Wednesday, December 4, 2019


We are expecting to be blessed with another Great Grandchild.

Hey Mikey is getting a sister...I will call her Cee Cee.
Maddie and Noah...cousins.   It made Noah smile when I asked Maddie for a belly shot!

Baby Cee Cee will arrive in mid March.
I have already done some shopping for her and I have the supplies for a blanket.  I am excited...but Michigan is so far away...we won't be able to spoil her very much!

Far Side


  1. Congrats to you all! What fun news. Mikey will be a great big brother. I know he is looking forward to Christmas.

  2. Awww, how exciting! I love the belly shot too!
    Are you knitting a blanket?

  3. Congratulations on your upcoming new great-granddaughter. How exciting!

  4. She's quite far along, looking at the belly shot. And congratulations to the happy parents. Congratulations to all for the new arrival in waiting. :-)

  5. Congratulations to all on the up-coming new baby girl! So special!

  6. Congratulations! That is just wonderful. A beautiful baby girl! They will have to bring her to visit often.

  7. Congratulations! Hey Mikey has such pretty curls: they remind me of my brother's when he was that age.

  8. Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing! I love the belly shot and Maddie's cute expression. Ceecee is a lucky girl to have you and Far Guy for Great-Grans!

  9. Oh how wonderful! Congratulations to all of you, Connie. And a little girl... pink, pink, everywhere! :-) I live in Indiana... near the border to Michigan. I will be able to deliver tender hugs & kisses to that sweet baby for you. *lol* Being a former OB nurse & Lamaze instructor, I never miss a chance to gaze at the wonder of a newborn baby. Love, Andrea xoxo

    1. Meant to say "I will be willing to deliver tender hugs & kisses to that sweet baby for you." :-)

  10. Oh, how exciting! Too bad they are so far away. At least these days you can get lots of pictures, call on cell phones, and even do video calls. Congrats!! :)

  11. How exciting! A new baby is always so wonderful. I'm sorry you're not closer but maybe you can get Hey Mikey to deliver extra kisses to his baby sister from you. :-) . Love the belly shot.

  12. Congrats to the entire family, but especially to you Great Grandma! Hey Mikey has no idea how much fun is coming. ;)

  13. How wonderful!!!! Congrats!

  14. What wonderful news! Thanks for sharing with us!

  15. Congratulations to all, and a great reason for you to have new projects!

  16. Congratulations- so exciting and pink is so much fun!! Big brother is getting so big!

  17. Hey Mikey is very cute! Hope he is as excited about his baby sister as everyone else. Maybe he'd rather it be a boy! Congrats to you great grandparents!

  18. Congratulations on a new great grandbaby coming your way in March. Hey Mikey will have a new little sis to tease! And you can have such fun making things in pink now, after the blues. Couldn't happen to a nicer couple of grandparents! Hope you're both having a great week!

  19. Exciting baby news!! I'm just a tad jealous. I beginning to think we'll never have any great grands.

  20. Congratulations on your growing family. Mikey has grown so much already. He's adorable and I'm sure his sister will be just as sweet.

  21. Congratulations! How exciting! Mikey looks like a big brother now. He's grown a lot! Glad they were able to make it home for TG and I hope they had a safe trip home. Will they be back for Christmas? Exciting times in your family!

  22. Wow, another great grand child. That is pretty wonderful. Michigan is far away but maybe things will change. We did see our grand kids about three months ago so we are anxious for Christmas to come around. Little Mikey is so cute.


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