Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cake and White Roses

In that box of memories were many old treasures.

We had cake.  My Aunt Skip made the cake.  It was a white layer cake.  One main cake and several heart shaped cakes.

I think this bit of ribbon and lily of the valley was on the cake server.
 Ha!  Here is the proof that the sprig of ribbon and lily of the valley goes with the cake server.

This was a long stemmed white rose long ago....this might have been my sisters flower she was a flowergirl...she was 3 years old....although she broke the head off of her flower and reported it promptly to me...so maybe this was Far Guy's sisters flower., she was a bridesmaid.

Our 50th Anniversary is Friday the 20th.  My musings will probably continue until then. 

Our youngest daughter has "something" planned for the weekend.  I requested a simple family dinner.

Getting married so close to Christmas we hardly ever celebrate, when we were younger we didn't have the money for both so Christmas took precedence.   Last Christmas and New Years we celebrated by going to Hawaii....that will do us for a few years.

We are almost ready for Christmas here.  I am working on the Shiny Brite Tree Upstairs.  I froze that fudge I made...I could finally cut it into something that resembled a square piece!   Everyone that comes over is going home with fudge so we get rid of it! Christmas Gifts are ready.  Pumpkin Bread and Cinnamon Rolls should be made.  I consulted with Far Guy about his Christmas Gift so we ordered it, then he consulted with me and mine was ordered also...shopping at it's finest!

It snowed again and more snow was shoveled.

Far Side


  1. Beautiful wedding photo of you two with the cake. I love the sprig of lily of the valley. I look forward to hearing about your special day and the weekend. Congrats!

  2. You both make a lovely couple in your wedding photo. Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary!

  3. I now order a gift for Rich and then always wrap it and of course say it is from the dog. And then get a book or something for me, wrap it and put a tag on it from...the dog.

    50 yrs! That is so wonderful. Love that photo. I hope you have a wonderful little party.

  4. I love the trip through your memory box. Those cakes were still in style in 1976. We had a tiered cake with a fountain in the middle, surrounded by heart shaped cakes. I chose the cake for the "beauty" instead of servings. I think we sent 5 of the 6 heart shaped cakes home with families.

  5. Happy anniversary! 50 is a wonderful milestone to reach. You wedding photo made me smile because I had fresh flowers on my wedding cake too, in 1977. My younger daughter will celebrate 10 years on the 19th. Her birthday is today. And she always grumbled about birthday gifts wrapped in Christmas paper. LOL

  6. Congratulation's on 50 years of marriage!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I just love that picture of you and Far Guy. It's so good.

  8. Lovely photo of the happy couple! 50 years is an incredible achievement. I'm enjoying your sharing of the memories.

  9. Treasured memories indeed! Love the cake photo, looks like real roses on the cake?

  10. Happy 50th coming up! You were married on the 20th and we were married on the 21st. How funny and how neat!

  11. Love all the memories and treasures you are sharing about your wedding. I hope that the "something" your daughter has planned to celebrate your Golden Anniversary is extra special.

  12. The picture of you and Far Guy is sweet.

  13. The wedding picture of the two of you is wonderful! That is a big wedding anniversary! Congratulations!

  14. Ancient history but very interesting to look back. Keep up with the story.

  15. You were the cutest couple! Can you believe we were ever that young? You were just kids really. Someone once said youth is wasted on the young and they might have been right. Did we really appreciate those years as much as we should have? But I don't want to go back either. What a lovely wedding you had.

  16. I love the picture of both of you 50 years ago. Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
    To think in terms of 50 years ago!!

  17. What a great photo of the two of you. We were married in 1978 and our cake was very similar. I'm really looking forward to reading more about your special day and hope that the little something that is planned is very special.

  18. Beautiful couple and a beautiful cake 50yrs is awesome

  19. Love the photos! The memory box is priceless.
    Wonderful memories. :)

  20. What a beautiful bride you made! I also had a heart shaped cake since we were married on Valentine's Day. I love Christmas weddings. My best friend had one and it was just so beautiful plus she saved lots of money on decorating since the church and the hall were already done for Christmas events.

  21. Wonderful memories of your wedding day. Congratulations on 50 years as of this Friday. Good for you! A lot of work all along the way.....but worth it! So happy for both of you to reach this milestone. I am loving the pictures and your shared memories! God Bless you Both!

  22. I love the idea of a memory box. I didn't do that, but I do still have my wedding gown packed away on the box it was placed in when it came back from the dry cleaners. I was going to open it for our fiftieth, and then forgot.
    Thank you for sharing your memories with us. Much musing goes on with these milestones.

  23. Christmas weddings are fun. I like the heart shaped cakes used as extras. I like white cake with white frostings so your cake would have been my favorite.

  24. I don't think that "something" is going to be a simple family dinner...

  25. Fun to read - your wedding cake was beautiful!

  26. Nice your holiday arrangements are coming along nicely. Also, it sounds like you had a beautiful wedding.


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