Monday, December 23, 2019


The sunrises have been just beautiful the past few days.
When Andy and Jen were here Andy fired up the snow blower and removed a bunch of snow and fixed the garage doors that we have been struggling with.  What a gift to have someone that helps us out!

We gathered for a family Christmas Celebration here at our home yesterday.  Our oldest daughter was not able to attend and Paige was in Florida. We missed them both but appreciated those who were able to attend.

We are a little tired.  We both had naps after the house became quiet once again.

Trivia Question and answer; What did we say was our greatest accomplishment? 

Our two daughters and our five grandchildren .
Far Side


  1. Glad you were able to get help with sorting the snow and garage door, and able to enjoy a Christmas celebration with most of your family.

  2. Glad so many were able to attend the family Christmas celebration. It gets harder to get everyone together as the years go by.

  3. What a beautiful photo! It's so nice when families can get together. We'll be missing our middle son this Christmas. He now has a set of in laws in Georgia that we have to share him with on holidays.

  4. Beautiful sunrise and I love your header collage. Sending our prayers and love to you both this Christmas.

  5. I agree with you about the beautiful sunrises. Ours here have been so pretty the last few days. Nap time sure sounds good to me.

  6. Wonderful! This morning I spent it out watching the sunrise. Pre dawn was so amazing with the sliver of the moon and mist!
    The mornings and sunsets have been incredible...
    Love it that your family is so wonderful!

  7. Lovely photos of the sunrise! The trivia answer was perfect.

  8. Great answer! And that family comes to help when you need it. You are blessed with more than gorgeous sunrises. :)

  9. Perfect answer! I'm not usually a morning person, but since it gets light so late now I have been enjoying some pretty sunrises too.

  10. I love the sunrise! Your greatest accomplishment would me mine as well - my children and grandchildren.

  11. You are just a most wonderful person! Merry Christmas!

  12. To love and be loved is the most wonderful joy on earth....or something like that. Isn't it amazing that the love of 2 people for each other can lead to a whole bunch more people loving each other! I'm glad you had a Merry Christmas celebration with your family and that you got some help. Boy, I sure could use some of that. Do Jen and Andy want to make a trip to Arkansas? LOL! It's going to be in the 60's this week for Christmas...just sayin'.

  13. Such a pretty Sunrise and I'm so glad that you got some much needed help this week. Family time is wonderful and I think your trivia answer fits many of us. I, too, feel that my children and grandchildren are our greatest accomplishments. Wishing you a restful day after all of the excitement of the weekend.

  14. Beautiful photos. I know your family Christmas was terrific and lots of thoughts of those missing. You both deserve a big rest! Your lovely anniversary and family celebration. Merry Christmas!

  15. Looks so peaceful there. We sure have been having some nice sunrises and sunsets here.

  16. Best things in my life are my girls and their children

  17. Is there anything quite as irritating as garage doors that don't work smoothly? I'm glad you got help fixing yours.
    Nice gathering you had in spite of a few that were missing. It's hard to get everyone together. We haven't seen our one GD for a few years ( she lives in NYC) and we're hoping she'll be out this Christmas.

  18. Connie, I knew that would be the answer to that trivia question! That's awesome. Glad your Christmas get together went well too. No wonder you two are a bit on the tired side. Our company comes tomorrow...our daughter, her husband and two wonderful grandkids! Everybody is taller than me now. At least they should have good driving up here tomorrow. They don't have any snow in southern Wisconsin at all. My daughter keeps asking.... do you still have snow? Ah yes....we still have snow! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you far side and far guy...and to all of your readers too.

  19. Wishing you peace and joy during this Christmas season.

  20. You've been doing a lot of celebrating lately. No wonder you're tired! Hope you enjoy a peaceful and quiet Christmas!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie