of town. There's two because they technically come under different towns. The park one gets lit this coming weekend, after the frost fair parade. I think the one in the town center got lit last weekend.

  35. My town Christmas tree is the same one as you Far Side. We usually go every year to the tree lighting ceremony. We enjoy the snacks some of the business provide. If its not to cold it is an enjoyable time.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie