Friday, May 9, 2014

Busy, Busy

I don’t know where the days go.  Time seems to fly right by and before you know it the day is over.

I managed to get the Living Room spring cleaned, it wasn’t on my list but it just needed to be done. Some days are like that around here.  I flit from project to project never finishing anything…but the Living Room is done!

Far Guy has a bad cold  AGAIN.  I think it is a secondary infection from the cold he had a few weeks ago. I  strongly suggested he go in to see his Doctor.  He probably needs a round of antibiotics to get over it.   But what do I know?  I guess if he wants to suffer along trying to get better all by himself then when he fails I will drag him to the ER.  A Doctors Office visit should be no big deal when you are sick… the ageing can go from just a little sick to really sick in a couple of hours.  I want him to get better so we can do fun stuff. 

We had a nice afternoon up at Itasca State Park.  I have been in the park over the past few years but not to the new Visitor’s Center.

Visitors Center at Itasca State Park

This is quite an improvement over the old Visitor’s Center that one was in a  log building and always seemed dark inside. I am not certain when this new building was finished.

Lawn Chairs at the park

They have a couple of really nice gliders for relaxing!

They still have the afternoon cruises on Lake Itasca and I want to return for lunch someday.  We have a season pass and it is only about 30 miles from our home.  I want to see the Lady Slippers in bloom.   Sunrise at the Headwaters would be just perfect too.  Just a few things on my retirement list!

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  1. I can't agree with you more about illness as we get older. This past week, I found out the hard way. Within 24 hours I went from driving home from the office to calling an ambulance...first time ever to need one.

  2. I love the gliders; could use them in my yard. Since I am over 60 getting sick has been a chore. Nothing seems to heal as fast as it used to. My hubby's cold went from cold to bronchial infection - antibiotics needed. Tell Far Guy he better consider a trip to the doctor. His symptoms are the same as my hubby's. Have a great weekend.

  3. I too don't recover from things as quickly as I once did. I do hope Far Guy doesn't allow himself to suffer too long, but then again, a bad cold doesn't usually respond to antibiotics. Maybe it's time for some hot chicken soup, eh? :-)

  4. Oh I hear ya, back still bothering me. Hope he feels better soon. Beautiful glider, love to sit on them and glide, Blessings Francine.

  5. Please tell Far Guy that I had a bad cold winter before this last one - had coughing which turned out to be acute bronchitis. One visit to doctor and no improvement - then a visit to ER where they gave me anti biotic and good going over to make sure no pneumonia. I too am older - much older than you guys and things move fast at the older ages. Best to see doctor to make sure, Far Guy! Can't hurt! I am not much of a docter goer but there are times it is wise.

    Shirley H.
    Shirley H.

  6. And I thought I lived far north! lol I was at Itasca State Park when I was a kid and got totally eaten by mosquitoes. Hope things warm up there and flowers burst forth!

  7. Sending get well wishes for Far Guy. The building and gliders look familiar so I think they were at the Itasca State Park when I visited several years ago. Sure would love to have a glider like that eon my front porch.

  8. I work the same way in the yard. Sometimes what I plan doesn't get done but other things do get done. But there's always stuff left to be done.

  9. Hope the severe weather didn't effect you yesterday. I think allergies are really really bad here right now? Sure that your hubby doesnt have allergies?
    I get so annoyed with the common cold
    I love your header btw

  10. I hope Far Guy will pay attenion to you and go to see the doctor!!

  11. That really is a nice visitor center. Minnesota does a good job with their nature center buildings. I have never been to the Itasca Park even though my kids have many times with relatives.

  12. Oh my gosh, when you mention lady slippers, it makes my heart beat faster. I need to find a secret stash so I can photograph them in their natural setting. Must remember to find some.


  13. I know that the older I get the more body parts seem to fail me. Right now it's my eyes and my knees. I hope FG will go see the doc so that he can get well soon. OH MY- I LOVE that glider!

  14. Hope Far Guy gets better soon! ♥

  15. Poor Far Guy - hope he feels better soon. Those gliders are really lovely!

  16. I hope Far Guy gets better soon...without a trip to the ER. :(


  17. Love the gliders and the new building looks like a vast improvement.
    Hope FarGuy gets better or you drag him to the doctor. ;)


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