Thursday, May 22, 2014

Birds and a Birthday

The Baltimore Orioles are still here!  There are eight maybe ten that are hanging in the trees.  Yesterday we had a new to us bird.Orchard Oriole

Orchard Oriole…we are just on the edge of his range.  He is much darker than the Baltimore Orioles.

Baltimore and Orchard Orioles

Baltimore Oriole and an Orchard Oriole

Then we had this unknown to me bird.

Immature Orchare Oriole

It has a black throat and a beak like an Immature Orchard Oriole…but I am uncertain.


Grandson Noah is fifteen years old today.


He loves his longer hair and so do I.  Happy Birthday!

I think he will get his Driver’s Permit soon…part of growing up and making Grandma feel older.

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  1. Happy Birthday Noah ! Yes we have lots of Baltimore and Orchard Oriels here this year and I cant keep up with their feeding lol I am filling their feeders every two days lol !
    Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  2. Don't you just love the gorgeous Baltimore Orioles and their song! Happy Birthday to Noah. I don't think I was ever 15. :-)

  3. Happy Birthday, Noah! I haven't seen any Baltimore Orioles so far this year. People have been putting out orange halves for them but no sightings so far in my neighborhood.

  4. I love the pretty color of the Baltimore Oriole, and the other one is pretty nice, too. Happy birthday to Noah. Don't they grow up FAST? :-)

  5. Happy Birthday to Noah!

    The birds are beautiful!

  6. Happy Birthday to your handsome Grandson! He sure has beautiful eyes, doesn't he?!!

  7. Looks like a second year orchard oriole to me too. That's quite a head of hair!

  8. New birds and variants of old birds make identification a challenge and sends us to the bird books.

  9. Noah is handsome and I too like the longer hair. Sure hope the spiked hair is on it's way out. :) Happy Birthday Noah!

  10. Yay!!!! love the Orioles, saw them at the lake last weekend too.Happy Birthday to the young man, Francine.

  11. Those orioles are so pretty! Hope your grandson has a wonderful day.

  12. Sounds like it's celebrating season at your house! Happy birthday to Noah!

  13. Happy Birthday to your grandson!

  14. Happy Birthday to Noah! Love your little birds. Today is the last day of school for the kids and there is a forest fire near enough to greatly effect the air outdoor activities. We are in for a crazy day today!

  15. Beautiful birds, handsome grandson!

  16. It does make us feel older! Our oldest niece is 55 this year. WHEW!


  17. It is interesting that the long hair has come back as a style for boys. There are a few guys in our school that like to wear it long and some who are doing the Beiber look. Handsome young man, that he is.

  18. I had some orioles in my pasture at one time. They have big nests that hang down don't they? No, it wasn't a wasp's nest....I don't think it was anyway. In Iowa we had lots of those yellow birds but I can't remember the name of them. I'm a novice.
    Your grandson is so handsome and the long hair reminds me of our it coming back in style?


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