Wednesday, December 18, 2019

List and Guests

In the box filled with memories was a list of names and addresses...the invitation list.  239 names were on the list.  I went through the list... most of the guests present are now deceased. 

My Mother wrote out the list.

Our Guest Book has seen better days but the inside is perfect.
Fun to see all the old signatures...especially those whose handwriting I am familiar with.

I counted 165 guests not counting children.

The view from the balcony in the church.

A few years ago, I scanned all the photos in our wedding photo album and refreshed the colors a bit as they were getting faded....faded with time.

Far Side


  1. This is fun going down memory lane with you! :)

  2. Another beautiful photo of your wedding! A wonderful lead up to your anniversary. I agree with Rita...this is fun! When I was in college I was a bridesmaid in a wedding for a friend right before Christmas in Ashland, Wisconsin. It is right on the lake and SO COLD!!! It was a beautiful wedding the bridesmaids wore red velvet. I lost touch with them but I hope they had a great life together!

  3. I am enjoying this visit down memory lane with you.

  4. Now I know why people save these memories. I have little to no memory and no pictures of my own first wedding. Fifty years! I am so impressed.

  5. What a wonderful week of memories. I am enjoying seeing these pictures and hearing your memories.

  6. I'm amazed that you kept so much. I wish I had done that with Daughter's wedding. I should have started a box that I put all those things in. I blogged about it and then had the blog printed out in book form for her but it's not the same as having the actual things in hand. How lovely it must be.

  7. Love the balcony photo! My college roommate's wedding was directly after Christmas, so the church was festively decorated, too.

  8. I love how you are sharing your memories with us. That guest list in your mother's hand is a precious thing.

  9. I am enjoying getting to attend your wedding! Thank you so much!

  10. I'm so glad you have that box of treasures and that you're sharing them with us. My sister was married December 28 and we, (the bridewmaids), wore green and red velvet dresses. I love that list that is written out by your Mom. Precious memories.

  11. It is a beautiful church. When I looked closer it is a large church. That brick in the background is impressive.

  12. At that time we had some basic photos and that was all. Great memories.

  13. Oh!! Isn't this just so much fun?!! Happy 50th Anniversary! What a monumental one! Wonderful!!! I went through our wedding registry a little while ago and I too was stunned at how many had passed since then. But the memories... the sweet sweet memories! It must have been a "thing" to take a picture from the balcony. There's one identical to yours in our album as well. :-) Much love, Andrea xoxo

  14. A beautiful church. I should scan our few wedding photos now before they fade any more. Thanks for the idea!

  15. Sweet things to have. At our wedding, the keeper of the guest book was the oldest niece. We found her a pen with a big white plume and she was so excited to have it to take home with her when the reception was over!

  16. How neat and such a couple. Our fiftieth was just a couple years ago. And I find a Christmas letter postmarked from a town I'm not sure I ever heard of... who can that be? and then I read Chance the dog !!!!!And it Far Guy. With a great sense of humor in spite of that awful ailment. Here I thought you live in or near Park Rapids. This all made my day and Merry Christmas Gene and Connie.

  17. Looking atsuch items bring back so many memories

  18. What great memories you have of your special day. I few years back I also looked through a wedding album we had plus old guest book etc. How fortunate we are to be able to look back over 50 or more years and realize what a blessing life has been for us. May you and far guy have a wonderful celebration of your 50 years and a wonderful Christmas too.

  19. Wonderful memories. It's so great that you kept the hand written list that your mother wrote.

  20. Just love your bubble light card Connie. Thank you so much!

  21. Beautiful wedding photo. It's fun to see the treasures you have saved over the years. How very special.

  22. Interesting what happens when we know someone's handwriting so well as to instantly recognize it when we see it--even after all those years. Special memories...


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