Monday, January 20, 2020

Winter Storm Jacob: Day Three

It snowed a bit again yesterday.  I shoveled the walk again and in front of one of the garages.  It was quite chilly out there.  I think I need some new gloves as my hands got cold and that hardly ever happens.

This sea of snow on the patio will wait for another day.  The squirrels made all kinds of tracks...they even stopped by the front door.  They were busy digging around in the snow looking for seeds... Far Guy said he felt sorry for them.  I

I started  a new project...I knew I shouldn't ...but it is a different Charity Project.   It is simple enough to do and it  might make a difference.

Their mission is to bring awareness to mental health issues especially suicide and bullying. 

The hearts are crochet or knit and the tags are downloaded from their website.  The hearts can either be mailed back to them with or without tags OR hidden throughout your community with tags attached.  Patterns for everything are at their website. 

My hearts are crochet.  If any of my neighbors or relatives would like to help by leaving hearts in different places please come over and get some! 

Since I spend a good amount of time in waiting rooms this is a good project to take along with me. 

We have only four medical appointments this week. 

Far Side


  1. I love that heart idea. People leave painted rocks with messages all over the beach and the Koi Pond park and I've been taking little unwanted knick knacks and putting them in spots where children can find them. For some reason I have an abundance of either felted or rubber sheep. I bet a little one will think they have a real treasure if they find one hidden among the artwork at the park. Even rubber sheep deserve some

  2. I have found some of those painted rocks, and I've gone GeoCaching with my neighbors,...that is fun.
    What a neat little idea.
    Waiting in waiting rooms is no fun at all. Wear masks...right?

  3. What a nice project. Don't blame you for wanting to be part of that.

  4. Well, I guess you needed something more to keep yourself so incredibly busy. Only four? What will you do with the remaining time? Oh right: crochet hearts. They are so sweet.

  5. Do you get restless when the weather is so cold and snowy? I have a bad case of cabin fever. I have to work all day today to get contracts out for a project, but hope to at least get out of the house long enough to have lunch. I haven't actually left my house since Thursday morning.

  6. It was only 15 here this much for living in the South! But it could be worse. If I had your snow I wouldn't go to Mountain Home until summer! LOL!
    I looked at the Peyton Heart Project and thought that was a good one! I hate bullies and I have always tried to champion mental health issues as my mother and I both worked at State Hospitals back in the day when they had places for the mentally ill. Then they closed most of them and that is where all the homeless people came from (mostly). Now it is all kinds of reasons. It's very sad how we don't take care of our own anymore. We had people in our little town that were 'different' and couldn't quite make it without help but there were always helping hands and local businesses would give them jobs to do etc. They were never ostracized but included as part of the community. Now a days we shun people that are different than us. Good for you! Are you going to pass them out there or send them to the project headquarters? Stay warm and take it easy with the shoveling! Drive safely to your appointments.

  7. Such a wonderful project, mental health issues need more attention than ever before.

    I live where snow is so rare, we might get a little maybe once in a season. So happy that you all take care of the little critters.
    Thanks for visiting and for your sweet comment.

  8. We just have the bitter cold here. No new snow since Saturday. That is a great project to work on.

  9. We finally woke up to a morning without snow today. Hallelujah! Now if some of it would just melt it would be nice. I think your heart project is a wonderful one. My blog friend Tammy who has lived in Kuwait for twenty-something years, leaves her crochet hearts all over Kuwait. I think that it is a wonderful way to show love to this hurting world and in your case, draw attention to suicide and bullying.
    WIshing you and Far Guy wonderful appointments this week with all good news. Stay healthy my friend.

  10. Been following your storm posts. You got plenty but not as much as I thought you'd get. Newfoundland sure got the brunt of that storm.
    The squirrel in your header is very cute. We have raccoons here; I was following their tracks in the snow. They are inquisitive li'l creatures! They didn't find any catfood in the barn last night so they came exploring up to the house and checked out the woodshed. Sorry, no 'coon food! So far they have not discovered the garbage cans. (fingers crossed!)

  11. You do have a HUGE amount of snow. Whew!

  12. That is a wonderful project. It seems like the mentally ill do not get the kind of help or recognition they deserve these days. There are many terribly sad situations due to that lack of help. You are always so good about helping out charity projects.

    Only four medical appointments this week? Geez, you guys need a break! Be careful driving out there in your winter wonderland!

  13. Anything to stop bullying is a worthy project. Such a sad story of the boy who the project is named for. I hope your appointments this week bring good news and quick trips through the waiting rooms!

  14. Crocheting hearts to bring awareness of mental health issues is so worthwhile. Good for you!

  15. The heart project is amazing and wonderful, I have been bullied as have many others

  16. You're quite the shoveler! Always keeping up with everything. If I attempted to go out and shovel I think I would end up on my keister in no time! Thank you for crocheting the lovely hearts to bring attention to the issues of suicide and bullying...both of which have wounded our family. Peace!

  17. Good choice for a keep your hands busy project.

  18. For those cold days you need something else to do besides shovel snow.


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