Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wistful Wednesday: Pine Springs and Mowing

Years ago 1986 to 1995 we owned a small fishing resort.  It had eight cottages and a campground.  Far Guy worked in Fargo and commuted 92 miles one way 184 miles everyday.  I ran the resort. The girls were in 9th grade and 6th grade when we moved them out of the city to the boonies.

Mowing was a big deal.  The grounds had to be well groomed.  The girls spent a fair amount of time on the did I.

We had an old Toro riding mower that was almost worthless.  Sometimes it ran and sometimes it didn’t.  Of course we had a push mower too.   The hillside was a bugger and was best mowed by making downhill  attacks and then circling around to the top of the hill again and again.  Far Guy would mow it sitting half on and half off the tractor seat.

Mowing was best done on turnover day which was Saturday or when everyone was out fishing or off to town.  I was known for trying to drive up power poles.  I tried to drive up trees too…especially the two times I was in a cast..once from a surgery and once for broken bones in my foot.  Sometimes I would take off to mow without my crutches…one time I ran out of gas and crawled to one of the docks.  The girls never noticed that I was missing, the dogs kept me company until Far Guy came home and asked “Where is your Mother?”

View in fromt of Maple 4 at the resort MN

One year I had it with old junky mowers.  I called Far Guy and said I was going to drive that Toro off the dock into the lake.  He said “You better not, someone will fine you for polluting the lake.”

I went to the bank and got a loan for a new riding mower.  I think I needed $1,200 to purchase it.  I had to see the loan officer ( he and I graduated from high school together).  He asked me what I had for collateral other than projected income from the resort.  I said “I have a 1985 Ford Bronco II and two registered Shetland Sheepdogs.”  He wanted to know what Far Guy had too.. I said “Wait a minute, I am the one that wants the loan. Whatever his income is doesn’t count.”  I got the loan, and paid it off in three months.   Cash flow is sometimes a problem with a summer business. 

Mulching blades, electric start…it was a real honey of a mower.  It had a leaf bagger attachment and every fall I would spend at least 7 days picking up leaves.

The resort is private property now, one fellow lives there.  The cottages have all been sold and moved elsewhere.  Now we live just a half a mile down the road.

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  1. I don't care where a person lives, lawn mowing is a real chore. Sounds like you had an adventure mowing that lawn. The things we were able to do when we were younger. Thanks for the flash back, I enjoyed it.

  2. Wow!!! That was a lot of mowing. Looks like a lovely place though, Francine.

  3. You are nothing if not determined, girl. I'm not surprised you were able to get that loan and make things much easier for everybody. Still have that mower? :-)

  4. Boy that reminds me that our grass is suddenly growing like crazy and our rider is broken. We're desperately in need of a new mower, but we'll see. So glad you didn't drive the mower off the dock and into the lake. LOL

  5. Oh, the time I have spent on or behind a lawn mower over the years!

  6. I fondly remember the days of having my own lawn to mow!

  7. Your mowing stories made me laugh:) Looks like a lovely spot you had at the resort though!

  8. I'm a bit dangerous on a mower myself, so I let BG do most of it. lol! Keeping up with the mowing is a big chore in the summer, I'm glad you got the new mower!

  9. I just paid $258.00 to have my John Deere riding mower to be serviced. It needed a me it's getting up in years and costs more for upkeep. But it mows and I get to ride. I had a friend up in Canada that had a resort. Thanks for the picture of yours. I used to commute like Far Guy too. We deserve these retirements!

  10. That was one long, long, long commute!!!

    I need to get my lawn mower repaired. It won't start. It is always something.

  11. A good mower is worth its weight in gold!

  12. Ah fond memories of Pine Springs all the way back to attending 4th of July parties and watching old movies in the boat house ~ to babysitting for the neighbors... and we just retired the "still working" freezer that we bought out of one of the cabins (not the beach cabin but the one to the North) :) and how could I forget "cleaning cabins" :)

  13. A nice expanse of beautiful green grass looks so inviting...until it is inviting you to come mow it!

    ...and I thought mowing an acre and a half was snivel worthy!

  14. Those were the days. A resort that size was work but still a pleasant business.

  15. I romanticize everything…it sounds divine. When we were at the bed and breakfast I imagined us running a b and b. I think farming is charming. I KNOW nothing! of any of it. It sure sounds sweet though

  16. I'm with Kathy does sound lovely, but I know, it's hard work.


  17. That resort looks as if it is in the perfect location!

  18. Sometimes it feels like other lifetimes, doesn't it? What a wonderful place to have been, though. :)


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