Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father’s Day!

My Dad is 91 going on 92.  He still tends his tomato plants and mows his own lawn.  He works in his garage and likes to do woodworking projects.  He does dishes and helps my mother with house work. We go to Bingo together once a week.  In the winter my other baby brother goes along, it is nice to have company for the drive back home when it is cold and snowy.  When my baby brother is around he often joins us.  If other relatives are around on Bingo night then we will have a full table.

I always call to make sure Dad feels up to going and the answer is almost always “Yes.”  So I pick him up in plenty of time to get us settled at a table, get our cards bought and the special games marked.  He is the oldest Bingo player there.  He likes to sit at a table where he can easily see the monitors and the big board.  We have Bingo friends that will often save our table for us!

Dad and I play one wins we all win. We share all winnings if there are any.

Dad has played Bingo since he was about 14 years old and took cattle to the County Fair and stayed with them on the fairgrounds. Bingo was a nickel to play and you marked the card with corn kernels.  He would win Kewpie Dolls and give them away.

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My Dad when he was younger

Far Guy’s Dad has been gone a long time…24 years now.  He died in 1994 when he was 80 years old.

Marvin with  Willys Knight

Far Guy’s Dad with the Willys Knight

He liked to play cards and put puzzles together in the winter.  Some of his favorite were Automobiles, Flannel Shirts, Cross Pens, Fried Potatoes, Angie Dickenson in Police Woman, All in the Family and Johnny Carson.  He liked to read the daily paper and always had a road atlas in the magazine rack next to his chair.   He was a fisherman and a hunter.  He adored his three granddaughters.  His favorite color in cars and couches was red.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there!

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  1. You are so lucky you still get to share fun with your dad! My grandpa won kewpie dolls for my mom when she was little at the county fair, and my kiddos later played bingo there but the coveted prize then was a 2-liter bottle of pop! Happy Father's Day to your dad and hubby.

  2. You are so blessed to have your dad still with you. My biological father left us when I was 5 but I was honored to have an uncle & father-in-law who took that place. My father-in-law has been gone as long as Far Guy's dad but I think of him every day.

  3. I loved reading this post! I remember marking bingo cards with beans.

    My Dad has been gone for 52 years - cancer took him when he was 56 years old. I often wonder how different my life would have been had he lived longer.

  4. Lovely! Happy Father's Day to those dad's with us and the ones who aren't anymore. My dad is gone now, too.

  5. My dad has been gone since 2005 and I think of him often. I can recall going to bingo with my Grandmother and then not so long ago I used to go with my own mom. Fun times, I never learned to love the game as much as some other folks do!

  6. What a wonderful post to the fathers in your life! These are the kind of memories that will help your children and grandchildren remember these special men. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

  7. So nice to learn a little bit more about your dad, and lots more about FG's dad. Happy Fathers Day to all! :-)

  8. My dad is 75, in hospital and improving health wise, Father's Day is still a few months of for us

  9. It's always interesting to me to read a little about someone else's family history. My dad died in 1994. He voted Republican on absentee ballot just before, and was gone by election day. We had different political points of view, but we could have good discussions about it.

  10. Each Dad has his own characteristic of being a good Dad.

  11. Happy Fathers Day to your Dad.
    People doing well in their 80's and 90's are an inspiration to me and I love to hear about them.

  12. Love the road atlas in the magazine rack :-).

  13. My father also died in 1994. Unlike most people today, he died in this house to which he had moved in 1992 to be with my wife, Peggy, and me. Peggy treated him as lovingly as if he had been her father. He had always been mentally ill, and I lucked out and married a woman who, counting myself, was one of only two people who understood him sufficiently to avoid his many landmines that, when stepped upon, would send him into a rage. At the same time, she could speak to him frankly when she had a problem with him, something that even I couldn't do. Dad said that his time with us was the happiest of his life, and it certainly seemed so to me.

  14. I'm late seeing this but enjoyed it so much. Love the pictures. I don't think there was ever a picture made of my dad without a cigarette. :)

  15. While talking to my youngest son on Father’s Day, I discovered he knows nothing about the family trees. I guess we will have to make a visual on paper and go over it with him. He is headed to Scotland and I said he has relatives there. He was clueless about it all.


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