Sunday, May 25, 2014

Grand Line Up

I always make the Grands line up for pictures.   I have done it for years. They indulge me.

This year we add a new photo.

Birth order

When I call for birth order Savannah is always happy…since she is the oldest.

Then I call for tallest to shortest…Savannah says “Well I know my place.”

Much ado about the tallest to shortest

Since she is the oldest but the shortest she makes sure that her sisters are in the proper order…can you see her eyeballing the height?

Tallest to Shortest May 24 2014

Finally they have it right! What a handsome/beautiful group of Grands…and they are all mine..oh and Far Guys too!

Blog Signature


  1. You are blessed, they are all special, Francine.

  2. Such a wonderful smiling group. You are truly blessed.

  3. Hey, I'd take these in a heartbeat. It's a credit to their parents that they are such cool group.

  4. They may groan, but they will love having these photos in about ten years.

  5. What a wonderful group of grandchildren. You are indeed blessed to have them all there for you to indulge. And they to indulge you in your photography pursuits. Some day, they will get these pictures out and laugh at how their grandmother made them line up. And they will have fond memories.

  6. Yup. Lovely kids. Have a blessed weekend. ♥

  7. They are a fine looking bunch, and I would be proud as punch if they were my own, just as you are. Thanks for sharing them with me. :-)

  8. Yes they are a great bunch of grandchildren.
    I have 6 -3 boys and 3 girls with 5 great grand sons.

  9. What a great group, and a great tradition.

  10. And so sweet, to smilingly line up for Grandma.

  11. What a good looking line up! And so wonderful to be celebrating life's special moments, too.

    What's the story behind that tree in the background, though? Nearly upstaged the stars of your event!

  12. They are just great and you are so blessed. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  13. I love it that you make them do it, and that they comply. Now it is a family tradition.

  14. I know just how you feel! Thank for sharing with us!!!


  15. Lovely grands!!! Happy graduation. :)

  16. They have all grown so much since I first met them a few years back. It is fun they way you have them stand.

  17. What a great tradition...I remember the past few years...have I really been following your blog for years now? You're a keeper that's for sure!


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