Sunday, January 5, 2020

One tree down, one to go

I attacked the downstairs Christmas tree...I needed to reclaim the corner. It was time!

I sorted ornaments as I went...the ones that are not know the ones bought at garage sales for a quarter ended up in a pile on the table to go to a someday garage sale.  Our youngest daughter tells us to hold "stuff" in our hand and if it doesn't bring us pleasure then we should get rid of it.

Most all of our ornaments on the tree are special...from friends or defining times of our lives.
Here are a few from this year.
Paper folded ornament from Charlene.
Our 2019 Woodcarving
From Nancy in Wyoming
From Sam in Arkansas homemade cinnamon ornaments
The ornament on the right is a Shutterfly ornament a photo of us and Jen in Hawaii.  The ornament on the left is  a creation by Far Guy and I ...we had leis of shells from Hawaii we put them inside a clear Christmas ball and then I printed a photo and rolled it up and put it inside the ball...and shook it up a bit. 
A ornament from Jen for our 50th Wedding Anniversary. 
Even though I took the time to sort through it seems like I still struggled for room in my ornament boxes. 

Not everything is cleared away yet...boxes/containers are sitting all over... tomorrow they will make their way upstairs.  I will go through all the Christmas Rubbermaid containers upstairs...get rid of the not so special stuff and vacuum out the storage corner where they reside. 

Far Side


  1. I'm glad you got the ornaments in one piece! I love how you made the one from the leis and your picture an dthe one Jen gave you. I am trying to get rid of things and some days are easier than others. I keep watching "hoarder" episodes and that motivates me! LOL!

  2. I planned to start taking mine down today but not so sure I will. I love looking at all the ornaments that mean so much.

  3. Special ones need to be saved, but it's good to let the rest go.
    Your trees always look so great! :)

  4. What a beautiful tree! The one good thing about not putting one up this year is not having to take it down. It always made me so sad.

  5. I took mine down a couple of days ago. I too have been sorting and choosing what to keep, I managed to go down one Rubbermaid tub! We can only have a small tree here so I don't need so many ornaments. The loon you gave me is always one of the first on the tree.
    Love the photo of Chance in your header.

  6. My tree and decorations came down on Wednesday. It seems to take twice as long to pack things than it does to decorate.

  7. You certainly have lots of memories on your tree. I have none...they're all unbreakable ornaments, although I now trust the cats I don't trust the grandson.

  8. You are so ambitious. I need to do exactly what you are doing. But it seems I can't get there for I am now in another round of unexpected company. Good for you, Connie.

  9. The outside Christmas lights were taken down yesterday. They are sitting in a box on a chair in the living room...need to be organized and returned to the basement. Maybe a job for today.

  10. All of our decorations are now stored in their tubs and sitting in the garage, waiting to be put in the attic. Yes, it was time.

  11. Those special ornaments always mean so much. You are really creative to put the shells from leis along with the picture in a clear ornament! I have taken all the house decorations down and today I will tackle the tree. We have both been sick with a bad cold and sinus infection so I am moving slow with the "take down" this year. Time moves so fast I am almost tempted to leave it up!

  12. I love your 2019 edition ornaments. So special. I am looking at my tree, deciding where to start . . . .

  13. I love all your special ornaments!! A couple of years ago I made some of those cinnamon ornaments with the grands!
    Tomorrow is my eldest son's birthday ( 50th) so maybe after that I'll feel like taking the trees down. Maybe.

  14. Your sweet picture ornaments and the one from your Hawaii travels are wonderful. I'm glad you are almost done with getting back to normal. :-)

  15. Good for you. We can’t part with ours quite yet. It’s a real spruce tree and it still hasn’t shed a needle so I don’t think it wants to go! I was glad to see your 2019 carved ornament — i have been wondering what you did this year. Very cute!

  16. Oh how lovely your tree is with awesome ornaments

  17. Sounds like you're making progress in putting away your Christmas stuff. We won't tackle that for another week or two. Then we've got medical appointments coming up for me next week and the week after, barring any bad weather for traveling. We've had to deal with one weather delay so far. Loved seeing all your neat ornaments on your tree. Hope far guy is getting better. Peace to you both.

  18. Goodness! Larry from Larry's Creative Zone, took his tree down today as well. I want to leave ours up a little longer becuase I set it up so late this year. I must have missed the "Take Tree Down by now" memo.

  19. I have a long ways to go but at least I did start. My outdoor stuff went away on Friday. I stepped on an ornament today, plastic, and it will go into the trash. My ornaments, like yours, have so many memories of people in my past.

  20. You have so many special ornaments from this year alone, I can only imagine how many you have collected over 50 years. We have many after 41 years and I told myself I would get rid of some this year. I didn't. I just couldn't get rid of any. Maybe next year. I do have to start getting rid of things if we're planning to move in a couple of years. There is NO way I want to move all of the stuff in this house back to Nebraska. :-)

  21. Those boxes never seem to stack up quite as well afterwards as they were when we first took them out of storage...


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