Friday, January 31, 2020


Another murky day.  The sun tried to shine but the fog won over. 
Appointments were accomplished.  I ran errands whilst Far Guy flirted with his nurses.
Seems I always find enough odds and ends to do in more boxes at the bank for the "big sort," gassed up the vehicle and went by to check on my parents.   Later we all went out to lunch in the boonies at our favorite lunch spot.

My Dad's finger only hurts if he bangs it up against something so we are good to go to Bingo.

Farewell to January the month of extremely cold sunny weather or seasonably warm weather with fog and no sun.  We may top the 30 F or  -1 C (eh) mark this weekend.

Far Side


  1. You sure get a lot done when you "go to town"! It has been foggy here too but Sunday is supposed to be sunny and 71! I'll be outside for sure! I wish I could send some to you but maybe you'll warm up too. Glad your dad's finger doesn't interfere with Bingo! I wish I could have met you for lunch. I may just have to take myself out as I get tired of my own cooking after awhile. I've had a hankering for Kentucky Fried as I don't make fried chicken but it's been on my mind so I may have to go get some. So much for my healthy eating! LOL! Have a great day!

  2. Our weather here all week has been foggy, damp and cold. Goodbye January. Glad your Dad's finger is ding better. Have a great weekend.

  3. Glad appointments and errands were accomplished, and that your Dad's finger is good enough that you can go to Bingo.

  4. I can just picture Far Guy flirting with his nurses. And I am sort of glad that it's not being blizzardy out there in your neighborhood.

  5. We're getting warm weather this weekend, too warm in my opinion. Up to 12C (54F) on Saturday but then the temp drops to -17C (0F) overnight so the streets will be sheets of ice! Not looking forward to that.

    Glad the appointments went well. ;)

  6. Glad you got out and enjoyed part of the day, in spite of the fog and grey. We have yet another grey day here. I don't think we've seen the sun in almost 2 weeks. It is causing me to sink deeper and deeper into a funk.

  7. I can hardly believe January is gone, a great feeling when we get a lot accomplished, I accused Mr P. of flirting just to get his way while in hospital. ~wink~
    Thank you for visiting and your sweet comment.
    Prayers for your family"s health and well being.

  8. From reading the comments it seems to be gray and foggy across much of the country. It's rained here every day this week...and last week! Pea soup fog at times too.
    Glad you were able to accomplish your tasks and Far Guy got his flirting in too. Important stuff. Take care you two.

  9. Usually does stay warmer with the clouds and colder with the sun in the winter. But seeing the sun is still wonderful. Glad your dad is doing okay with his hand and bingo will still be in his future. :)

  10. No January thaw for you, I guess. We have had a bunch of cloudy, too, including today. Nice to hear your dad will be able to play bingo tonight.

  11. It sure does look dreary but I'm glad you didn't have more snow since you had to go into town. How nice that you got to have lunch with your parents and to know that your dad's injury won't keep him from bingo. Have a good weekend!

  12. I'm trying to send you some sunny weather and 40 to 50 F

  13. They say it might be in the 70's here next week. I really don't know what to make of this weather. The local snow lovers-me included, are disappointed to say the least. They say February might be one of our warmest on record. Ugh.

  14. I needed boxes to fill with donating stuff but we went to the liquor store to get some. It's not my fault a bottle of Apricot Brandy insisted I buy it. ( I love that in my sweet tea!)

  15. Murky is a good word for our day too. The humidity is 98%, and the only reason I can figure for it not being 100% is the minimal space between raindrops. We are ending one of the rainiest Januarys on record, with more to come in February. At least it's not snow and ice.

  16. Yes we've had day after day of clouds....and some fog. Can't remember the last time the sun shone. Glad you guys can still go to Bingo! Sounds like you stay busy while far guy is at his medical appts. Going to be warm here this weekend...about 10 degrees warmer than you guys. At least it won't be snowing! Take care!

  17. Yesterday was a totally uninspiring and murky day. Grey and damp. The sun is supposed to make an appearance on Sunday! We will probably stand and gaze at it in amazement!


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