Thursday, January 2, 2020

Bleak Winter

No sun yesterday.  I was reminded of the song In the Bleak Mid Winter...snow upon snow.  BUT we are not at mid winter yet only beginning the winter barely...11 days into winter and I am real tired of snow.  And the cold is yet to come...that sub zero bone chilling cold that makes you hurt all over.

WELL enough complaining...Minnesota Winters  must be enjoyed for their insect, reptile free time!

The light just before dark was layers of blue.  As you can see we have snow on our snow.

I finished the baby blanket I was working on for Maddie's Baby...Baby Cee Cee.  I thought I took a photo of it but I cannot find it.  It was a double crochet with Baby Bernat yarn in white/pink/grey.  It was all soft and cuddly.  A fun project to work on in the evenings.  I got it done just in time to take it up North before the baby shower.

I am back to working on the crochet along afghan.  We had the holidays to catch up before the eighth block is released next Monday.  I am enjoying the different stitches.

I think I have 52 blocks now and 4 more to finish by Monday...that should be doable.  One day soon I will spread them out on the bed and see how big this afghan will be!

Is anyone else confused about what day it is...I have had three Sundays in the last week.  I suppose Holidays do that to us old people. Next week I might return to normal and know what day it is.
Far Side


  1. Love the afghan squares - really cool designs. ham right there with you in getting my days confused. My hubby had vacation the last two weeks and boy, did that every throw me off my days. Today is the first day I really know what day of the week it is. Guess I'm getting old

  2. Just yesterday hubby and I were trying to figure out what day of the week it is! Yes, this middle of the week holiday stuff is getting old. At least this is a leap year so we'll be closer to the weekend by next Christmas. :-)

  3. I was just thinking this morning on the way to work about things I can do to make the next two months pass by without getting the winter doldrums! We don't have any snow right now and temps in the 30's which helps but it won't last! That is going to be a beautiful afghan!

  4. We are having the same problem with multiple Sundays.

  5. Yes, I have definitely been confused about what day of the week it is--LOL! For two weeks--LOL! That is going to be such a fun and colorful afghan. I bet they loved the one for the coming baby. Stay warm! :)

  6. LOL, I had to ask my Google mini what day it was today! All these breaks in my son's work has me a bit confused.

    I'm so hoping the cold weather holds off at least until the end of January. We're supposed to get snow showers today but not much in volume.

    Love the colors in your afghan!

  7. Such pretty granny squares! They will make a beautiful afghan. We've mostly had a grey dreary spring, summer, fall, and now winter. So much rain and snow this year! But today the sun is shining and it lifts my spirits.

  8. Let's see....Yesterday was Saturday and tomorrow will be Thursday. They pickup our trash on Tuesdays so that means today is Monday?

  9. Congrats on the baby blanket! I can't wait to see it. It is gray, rainy and dark here today. Without snow it is all the same color outside...."blah"! LOL! Is there such a color? I love your blanket squares. I am behind on everything. The baby blanket I'm making is nice but boring and it is taking forever. I'm in the organizing and cleaning mode. I always get that way around the New Year...a fresh start...who can't use one of those? Stay warm, dry and bug free!

  10. I agree with you, I've had two weeks of Sundays. I'm tired of the holidays...and ready for my old routines.

  11. "Layers of blue" is a lovely description of the snow photo! Lengthening daylight is one thing that helps me cope with winter, and I'm starting to see the sun slowly move further north each day.

  12. There was a big thing on Twitter about not knowing what day of the week it is between Christmas and New Year's and I was very happy to know it wasn't just me. I love your granny squares. Those bright colors are just what you need in such bleak weather. It's still fall here. Brown and muddy. I'd gladly trade you for some snow. Just a little though. 5-6 inches are all I can handle these days.

  13. I did keep track of the days carefully, but I had each day sort of planned out. Our snow is melting again and I can look forward to more muck again.
    Beautiful afghan and I love the layers of blue!

  14. That baby blanket sounds so sweet! And your afghan squares are going to make a beautiful afghan. I sure understand the problem with days during this long holiday season. Everyday is Saturday or Sunday and my usual schedule is long out the window.

  15. You have dark skies and snow. We have dark skies and rain. Neither is pleasant, but you also have bitter cold. You win.
    Tom just said to me yesterday, "You will have to remind me of what day it is and keep me on track because we just had Saturday and Sunday in the middle of the week." Yep.

  16. I thought it was only me who got a little confused on what day it is!

  17. It sounds like we're all in the same boat with the days of the week! Plus, sitting here by myself I'm even more unsettled. I'm definitely not used to it and I thank God for all of my online friends to talk to. :-)
    Our snow from Tuesday has melted but more is coming tonight. We actually had about 1 1/2 hour of sunshine yesterday for the first time in weeks. It's been a strange fall/winter so far.

  18. I love the photo of the snowy tree with all the blue behind it! The idea of the crochet along Afghan with all the different patterns looks like such fun. One of my first crochet projects was a granny Afghan and I still have it! I think it was my first year out of college, my first teaching job, my first year of living all alone in an apartment, and it was a good project to keep me busy.

  19. Your crochet work is gorgeous. You must give us a photo when the project is completed.

  20. Yes winter is here....but we'll get through it. Ohh your crocheting projects are so certainly are loaded with talent. I bet that baby blanket turned out gorgeous! Well, I'm not sleeping well at night....I'm tired all day and when I sit in a rocker I almost fall asleep, but as soon as my head hits the pillow.....boing.....I'm wide awake. I can't figure it out. Probably anxiety over my new life style. Ugh. Please tell me things will get better! Peace and blessings to you two....may winter zoom by!

  21. It's very reassuring to know many other people are just as confused as I am over the days of the week. This can happen on an ordinary week but with Christmas and Boxing Day in the middle of one week and then New Years the next... like you say, next week we can go back to normal. I think it will be much less of a problem next Christmas when it will fall on a Friday.

  22. You need another mid-winter Hawaiian holiday!

  23. I sometimes get confused about what day it is as well.
    Beautiful picture of the snow covered tree. I can't believe it's been in the 50's here in my neck of the woods (Purcellville, Virginia).


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