Saturday, May 3, 2014

Scenic Minnesota

We went for a drive last night.

Eagle soaring

This Bald Eagle was pretty skittish, he was pecking at a deer carcass and we disturbed his feast.Deer hiding

A deer was hiding in a meadow.  They are looking for green grass.

Guyles lake May 2

Guyles Lake benefitted from all the rain.

Cripps Creek May 2

So did Cripps Creek…it is overflowing into the wetlands.  We sat here quite a while just listening, we thought we heard a Red Winged Blackbird but never spotted him, we also hear an Owl and the pair of Canada Geese were honking at us.  Spring peepers maybe…my ears wanted to hear them so badly.IMG_8428

I wonder if the Canada Geese are going to claim the top of the beaver hut. Time will tell.

Here is what Cripps Creek looked like on April 8, 2014, what a difference some rain makes.

Cripps Creek April 8

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  1. Hope you see a red-winged blackbird soon. They are the earliest common spring bird around here since we have a few robins all winter. Right now a house wren is singing outside the computer room window. So far we haven't seen the female he's calling for.

  2. Still in my jammies here, but I feel like I've just joined you for an early-morning ride!
    Love the picture of the beaver home.

  3. Morning Connie, love to see the scenery pictures, truly beautiful, Francine.

  4. Spring has finally sprung in your area, it seems. Love the pictures to show me you all have finally joined the rest of the country. Happy spring! :-)

  5. Lovely photos ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  6. Nice photos- I am glad that spring has arrived in your part of the world. Have a great weekend!

  7. Wonderful photos! Have a great weekend!

  8. With any luck, I should be in your neck of the woods by Tuesday. Sure hope the storms stay away. There are a ton of orioles singing here in Kansas this morning.

  9. It sounds like you went on a date. I love how relaxed and happy you sound. Not everyone takes time to observe and enjoy God's creation like you all do. It's refreshing.

  10. I heard a Meadowlark this week, a sure sign of Spring

  11. Don't you love the out of doors in the Upper Midwest! And I love beaver ponds - until the beavers leave.

  12. So glad to see your pictures with NO SNOW! Wonderful that you could go out for a ride and see all the animals and birds. Yesterday here in downtown MPLS we had some SUN in the late afternoon for the first time in a week and this morning it is sunny with patches of blue sky. I think our Spring has arrived.

    Shirley H.

  13. I'm searching your photos for any sogns of green on those trees. I would love to see that same view in a month.

  14. Very pretty. I've never been to Minnesota.

  15. "Scenic Minnesota" sounds like you are hoping we will all come for a tour ;)

  16. There's nothing like a good rain the freshen things up in spring. I've heard frogs here and it's very pleasant. I also found a tick on my pants.

  17. Suddenly remembering. after many years. a field trip with the local Audubon Society to a conservation area where Bald Eagles were supposed to be wintering over, and they had laid out a road-kill deer carcass to attract them. But not an Eagle was to be seen there, although we eventually did see one sitting on a dead tree on the drive home. Once upon a time, I happened to be walking down my driveway when one flew right overhead. Oh my!

  18. The sky is so beautiful and all that lovely brown makes a nice change from white. I heard the spring peepers for the first time today. I love that sound so much!

  19. What lovely spring skies!

  20. I loved the "peepers" on the farm...the first real sign of Spring.


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