Saturday, January 11, 2020

Still kicking

I spent most of yesterday afternoon asleep.  The cold medication I have been taking makes me sleep and dream...oh my the technicolor dreams.   I woke up to Far Guy doing his daily hike round and round in the house.  He might be just a tad bit better...she said cautiously optimistic.

I finished up the latest Crochet Along square...called Love in a Mist.  It was a fun design to do.  Your granny's granny square has certainly evolved.  Four Love in a Mist Squares with coordinating plain squares.

I will probably switch gears now and work on my socks or watercolor some cards... maybe a bit of both.  Need to switch my crochet brain off and my knitting brain on.

We are headed into the deep freeze.  The January sub zero temperatures are coming...sure hope it doesn't last too long.

Far Side


  1. Love in a mist is a very pretty crochet square. Our weather has been strange, too warm for January. We are finally getting rain after a long dry spell. Keeping my fingers crossed that Far Guy has turned the corner and is recuperating.

  2. What an interesting square. Other than Baby Yoda I haven't picked up a hook in ages. If I didn't have so many cats that love to shred things like afghans I had a house full of them. They make everything so cozy.
    I hope you are both on the mend soon.
    It's hitting 60 here today which is crazy weird for January. I hope your cold spell is short lived.

  3. I love all the colors in your squares and especially love the soft green four the outer row.

  4. We are also heading for a deep freeze, much less of a freeze than yours, but we are not good at these things. I love that Love in a Mist square. I am almost tempted to pick up a hook and try one. Glad to hear FG is a little better, and that you're still kicking. :-)

  5. I hope you both continue to feel better and better.
    Love the squares. Going to be a great blanket!! :)
    Stay warm!! It's -23 as I am writing this! Brrr!

  6. Hmmm, I don't like the deep freeze so much for doing the chores. But at least there are no bugs?
    Love the crocheting, glad that FG is doing a bit better!

  7. I love the Love in a Mist squares! I wish I would have coordinated my solid ones with the patterned ones I think it looks great. Betsy and I are both doing your bibs! You have a 'following'! LOL! I hope Far Guy and you both feel better. You'd think all that cold would kill any germs out there. I'm sure it doesn't help to hang out at medical facilities where sick people go. I'm glad you got some rest...that is the best thing plus plenty of liquids. Take care of yourselves!

  8. That put a smile on my face when your title was Still Kicking. My dad always said that. When I asked my dad how he was doing, he said Still Kicking but not as high. We always laughed when he said that. Any way have a good day and stay warm!

  9. Happy to hear you were able to get some rest yesterday - dreams are a good sign you were in the restorative sleep zone. Love the new granny squares!

  10. We've been praying for both of you to feel better and this post seems to be confirmation that you are. Those squares are so pretty. I'm thinking of starting a CAL that Terri at the Yarnjoy Podcast is doing. It will use up scraps using retangular and square grannies. I have to finish the sweaters for the little girls first though.
    We got lot of snow yesterday and more predicted today and tomorrow. It's a good day for staying inside.

  11. Your crochet is really, really good. I dread January and February temps they are just miserable.

  12. We are grinding through January in a hurry so maybe the cold spell will not be too long.

  13. Those squares are absolutely beautiful! You are so very talented! Hope your terrible cold weather doesn't last too long. At least we're 1/3rd of the way through January!!! Hope you're both getting better!!!

  14. I love your Granny Squares! Yes, I believe the style is evolving a bit in a good way! I especially love how you are making coordinating plain squares.

    We have snow today here in Missouri and it is getting a good bit colder. Well it is January!

  15. Glad to hear you are feeling optimistic. Those are pretty squares, I like the colours. We are heading into a deep freeze too, west coast style, so nothing like yours. Stay warm and safe, and hope both of you are well soon.

  16. Good to hear you're both feeling a bit better.

    We had a bit of respite from the cold temperatures today but with the warmer temps came snow and blowing snow. I'll be out shoveling soon.

  17. I wish I could crochet or knit but I can't, feeling better is always good

  18. As Karen has commented, we're heading into a very cold ( for us) week. Minus 17 C and minus 18 are temps we don't normally get.

  19. We're getting ready here in Seattle for our version of cold. Snow in the forecast has got everyone in a tizzy and grocery shelves denuded. We'll see what actually comes of it, beginning Sunday night.
    Hoping you both continue to feel better.

  20. I love your new Granny square. I'm especially drawn to the red, blue and yellow one... so pretty! Glad Far Guy is feeling better. I know what you mean about turning your crochet brain off... sometimes it just needs a little rest! We are expecting ice overnight tonight... yuck!

  21. Hope the sleep did you some good. Glad to hear Far Guy seems better, too!

  22. Thankful that FG might be better and I pray the sleep you are getting will help you. I love the crocheted squares. We are warm here in GA - we've had thunderstorms and high wind but thankfully no damage. Stay safe and warm.

  23. These granny squares are all so colorful - what a fun project but looks like a lot of work.

  24. We missed the really bad deep freeze by oh 50 miles (she also said cautiously) but the fire is roaring. I love your squares and just ordered some yarn to start a baby afghan for a co-worker. I'm gonna try knitting one, we shall see how THAT goes!


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