Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Two deaths recently.

The first a elderly 96 year old neighbor.  I have known him ever since I can remember.  I used to babysit for his two granddaughters.  His son died earlier this year...the father of those little girls.  I am certain this loss hits those girls doubly hard.   He spoke of those granddaughters fondly every time we saw him.

My cousin Lisa's son in law (age 30) was in the terrible National Guard Helicopter crash here in Minnesota last week.  He leaves behind a wife, daughter and another child due in February.  All three young men aboard the helicopter  died.  Such sadness for many families in Minnesota.    My cousin said  "The support of prayers, visits, calls and generosity of so many people is incredible. We're assured that God is faithful and will never leave us or forsake us because he is our help and strength."

I know my cousin must have some moments of feeling helpless... there is no way she can shield her daughter and granddaughter from this heartache.

Far Side

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28


  1. Sorry for the loss of your neighbour and cousin's son-in-law. Especially the latter, who was still so young.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this . My deepest sympathy for your cousin's son-in-law and on the loss of your neighbor.

  3. Oh my. That is devastating news on both accounts. So sad and I am so sorry to hear this.

  4. So sorry to hear that. It is especially hard when they are so young.

  5. Such heart Break for all! Sharon

  6. I am so sorry to hear of these losses. You and your family have my sympathies and prayers.

  7. Such heartbreaking loss for the families of the the young men. My sympathies to all.

  8. So sorry to hear about the crash. And also the death of your long-time neighbor. Sending prayers.

  9. So terribly sad all around. Always sending up prayers for ALL that lose loved ones.

  10. Dealing with grief is even harder when death comes so near the holidays. My heart goes out to all the families.

  11. Oh, my, how sad. My heart aches for the families and they are in my prayers.

  12. Oh! Gosh! This is all just so sad. You post is a lovely tribute. My heart goes out to everyone!

  13. Oh, such sad news. I will be in prayer for the families of both. The holidays are such a hard to to bear such a burden when cheerful is all around. Thank you for your lovely post of love about them.

  14. So sorry for the loss of your friend and you cousin's son-in-law.

  15. My sympathies on the loss of your friend and your cousin's son-in-law. So sad at anytime but especially so close to Christmas.

  16. Such sad news, my sympathies to the families and friends of these two.

  17. This post is such a lovely tribute.

  18. I'm sorry to hear of your losses. Thee are so many issues with death by accident. We are not prepared for that end.

  19. So sorry about your neighbor and your cousin's son-in-law. How terribly sad for all three of those young men. The cross is beautiful in that first picture.

  20. It's so especially painful to lose a loved one at this time of the year. Grief is hard work so take care of yourself as you mourn your friends. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

  21. I'm so sorry for your losses and for your cousin and her family. Loss is not something that you get over....there's always an empty space left in your heart. I will pray for their peace and healing.

  22. Such sadness, especially at this time of year. I count my blessings that my family has suffered few losses, especially of young men or women. Sorry for you loss.

  23. I'm sorry for your losses. When an older person dies we can thing that they had a good, long life. But the death of a young husband and father is such a devastating thing. The sun shining through the trees and making a cross is a great photo.

  24. Loss is sadness, but also part of life but some die far too young even if they are far from young

  25. The picture is especially appropriate at this time. I think this will be a difficult time for all involved and hope there is some peace getting through it. Thankfully they can count on you. Phil

  26. My heart is broken for both families. I cannot imagine carrying a child whose father has died so tragically. Prayers for peace.

  27. So sorry to hear about the deaths close to you. Also the helicopter fatalities. We had a similar thing happen in February 2018, near here with our medivac Spirit helicopter that takes people to area hospitals from our local hospital. 3 people died in that one too and we haven't heard the cause of the crash yet, which was just 5 miles from their landing strip. Thank you for the gorgeous Xmas card and the letter accompanying it. I enjoy them so much. Keep me in your prayers friends, I am in much pain these days from my drain. Blessings to you both!

  28. Such difficult losses, especially the young service men who did not get to live out their lives with their young families. Hoping those who are grieving find peace.

  29. I am so sorry to hear of such an immense loss for your cousin and her family. This is precisely the sort of situation when a rock-solid faith can carry us through, but that doesn't mean it won't be easy. All we can do is add our prayers to those of so many others. It's comforting to know Lisa's family has experienced such an outpouring of support in their difficult time.

  30. My deepest sympathy in both losses. May the Lord comfort them all.

  31. Such a sad thing to happen at any time of year, but especially now during the holidays. My prayers go out to those affected. :-(

  32. It is so difficult to lose people in accidents. He was was so young. All of the losses are hard. I keep having distant losses of students that I use to have and still know.

  33. I saw your FB post about that- so incredibly sad for his family. I hope their faith will keep them strong and that they find a way to get through this first Christmas without him. May the souls of all 3 men rest in eternal peace.


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