Saturday, December 14, 2019

Silver and Gold

At Bingo on Thursday Charlene gave me an is all folded paper!

It is just beautiful!  She said it was all made from heavy wrapping paper, some of the paper has a bit of a gold accent. 

Some things  don't turn out as planned.  My No Fail Fudge was a failure....who can mess up no fail fudge ...apparently me.   Jen took it anyway for the cookie exchange...they will just have to use spoons to eat it or warm it up for ice cream topping.  Sometimes you just have to make the best of circumstances. 

I went through a box of memories yesterday and photographed them....some things are over 50 years old and some things will be 50 years old next week.

These are candles that were used at our wedding...not sure some arrangement for the tables is my best guess.

So there you have my Silver and Gold.

I am reminded of a round that I used to sing with my girls.  "Make new friends, keep the old, one is silver and the others gold." Trying to sing that round each singing our own part...singing louder and louder to drown out everyone elses voice and then laughing...then one of them would say lets try that again Mom.

Far Side


  1. So pretty. I love those candles, too. :-)

  2. I remember that song from Girl Scouts. Those candles remind me of my grandmother. She loved candles and always had them on her very formal dining table. That was before Yankee Candle put them all in jars. I miss a good candelabra.

  3. I know the saying but didn't know there was a song.
    Pretty paper ornament! I'm amazed you still have candles from your wedding.

  4. I used to sing that song with my brownie troop. The girls loved it. My wedding reception was very classy. We had plastic flower rings around the bases of the candle (kind of like wreaths). I still have them. I used to use them in girl scouts too. There was a ceremony where they look in a mirror and chant something before moving up to girl scouts. I don't think they do it anymore. I covered poster board in foil and would put my wedding "flowers" around it. Do you remember when silk flowers came out? EVERYONE would use them in flower bouquets so that they would not wilt in the pictures. Then they had stands so you could display your bouquet in your living room. I missed that by a few years, but I remember all my friends had them.

  5. For some reason Burl Ives came to mind when I read your title. It makes me wonder if one of his recordings had that phrase.

    1. Burl Ives sang the Silver & Gold. I can hear his voice in my mind. Great Christmas memory.

  6. I also have ruined no fail fudge! It was very grainy and not a good texture!

  7. I'm with Nancy - I thought of Burl Ives singing when I saw the title. That is a great idea to photograph old mementos.

  8. Great idea to photograph the old memories. Amazing the candles have been kept around for 50 years. I assume this means you're celebrating an anniversary soon?

    Love the paper ornament! I've been looking for patterns to use up old Christmas cards. I haven't found anything this pretty.

  9. What a wonderful way to use up small bits of pretty wrapping paper!

  10. That is a very cool ornament! I still have the cake topper from our wedding and it still has 42-year-old frosting on the bottom!

  11. Your no-fail fudge failure makes me feel a bit better. For many years I've made chocolate-dipped PB balls. Today I made the centers and there is no way I can make balls out of that mess. I was ready to chuck the whole mess but my DH convinced me ( actually he did it himself) and dumped the mix into a 9 X 13 pan, flattened it the best he could then covered it with melted choc. chips. I have no idea if it will be able to be cut into pieces; most likely not. I have no idea what went wrong.

  12. I’m sure fudge with a spoon tastes just as good! Amazing you have those candles still looking perfect after 50 years.

  13. Love the folded paper ornament! Wish I had a pattern, so I could try to make some.

  14. Wow, fifty years ago. Congratulations. I remember those kind of candles back then. I have a paper folding like that one you reeived. A student gave it to me when I quit subbing at school. I still have it and still want to take it apart and figure houw to make them. Yours is great.

  15. Don't know the song but do have some old memories

  16. Singing with your kids is something they will always remember.

  17. Does this mean that you have a 50th anniversary coming up?! Another 1969 momentous event?
    This year has been full of them, for me too.
    Yes, we sang that song as a round too.

  18. Sorry your fudge didn't turn out ….but love your new ornament...and your beautiful candles from your wedding! I learned the song you used to sing, when I was a young girl scout. Still remember it like it was yesterday. In fact, we sang it to a friend at church last year, who was being moved into a nursing home. God Bless her. Hope your days are going well, except for the fudge! Peace and Blessings to the both of you.

  19. Love your silver and gold... that ornament is very pretty.

  20. I remember that round. What a sweet memory!

  21. I recall the year my MIL made the failed fudge, it was grainy but my husband ate it anyway! Oh and those memories are wonderful. Beautiful candles! And I recall that song also!

  22. Beautiful candles! I love the folded paper ornament too.


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