Friday, January 24, 2020

Busy Thursday

My Dad and I were total losers at Bingo, but we still had a good time

Had a weird thing happen in the morning...still cannot figure it out.  My phone rang while I was at my parents...It asked if I wanted to join the Facetime phone call between my brothers, sister and I joined...  who knew that four or maybe even more people could see each other and all talk.  My other baby brother said his phone rang and he got the same message as I did...and my baby brothers wife said the same thing.  She answered my brothers phone...he was in surgery getting a new knee.    No one knows who initiated the call???  I didn't even know how to hang other baby brother was laughing because he didn't know how to hang up either.  Eventually I think everyone hung up on me.

Anyways my baby brother has another new knee...he was up and walking last night and should get out of the hospital today if all goes well.

I shoveled snow over at my snowed in town just enough to make things slippery.   Far Guy was delayed at the infusion center so I managed to squeeze in a visit to the yarn shop.  Yarn may have been purchased.

We are done with appointments for the week! I went in for my blood draw after dropping off Far Guy at Pulmonary Therapy.  Later in the day my blood work came back and I am normal...even my about that!
Pretty roses at the grocery store.
Far Side


  1. Congrats on being normal!! At our age that's a pretty big deal. Whenever I go to the doctors they always look at me funny when I say I am not on any meds. Not yet anyway!

  2. Congrats on being normal; proud of you. At least you go to the doctor - I gave that up years ago after they kept trying to put me on all these meds that only made me feel worse that I already did. So I go to a massage therapist once a month and feel fine. Love the beautiful roses.

  3. I need to get my blood drawn and checked, too. Glad to hear you are in the normal category, I would never have guessed. :-)

  4. Glad you had all good news on your blood draw. I always hate waiting for results to come back, like when I get my annual mammogram. I'm not familiar with a group FaceTime call either. Interesting.

  5. I have a private facebook message thread with two neighbors. Sometimes when we are all on our phones, one of us initiates a "face time" call. We all panic because we are not camera ready and can't figure out who started it, how they started it, how we accidentally joined it and how to hang up. Our phone and facebook skills are sadly lacking.

    Over Christmas my Alexa began to ring like a phone and she yelled something about my neighbor's name. I had no idea what was going on. It turns out her computer engineer son bought her an Alexa and somehow hooked it up that she could have her Alexa dial my Alexa like a phone using her voice. He was thinking it would work like an alert thing in an emergency. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I guess I am supposed to say "answer" or something? I don't think it will work well because I have already forgotten the instructions.

  6. Glad your medical appointment went well, and your younger brother is up and moving already after knee surgery. Wow, that seems incredible to me.

    Of course, there was more yarn purchased. :)

  7. That was weird about the group call. Glad your brother's knee surgery went well.
    More yarn for you is always a good thing. ;)

  8. How fun! I knew a "conference" call was possible - I just don't know how to go about it. Glad your baby brother's surgery went well.

  9. Sometimes just the thought of trying to figure out something new on the computer makes my head spin. Beautiful roses. Glad you are normal. I could have told you that for free.

  10. I use FaceTime almost daily with Mandy and Alex, in fact, Alex FaceTimed three times from three different towns in Japan as he was driving last night! He kept finding things he wanted to show us. I didn't know you could do group calls though. We'll have to do that sometime.
    Glad everything was good on your bloodwork and that you don't have any appointments today. Also good to hear your baby brother's surgery went so well. Our friend Larry got a new knee last spring and it's worked wonderfully well for him.

  11. I'm a little paranoid of facetime...not real sure how it works! I hope your brother does well with his new knee. My dad had that done a few years ago, and after doing the rehab for it came out good as new.

  12. Good blood numbers is great. I am back to shoveling today, Friday.

  13. Phones ain't what they used to be.


  14. Best wishes for your baby brother. We have had nothing but problems with my wife's knee. Two surgeries for the same knee replacement in 4 yrs. She has hiked 30+ Fourteeners in our state, now she has pain just walking around the neighborhood. I guess everybody heals differently.

  15. I'm glad your are done with appointments for the week because the week is done! I hope you have fewer next week. I hope your brother is doing better and all goes well with his new knee. I've heard good things about knee replacements. I had knee surgery last fall but not a knee replacement. Chances are I will need one eventually but I'm in no hurry!

    Congratulations on the good blood results! I usually have trouble with my cholesterol. I'm glad you and your Dad got to go to bingo, win or lose, it's a good time for you both. We've had a wet snow all day today. It's pretty but the roads are icy and slushy. Have a good weekend!

  16. Good for you with your great lab report! I don't the results of mine...they have me logon to a "portal" but I haven't taken the time to do it yet. Glad you both got back to Bingo! Facetime...I wish I could do that with my grands. They just got Smart Phones so we'll see but Facetime is Apple I think and I have a pc. That's so cool that you could all talk and see each other!

  17. I haven't figured out the Facetiming thing either. My granddaughter laughs at me but that is okay. She, too, will get old someday! Good to hear you are normal.

  18. I have never done Facetime either, so I would not know what to do either, but I would want to know who initiated it. Weird. Is that normal??

  19. Interesting about your facetime call. I have skyped that the same thing? we drove back from southern Wis. today after my medical appointments. Doc was very happy with me and no cancer showed up in the xray or ct now I don't have to go back for six months! YEA!!!!!!! Sorry no bingos for you this week, but it's still fun, right? :) take good care!

  20. Congrats on your blood work! What a nice way to end the week, just about!

  21. That's funny about the phone call. I would be totally lost. Glad your blood work came back good. Those roses are so pretty. Makes me wish for spring.

  22. A friend was telling me about Face Time just this past week. Her kids are scattered around the country and they can all talk and see each other at the same time. I wouldn't have a clue what to do!!

    Good news about your baby brother's knee surgery, also about your bloodwork coming back normal. Have a nice peaceful evening.

  23. That was a fun post. Your are both "normal" and a "total loser" at the same time!

  24. Weird eh!!! Good luck to your bro. With his new knee. I treasure mine!!

  25. Yarn may have been purchased...hahahahah.
    Gorgeous roses.

  26. Glad you enjoyed Bingo, even if you guys didn't win.

    Interesting about the phone thing. I knew you could do that, but it's weird that nobody knows who initiated the call. Anyway, good luck to your brother with recovering from the knee surgery.

    That's great about your medical appointment going well, and your blood test results being so good.

  27. You had better frame that certificate saying you are normal! :-)

  28. Yarn!!! Love it. I had to have someone show me how to remove a market place thingy on FB one time. That phone is too smart for me.
    I am trying my hand at some crafting...more later...

  29. At our age, normal is good! Love the roses. Those new phones can do weird things all on their own!

  30. Cellphones are such crazy things sometimes, huh. My almost-2-year-old grandson likes to facetime with me, even though he usually just ends up playing with the buttons on their end lol. Happy for your baby brother to get a new knee, bet he will love it. I'm sure glad I got a new knee back in 2013, really made a huge difference for me! Hugs and blessings to you! ♥


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