Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran’s Day 2013

Thanks to all out there who have served in the Armed Forces.  A special thank you to my husband!


Far Guy was in the Air Force and in The North Dakota Air National Guard for 26 years.  This photograph was taken in 1978 when he was part of a load crew that was in an International Competition called William Tell sponsored by NORAD.

We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us. – George Orwell

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  1. Tell Far Guy, thank you for your service. My father and my uncle both served in WWII as did my father-in-law. My first husband is an ex Navy veteran and I have numerous nephews and nieces who are presently serving. These individuals are the people keeping this great Country free. Thank you Veterans!!

  2. We are a military family, and I thank all Veterans for their service, too. Thank you, Far Guy! :-)

  3. There should be a military families day to give thanks for those people who stayed behind trying to lead a normal life not knowing when or if their loved will return home. Frequent separations, missed birthdays, holidays, school programs and other special occasions are hard on a marriage and the family unit. For this I have to say thanks Connie.

  4. Connie....great comment, Far Guy....another great comment. We as a nation need to remember the sacrifice of the military family and honor both the family as well as the Veteran.

  5. Today is Remembrance Day in Canada, a day that we honor those who sacrificed, and are serving our country. For that we are thankful. Please pass on our words of gratitude to Far Guy.


  6. A fabulous photo of FarGuy.

    I appreciate all those who serve and have served. God bless every one of them!

  7. A nice tribute to somebody who is very close and important to you.

  8. Thank you Far Guy for your service.

  9. Wonderful to have great people in our life's. That made us Free

  10. Is that Oak Grove Cemetery in DL?

  11. I agree with Far Guy. A debt of gratitude to those who left home, comfort, safety to serve our nation...and a debt of gratitude to those who stayed at home to serve, too. We each need the other for teamwork like this.

  12. Thank you for your service, Far Guy.

  13. My thanks to FG and all who have served. What a great photo.

  14. Thank you FG!!!


  15. Thank you to the people who served and the families that sacrificed. My parents both served in WWII. I always supported women in the military and people would ask me if I wanted my daughter killed and I was always aghast when they would say that as if my 3 boys were dispensable? I don't want to see anyone's child ever hurt at all but unfortunately that's not the world we live in right now. I pray that the families who have lost loved ones or whose loved ones came back so changed that they're not the same person...I pray they and their families can sleep at night and get a little rest from the service that saved our lives but changed theirs forever.

  16. I just watched a video of an old navy WWII vet who wanted to visit San Diego Navy base before he went into hospice care. Sailors dying wish
    I was so touched by it.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie