Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  2020 is here.

My husband turns 70 years old this year and I am not far behind him at age 69 this year.   I am not only the Far Side of  Fifty but the Far Side of Sixty also.  Uffda...Uffda

We had a quiet New Years Eve at home doing what we usually do in the evenings, Far Guy watches music videos and I watch TV and crochet/knit or read blogs.  We have intermittent conversation...I talk to myself when he has his head phones on.   Sometimes he lifts a ear phone from his ear and says "Were you talking to me?"  I always deny it...talking to myself works for me.

I have been thinking about my one word intention for 2020.  Last year my word was relax.  Previous years words were kindness, exercise, explore, and ongoing.   I bucked the system one year it was laugh, smile, hug and dance all things that could be accomplished a minute after midnight because I was tired of non attainable resolutions.

So... after much ado...I decided on time.  Time goes so fast and I need to manage my time better.  Time to finish projects I am good at, time to give up on old projects that I am struggling with,  time to organize and reduce, reuse and recycle.

Yesterday on New Years Eve we has sunshine!  It nearly blinded us!  It was a good moral booster even if it was barely above zero.
We have no big plans for New Years Day...we will watch a parade and relax.
Far Side


  1. Happy New Year! I hope 2020 is a great one for you and Far Guy.

  2. Happy New Year. Today will be quiet for us as well.

  3. Yesterday I had to wear sunglasses while taking a walk and the bright light still gave me a headache! It was welcome though.
    Happy New Year. I think we are old fogies here. Hubby was asleep at 8:30 and I crashed an hour later.
    Ahhh! My hubby turns 71 in April. I'm still the young kid on the block. 64 mid year...
    My thoughts for 2020? Just do it one day at a time.

  4. I am glad I will have some good company with you two becoming septuagenarians along with me! Let's have a wonderful new year, dear friends. Luck and love abounding. :-)

  5. Happy New Year to you and Far Guy! Yesterday we woke up to 3 inches of snow on the ground and all day we had flurries all day. Today I woke up to the blinding sunshine. I think my word for 2020 is going to be PRAYER. Whenever I did this past year it seemed to make a difference; so I will pray in earnest in 2020. God's Blessings to you both in 2020.

  6. Time is a great word for 2020. As the years move on it becomes very important to make good use of it.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year! I agree time is a great word for 2020. I don't make resolutions or choose a word, but if I can learn to enjoy the moment of time I'm in that will be a good lesson for me. Enjoy your day!

  8. Happy New Year! I plan to be lazy today - reading and napping are on my list of things to do.

  9. Happy New Year! I'm giving a Medieval Feast...I'm so silly to be doing so, but here it is I am.

  10. We had a quiet night, too — watched a movie. I’m cooking the Hoppin’ John and Paul is making the cornbread. You have to do that in the South, you know, so you will have good luck. Happy New Year!

  11. Happy New Year to you both. Time is a great goes so fast. I was in bed by 10:30 but woken up by fireworks before 11:30 and they went on and on and on, until almost 2:00 am.
    Today I'm knitting mittens and watching videos. A very quiet day.

  12. I'll be 69 in 2020, too. Man! Has the time ever gone fast! (Speaking of time.)
    Enjoy your parades. I think you picked a good word. :)

  13. Happy New Year to you and Far Guy. I'm surprised that you want to manage your time better. I'm always amazed at how much you get done, especially since much of your time is taken up with doctors appointments. We had a quiet evening last night. DH dropped a heavy piece of wood on his foot earlier in the day and is now on crutches. Not that he went to the doctor. With an accident-prone son and a similar hubby we always have crutches on hand!

  14. That's a great idea - one word resolutions/intentions. I think I might try that. I've not very successful for the most part when I write out complete sentences. Thanks for the idea!

  15. Happy New Year!
    We are all getting up there.... I will be 68 this month.
    My word for this year is Persistence.... with a side dish of git'r'done. Hoping to overcome my tendency to procrastinate!

  16. Happy New Year! Yesterday was one of the wettest days of the year, and 2020 is starting out with beautiful sunshine and mild, it feels like Spring. I think my word will be 'Do', as in Just do it!' So many of the words mentioned could apply to me, including yours. I think Do kind of covers them all for me. May 2020 be a good one for you.

  17. Well, I'll be 71 on the 4th so I beat both of you! LOL! I forgot about the word. I think I will take all those words mentioned above! Happy New Year!!!

  18. Time is a good word for the year. I would do good to learn how to handle that better! Happy New Year to you both!

  19. My daughter was shocked to hear that her Nan my Mum wwill be 80 at the enf of the month.
    If I had a word for the year ahead it will be acceptance

  20. We have intermittent showers of sunshine today!We walked, I exercised, Tom did some yard clean up. This afternoon we sort of watch the Rose Bowl while we putter about. there is fresh crab for supper!
    My word for the year is Peacemaker. It might be as simple as making people smile when I meet then somewhere, but it will also be on my mind as I interact during this election year. Peace be with you in 2020.

  21. It helps to set goals even if sometimes we fail miserable to achieve the.

  22. You're just two young folk! Our New Year's Eve was the same.

  23. Time is a good word for the year. I think I will choose I need so much of it these days. Maybe by the end of the year, I'll be better at it. Your evenings sound quiet, like ours. Each doing his own thing. Peace and blessings to you both as you begin this new year.

  24. Happy New Year to both my "Far" friends: you and Far Guy. Here's hoping for a year full of all the most-wished-for outcomes for both of you.

  25. Your evenings sound like ours! I always go to bed before midnight on New Year's Eve. Larry and his son attended the Rose Parade this year - one more thing checked off Larry's bucket list.

  26. Hi, my name is Richard Voda. My wife Sue is the granddaughter of Kate (Tyler) Berg who was born in Logan in 1900. Kate's grandfather was Phineas Cadwell who founded a bank in Logan back in 1874. Do you have any history of Logan that goes back that far?

    1. Oh yes. My husbands Grandmother kept a journal please contact me by email captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom and I will share what I know.


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