Saturday, May 10, 2014

Chance: Someone is sick

Hiya!  It’s me Chance the blogging Border Collie.

Far Guy went to the Doctor and got three bottles of pills.  Guess someone was right when she said he better get his butt into the Doctor.  He has a fever and a bad cough that keeps him us awake all night.

Somebody is sick

I am just fine.  It’s not catchy is it?  Must not be… Far Side is just fine…she did join us for one nap time but that was because of the coughing all night business…it was hard to listen to and hard to sleep through.  She must have had a really good nap cause she drooled on her pillow and everything…just a little…a very ladylike drool…not at all like a drippy dog drool that leaves a puddle on the floor. Not me

I go out to play ball with Far Side when she says it is time to go out…then I go back to my spot.

Just in case he wants to pet me I am close

Just incase someone wakes up and wants to scratch my back or rub my belly. 

We had Chicken Soup and fresh flatbread for supper last night and Far Guy is taking all his pills and drinking juice until he says “It is sloshing around in my stomach, how much more do you want me to drink?”   Far Side says he might be a tad cranky…but he is on his way to getting all better.



  1. Now there is a dog doing his best to get his person all better!!!

  2. Good job, Chance. You'll have him better and playing ball in no time.

  3. You're a great nurse, Chance. Just looking at your sweet face would make anyone feel better. Wish I had a friend like you!

  4. I sure hope he gets better soon, Chance. Nobody likes to be sick, but it's sure a lot easier to be sick when you're around, I'll bet. :-)

  5. Hi Chance: please tell Far Guy to keep an eye on that cough. A couple winters ago that is how I started to have an acute bronchitis. The anti biotics should help a lot. If coughing gets worse please make Far Guy go back to the doctor! A cough like that can last for a long time even after it gets better. Please take good care of him, Chance. I know you will - and there is no better nurse than a furry one.

    Shirley H.

  6. Hi Chance, you are such a good boy, staying by your Far Guy, Francine.

  7. Glad to hear Far Guy listened to reason and went to the doctor. Wishing him a speedy recovery!

  8. I am glad that Far Guy saw a doctor! So nice of you to take such good care of him Chance!

  9. Glad you are taking good care of Far Guy, Chance! I hope he gets well soon.

  10. You take care of your family Chance. They really need you when they are not feeling well.

  11. Crankiness is always a hopeful sign of improving health. When you really down and out it requires too much energy. And I'm sure it's all due to Chance's nursing skills.

  12. Well, I hope Far Guy gets better soon. You are doing a good job when you stay wioh him.

  13. What a good dog you are, Chance!

  14. Chance, You are a nurse for nurses week!

  15. Chance - - thank you for keeping us updated because we know Far Side has been very busy taking care of Far Guy. It's a good thing men have wives or they wouldn't live as long as they do. You are doing a great job of making sure Far Guy is resting like he should. If he has that coughing virus that went around down here - - - and with Busy Bee Suz's Family in Florida, it is a wicked, wicked sickness! Sure hope it is not making his face hurt more, too. Praying you all get some better sleep and that recovery is quick and Far Side does NOT catch it, too. However, if she does, she will be at the doctor fast I am sure.

  16. Love the photo of Far Guy's hand over the couch giving Chance a little rub.

  17. Hope Far Guy gets to feeling better...SOON! In the meantime, there is nothing as comforting as having a favorite pet near at hand. You know just what to do, Chance!

  18. Get better please spring is finally here ~ What a good dog you are Chance!

  19. You are a wonderful nurse Chance! And so if Far Side. Glad to hear Far Guy is on the mend.

  20. Good! I'm glad he is on his for him to be better!


  21. I'm so glad you got him in to the doctor. Looks like Chance will be his bedside companion while he recovers. so sweet! :)


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