Friday, May 23, 2014

Indigo Bunting

I stalked the Indigo Bunting for quite some time.   I am not sure if there is one or two.  We usually get one passing through every May, I wish one would stay we are in his/her breeding range.

Indigo Bunting in the woods

Here it is in the woods.

Indigo Bunting in the grass

At the edge of the woods.

Indigo Bunting

Success!  Isn’t he a beauty? Well worth waiting for!

We have been sitting outside for a short time everyday soaking up some Vitamin D on the days with sunshine. I have been working on a few projects intermittently, mainly I just keep the household running and take care of Far Guy and Chance.  Far Guy is still recovering from acute bronchitis…it is a sloooow recovery.

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  1. Morning Connie, wow!!!! such a beautiful blue, great pictures. Love the Header pictures, so wonderful, Blessings Francine.

  2. They are truly gorgeous. I had as many as eight passing thru our backyard a few weeks ago but they don't stay here either.... The grackles and starlings do though....;)

  3. That is such a beautiful bird. I'm glad you got a close-up of it. Take good care of Far Guy. My husband had the same thing and it just came back for the third time. The second time it didn't last but a few days. this time he feels as bad as he did the first time around. Whatever it is it is nasty. Have a great weekend.

  4. I love that successful picture! A beautiful bird indeed. And I do hope Far Guy doesn't get sick again (like linda m's husband). Have a great holiday weekend. Love your header. :-)

  5. Thank you for the beautiful flag pictures on your new header. And always good to see Chance on the header.
    I had acute bronchitis last winter and the cough hung on for weeks - gradually getting getter. But it might take a
    while for Far Guy to lose that cough. In the meantime eat well and get plenty of rest. Cough drops helped me with soothing the cough as did the anti biotic. I have not had a recurrence of the bronchitis and so happy about that.

    Shirley H.

  6. Wow, awesome picture of the Indigo bunting! The picture of the flags on you header is very nice.

  7. They are beautiful we see them passing but they never stay.

  8. Your stalking efforts were well rewarded. Nice photos!

  9. So many different birds! The only thing that we get that is anything like that colour are the Stellar's Jays. As we get older, being sick sure hits us harder. All the best to Far Guy.

  10. I think that is my favorite bird - they are sooooo pretty! Looks like we have some sunshine for more than one day anyways - enjoy!

  11. Wonderful photos! I have seen several bloggers now talking about an indigo bunting sighting. I am green with envy! I love this little bird and have only seen one at my feeders once or twice in the last few years.

  12. I had one last week. What a treat! That blue is just so gorgeous.

  13. Indigo Buntings are a treat. A couple weeks ago I saw one at Charleston Falls in the morning and three more at Brukner Nature Center in the afternoon. Four in one day is a record for me.

    Did you ever decide whether that was an Orchard Oriole that you saw? It has been quite a few years since I have seen one.

  14. What a beauty! I'm glad to hear you are just enjoying being outside! It's about time.

  15. Thank you, Connie, a truly beautiful bird!!! I've never seen on...until now.

  16. Oh, no! Still recovering? Wishing Far Guy the best for getting over it. Bronchitis is no fun. Yeah, soak up all the vitamin D you can!

    What a vibrant color. Yes, well worth the wait. Hope he decides to make this a regular stopping point on the way through each May.

  17. Sitting on the deck with a project waiting for the indigo bunting ain't bad. I hope Far guy is on the road to recovery.

  18. Oh awesome you had one visit you to ! Aren't they just soo pretty ? I hope Far Guy gets better soon ! Lovely photos .Thanks for sharing , have a great weekend !

  19. Awesome!! I got a chance on 1 shot of one in my yard in NC. I saw him the other day but I did not have my camera with me. I have been capturing some good bird pictures lately. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Oh my goodness, if I saw something so beautifully blue, I would be over the rainbow.


  21. What a beautiful bird! As far as I know we don't have any buntings here...I sure wish we did! Magic thoughts for healing for Far Guy!

  22. He was definitely worth waiting for!!
    Glad FarGuy is recovering. :)

  23. It is a beautiful bird. We have orioles in the area this year. We plan to get a grape jelly thing going to see if we can borrow them from the two neighbor's feeders.

  24. What a beautiful bird. I've never seen one. You really live in nature's paradise. Thank you!


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