Monday, May 12, 2014

Bird Time

The stop off and rest birds are starting to show up at the feeders. 

Blue Jays

We hosted a Blue Jay convention yesterday morning.  I took this photo out the window.

Later in the day the Goldfinches started to arrive.


They remind me of bits of sunshine with wings.


The Orioles have arrived, but not in mass like last year… it is still early.  Grape jelly and oranges await them.  The best I can tell there are five or six males.

We see flashes of blue every now and again.  We think the Bluebirds are here.

We saw one in the neighborhood.

Bluebird (2)

Everyday brings different birds to Minnesota…it is a wonderful time of year!

Far Guy is still sick, his fever is back.  Hopefully his medication will kick in soon.  We stayed home yesterday…we can go out for a Mother’s Day Dinner some other day.

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  1. What wonderful pictures. I can never get my hands on a camera fast enough before our visitors move on.
    I do know that the bluebirds are back, and we're pretty sure they've already started a family in our birdhouse.
    And of course the finches are flapping around looking for all the world like escaped parakeets.

  2. Neat goldfinch photo! I'm not sure we have any goldfinches here in Virginia.. at least I haven't noticed any. They have such great color and really stand out. xox

  3. I love your BlueJay convention. Also nice photo of the Baltimore Oriole. I haven't seen either of these birds this year. Last year I had a lot of them. You would think with having more trees around I would see more of them. Mostly gold finches and sparrows for me this year.

  4. Love that goldfinch picture. And I sure do hope Far Guy gets better soon. It's no fun being sick. :-(

  5. Please keep a good eye on Far Guy and maybe he should go back to the doctor? If he has a bad cough that gets worse he definitely should be seen by a doctor. It could go into acute bronchitis. I got that a couple winters ago from a bad cold and things got really bad. ER and everything from concern about pneumonia. Was living in OK at the time with a mild winter!

    Shirley H.

  6. The orioles arrived here en masse on Sunday morning. Tamarac must have been in their flight plan this year. ;)

  7. Lovely photos! I especially like the bluebird on the tip of the spruce, er, evergreen of some sort! We have bluebirds nesting in our houses - but now is the time that the swallows come back and take over the houses. I hope the bluebirds hold their ground.

  8. Oh what joy to see the birds back, even if passing through. Love to see them, hope Far Guy is feeling better real soon, Francine.

  9. Hmm, I haven't seen such bright goldfinches yet this year. I think all the birds are a bit confused, or maybe they just found other places to feast. I hope Far Guy feels better soon. I saw that Chance was being a good companion to him; how sweet.

  10. Wonderful photos of the new residents and tourists in your area!

    While the variety of birds in my yard are pretty boring compared to yours, they aren't shining much this AM due to new snow on the ground! This year Winter does NOT want to leave.

  11. What pretty goldfinches and that oriole is quite stunning!

  12. I always love your pics. I, too, am concerned about Far Guy. If the fever had left and is back again, it sounds like he needs a return trip to the doctor with either a change of meds or an increase in them. He doesn't need to be sicker at this beautiful time of year. I am sure you and Chance are keeping a close eye on him though.

  13. We have had three different flocks of red-winged blackbirds go through here so you will have some soon. I am amazed how the goldfinches distribute themselves as some stay in Iowa, maybe they don't even migrate. The bluebirds are here but I never ever see them in town. I must tell my neighbor and myself to get grape jelly for the blue jays.

  14. I had my first oriole at the feeder today, a male orchard oriole. I did have a fly-by last week, right past the big front windows. The male Rose-breasted grosbeaks are my favorite stop by to eat birds this week. Love the bluebird on the tree top photo.

  15. Oh, no! Hope Far Guy gets over that fever soon. No fun to be sick when the world is finally awakening to Spring!

    You must have pulled out the big guns for those shots--up close and personal from so far away. Nice.

  16. You live in a great place to see birds. Birds travel through the woods and you live in the woods.

  17. Hope Far Guy is feeling better. Mother's Day should be every day anyway ;-). Love all your birds. I hardly ever see anything "exotic" like an oriole. Have seen one hummingbird coming to the feeder.

  18. That's what I was thinking this morning, too -- at least it's rain and not snow. Smart robin to choose such good real estate. I saw a female hummingbird this morning while I was brushing my teeth. Have to get the feeder out when I get home tonight as there certainly isn't anything hummingbird friendly blooming yet.

  19. What gorgeous birds and all ones that I recognize for a change! LOL! Sorry to hear Far Guy is sick...I hope by the time you read this he is better!




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