Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Year in review

2019 was a busy year. 
We had four big events.

The first was a long overdue trip to Hawaii.
We are forever thankful for our travelling companions:  Adam, Andy, Jen and Logan (a friend of the family) they made the trip much easier for us old people.  Eleven days in Hawaii where it is warm and the sun shines everyday!

The second event was ongoing for several months.  Trips to Minneapolis/St Paul to the University of Minnesota for a lung transplant evaluation.  Finally July 23, 2019 Far Guy was listed for one lung.  After a nasty fungus invaded his lungs the listing changed the first part of December to two lungs...so we wait.  Our bags are packed and we have a list of last minute things that must go along.

Our third big event was Maddie's Wedding....she is out first grand to get married.  Her husband is a really nice guy and he fits in our family quite well.
Maddie, Hey Mikey and Brenton
Our fourth big event was our 50th Wedding Anniversary on December 20, 2019.  Celebrated with family.

Here are the old married 50 years people

Family Updates:

 Our oldest daughter Trica is struggling with some health problems and is unemployed at this time.  After 25 years of marriage she and her husband are in the process of a divorce. 

Trica and Maddie

Our youngest daughter Jen is still happily married and employed as is her husband Andy.  Miss Miney and Little Elvis the Shetland Sheepdogs are getting older but living a good life!

Jen and Andy in Hawaii

Savannah will be 24 in 2020.  She works several jobs and goes to school part time.  Her major is Elementary Education.  She still has her dog Chewy and a couple of cats.

Maddie will be 22 in 2010.  She works as a Dental Assistant for a Dentist in Michigan.  She loves her job.  Her husband Brenton is employed in a machine shop.  They moved from one place to another in Michigan...so they had to re home their dogs;  Amos is now an emotional support dog in a Veteran's Home and Deacon found a home with a Veterinarian and family of children. 


Paige will be 21 in 2020.  She is working two jobs and going to school in Duluth Minnesota.  She will be taking the family cat Bailey back to Duluth with her.  Sadly Sigourney the Pot Bellied Pig had to be re homed... happily she found a family of pot bellied pigs to live with. 

Noah will be 21 in 2020.  He will graduate from The University of North Dakota in the spring with a degree in Chemistry. He and his girlfriend Hannah share a dog named Aphrodite

Noah and Hannah

Adam will be 19 in 2020.  In the spring he will graduate from High School.  He took a hiatus from his job as a prep cook for the Robotics season.  He is undecided about his career path. 
Our Great Grand

Hey Mikey! 

Hey Mikey will be a Big Brother this year!  Photo shamelessly stolen from his Mom's Facebook page

In other news;
Jen, Andy and Adam are hosting a foreign exchange student from Belgium.  He is a delight and will be greatly missed when he returns home. 


Jen and Andy are building a new home in East Grand Forks Minnesota.  Andy is doing all the custom cabinetry and will be the general contractor on the construction project.  The plans are final and it should be a beautiful home that should be completed in 2020.

This year we said a final goodbye to  Far Guy's Uncle Archie and his cousin Stevie and to friends Al, Tess, Bill and to my cousins son in law Charles.

There are no pet deaths to report this year. 

We are most thankful for all of our family. 
In 2020 we look forward to the birth of our second great grandchild.  
To a lung transplant and full recovery for Far Guy.
Some changes that will make everyday life easier for us. 

Last year we spent New Year's Eve in Hawaii at a Luau.   This year we shall have a quiet evening at home...possibly I will cook a steak for supper. 

Far Side


  1. What an exciting year for your family.
    Many wishes for a wonderful 2020!

  2. What a wonderful update with photos! I feel like I know your family. Love the pictures of Hey Mikey! He is the cutest! I can relate to Trica as I was married 21 years when I went through my divorce and that is also when I got sick with RA and several other autoimmune diseases. Divorce is very stressful for all involved. It took along time to get back on my feet; literally. At the same time I was caring for my dying parents. My heart goes out to her. I'm praying that we all have a happy and healthy 2020! Hugs ~ Sam

  3. Such an exciting year you had. Hope both your Dad and your daughter are doing better. I wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year and God's blessings for a wonderful 2020. Praying that Far Guy gets his lung transplant this year.

  4. This is such a great update. I am still yearning for a return trip for myself to the Big Island.
    What a beautiful family you have. Best wishes for everyone in this coming year.

  5. Such a wonderful end of year recap. I love all of you, your family feels like, well, family to me, too. Sending you all big virtual hugs and wishes for a great new year ahead. :-)

  6. What a great post! What a year!
    I hope things turn around for Tricia and that FarGuy hears from the UofM soon.
    Happy 2020! :)

  7. You and your family have had quite the year! I'm hoping that the call for Far Guy's surgery comes very soon. My thoughts are with Tricia too as she makes her way through the transition.

    All the best in 2020!

  8. Overall a good year to look back upon, but a whole lot of new adventure to look forward to in 2020. Happy New Year!

  9. You are very blessed with such special people in your lives. Prayers in the new year for the call for Far Guy and for your daughter. One of our son in laws walked out on our daughter and his 3 yr old daughter and 3 week old son. First divorce on both sides of our family. Legal merry go round has been an expensive learning experience, as well as the emotional toll.

  10. What a great review of the year. Now... you've made me feel I should do the same! It's a great way to look back at everything. Congrats on 50 years - I loved seeing the picture of you guys. May the new year bring health and happiness.

  11. A nice recap and family record of 2019.

  12. Very nice! Happy New Year, Connie and Gene!

  13. Your family are all so good looking! Must be the good genetics from you and your husband ;0)
    Wishing you and your family many blessings for 2020. I keep your husband and whomever his donor may be, in my prayers and have added your daughter and your dad.

  14. Wonderful family! I feel like I know each of you through your words. I pray for each of you for a wonderful and healthy 2020! Happy New Year to all!

  15. Thanks for the update. I enjoyed looking at all the photos. I especially enjoyed the photos on the table at your fiftieth anniversary. I liked seeing the story of your life. Hope you have a Happy New Year. Tom says Happy New Year, too.

  16. What a wonderful and well done year in review. You have a beautiful and loving family. I love the anniversay picture of you and Far Guy! You are beautiful and he is handsome. The wealth of many years well lived and much family well loved shines forth from your faces. May this new year bring you many happy, healthy and peaceful days.

  17. You and Far Guy have a nice big good looking family. I enjoyed reading about each one. Hey Mikey is really growing fast. You sure have beautiful granddaughters. You have a lot to look forward to in 2020 and I wish you and your family the very best. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  18. I enjoyed seeing the photos and reading about your year in review. You girls all have the same smile. :-) . I especially loved seeing a picture of you and Far Guy. Now I can picture you two when I'm reading your blog.
    I pray 2020 is all you hope it will be my friend.

  19. Happy New Year to you and your family. Such a nice photo of you two on your 50th wedding anniversary and photos of your beautiful family. Happy New Year!

  20. You two are beautiful. You deserve the best. Hope all of 2020 brings it to you.

  21. Beautiful family. Happy New Year to all!

  22. What a year looks like it was a pretty good year

  23. You have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing the updates of your family and you. Praying 2020 is a fantastic one.

  24. Thank you for this great wrap up. I enjoyed seeing all of the photos and hearing all of the family news.
    Best wished to all of you. Happy New Year!

  25. Like any year you had your ups and downs. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  26. What a comprehensive listing of your family and events in 2019. What a lot of work to put that together. Great job! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of it and looking at the pics too. May 2020 be a year of great things for all of us. We are seeing the old year out tonight by going to church, picking up Chinese take-out dinner and watching college bowl games! Peace and blessings to you both.

  27. Happy Anniversary and New Year! A very full year.

  28. Happy New Year. Stay strong through it all. We lost more people this year that my wife wants me not to share. I have found there is no normal and we have to hang on to the best of life and keep moving on. Take care.

  29. A great recap of the year. Nice to hear how all your offspring are doing. Nice to see a picture of the both of you together! Here's hoping for a successful lung transplant soon. A Very Happy New Year and all the best in 2020 to you both.

  30. Sounds like it was a pretty great year over all. I hope 2020 will be an even better one, and that Far Guy will soon get his lung transplant.

  31. The year went by fast - you were busy busy this last year! Your 50th Anniversary party looks like it was lovely!

  32. I just popped over to your blog from DJan's. Love your recap of 2019. We were in Hawaii also in 2019... Our son and his wife moved there 2 years ago and love it. They both work for a hospital on Oahu. We had never been, so went for a week last August. I loved it too.
    Here's hoping all the things you look forward to in 2020 come through. You have a lovely family.


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