Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Few Rough Days

Last Saturday was very warm, and the pine trees started to weigh down the air with their pollen.  As you know Far Guy has battled Acute Bronchitis for over a month.  The pollen proved to be too much for him.  His oxygen sats plummeted.  I took him into the ER and they kept him in the hospital for four days.   His Doctor called his breathing problem a  “perfect storm.” They gave him IV antibiotics and steroids.

He is much improved and is listening to everything most things I say.

Chance waiting

Chance, Miney and Little Elvis were in a real funk.  They couldn’t figure out what I had done with Far Guy…all they knew is that I took him someplace and I didn’t bring him back, that I would come and go many times a day and smell different. They were good company for me when I was at home to do a few things and play ball with them.


Little Elvis was delegated to lick my fingers or my toes every morning until I awakened.  He took his new job seriously!

Yesterday afternoon after Miney and Little Elvis went home ( their people returned from a vacation in Colorado) and Far Guy was settled I crashed on the couch and slept for three hours.  I didn’t answer the phone, I don’t know if it rang or not.

Far Guy enjoyed Room Service in the hospital, they cooked him whatever he wanted to eat, and his nursing care was excellent. I am cautiously optimistic that he is over the hump now…he says he feels about 75 % normal.  He sees his regular Doctor again next week, in the meantime he is still on antibiotics, steroids and an allergy pill.  We have the AC on since everything in our area is spitting yellow pollen, I will open the windows after it rains.

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  1. Sorry to hear Far Guy had a bad spell. Glad to hear he is back home. Take it easy, Far Guy.

  2. Oh, my, this has been quite a siege. Hope this was the turning point and good health is on its way back for Far Guy, and you can both rest up and get back to doing the things you enjoy. Take care.

  3. Oh my, poor Far Guy, hope it rains soon. Take it easy all round, Francine.

  4. I'm sort of glad he ended up in the hospital, where he could get 24-hour care. I'm hoping this is the worst and he'll be better soon. I know you're worried about him because I am, too. :-)

  5. So very sorry FG has been so sick. I do hope he is over the worst. Pine pollen was very bad at Nalley Valley. I really love your header pic. Glad you got some well deserved rest. I know you were tired/worried.

  6. Glad to hear that Far guy was well taken care of at the hospital and I hope he is starting to feel better. The pollen has been terrible around here also. Both hubby and I just keep sneezing. Tell him we are all worried about him and are sending him healing energy.

  7. It doesn't look like rain is in the immediate forecast. Hope Far Guy improves rapidly.

  8. I know how Far Guy feels. Been fighting it for about ten weeks. They are telling us here in Manitoba that because the spring was so cold and late that all the pollens would be out about the same time. It hss proven true here. Very thankful for the air conditioner so no windows open and a good air purifier. Hope he heals soon.

  9. I sure hope he feels 100% soon! Let him know we are thinking about him!

  10. I'm sure your trips back and forth to the hospital were tiring, but at least you didn't spend your time at home worried about his care. I remember the last time Mr. WW was in a rehab facility after leg surgery I went home the first night depressed about the place and his being there. The next day he reported that while it wasn't much to look at, the care was excellent. That helped a lot.

  11. How scary for both of you… and yes, exhausting, too.
    I hope all is on the mend and things look up from here. Rest is important, for both of you!

  12. I hope that Far Guy keeps feeling better and please make him stay inside in the AC until this bad pollen season is over. Four days in the hospital these days means one is really sick. I too am glad that he was in the hospital where he could get 24 hour a day care and take some of the load off of you, Far Side! When the husband is sick we wives suffer right along with them. That pesky acute bronchitis can take a while to go away and then there might be a lot more time dealing with the cough until it finally goes away.
    I am sure the doggies were missing both of you very much during this hospital stay and are so glad their people are home again.

    Shirley H.

  13. Get all betters soonest Far Guy. Glad you are home again - as I bet you are too!

  14. Pine pollen here has been CRAZY this year. You can watch it blowing in clouds out of the trees! Hope everyone is on the mend!!!

  15. I wish Far Guy a speedy recovery and that he doesn't run into another perfect storm.

  16. Dang, sure how Far Guy shakes this crud soon!

  17. Glad to hear Far Guy is feekling better . Hope you both get some R&R . Nice photos . Have a good week !

  18. I hope Far Guy is 100% soon and that you get some rain!

  19. Glad to hear he is home and doing better. My Bennie is just now back to doing things
    after his relapse. He was down all of 3 1/2 months.

  20. He has had it for a long time. I hope the addition of steroids helps him out a lot. It is a horrible thing to not be able to go outside but one whiff of the wrong thing does knock you out. I am glad he is home and you can get some rest, number one priority. Get well Far Guy soon.

  21. Oh gosh - you poor things! I hope Far Guy is now really over the hump and on the mend... Cute shots of those doggies.

  22. oh my. Hope the pollen has peaked and you are done with all that!

  23. Wow. So glad to hear he is doing much better. I agree. Hope he is over the hump.
    Have a great weekend!

  24. Glad to here Far guy is improved. We are having birch pollen ratings off the charts here and now the forest fire. Thank goodness for a little rain. I could go in for a little toe licking, don't tell!

  25. Wow. Far Guy must have been pretty bad off if he thought hospital food was good! Glad he's back home and doing better.

    I can identify with that need to catch up on sleep. When you go through something like that, even when you're "sleeping" you're not really getting any rest. :(

  26. Pollen's been severe here in the northeast too. Glad Far Guy's home. June should be better. I hope.

  27. This is not good that when spring finally arrives it brings misery. Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery and a house back to normal.

  28. Hope you and Far Guy and Chance are all back to "normal" soon. I suffer allergies and asthma so I know how miserable it can be.

  29. Oh sorry to hear that! Tell Far Guy he's not alone. My little 3 year old grandson, Grayson was in the hospital twice or 3 times earlier this Spring...same thing. They finally have him on an allergy medicine and it is working. Poor little guy couldn't breathe...that's scary for anyone. I hope they get Far Guy something that will take care of it before it goes into bronchitis next time. Grayson had the allergy tests but it's grass, dust, etc...everything that we're surrounded by and he's an outdoor child. 4 days....that's a long time but glad you got him there and taken care of. Steroids give you lots of energy so maybe you'll get more work out of him when he gets home. Just thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.

  30. Sending well wishes and prayers that Far Guy will be feeling much better soon.

  31. Far Guy -- GET WELL SOON! and i hope you feel better soon too because having a love one sick causes mucho stress. cheers!!


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