Monday, November 4, 2013

Take the time

Did you take the time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms?  I have put it on Far Guys list.  I don’t care if the batteries last longer than six months…replace them anyway…you are worth it.

I pushed back a whole bunch of leaves that were still in the west part of the yard trapped amongst the trees.  Just incase there is a spring forest fire.   The raking is done!

The yard

Chance helped, he likes to herd leaves.  The weather was lovely on Saturday, not so much on Sunday, when it was warm but really, really windy.

I think I have mulched leaves in the yard for the last time.  Woo Hoo!  Cross it off the list!

The yard November 3

The front yard is still green and parts of it were mowed along with the mulching.  It is unreal to have growing green grass this time of year.

I am working on the prototype for the Christmas Ornament.   I hope I have all the kinks worked out…we will see.


The Milkweed is going to seed.  If you watch closely it catches the late afternoon sun and almost glows.   I was happy to see the sun for the past few days..a more than welcome sight.


Guyles Lake is once again full of water, three Swans were hanging out on the far side.  The wind did a number on the Tamaracks…they are almost done showing their golden fall color.

Take some time for batteries, completing projects and enjoying the last bit of Fall and whatever sunshine comes your way:)


  1. Glad to hear you got your raking done and Chance helped. Our whole weekend was cloudy, windy, and cold. I think today we might see some sunshine. Changing batteries is on the top of my list.

  2. Morning, yard looks great Connie. Such pretty scenery still, love the lake shot and the Swans are so beautiful, saw some on the way to Manoman on a pond, Blessings Francine.

  3. We *bought* the batteries...but are still looking at them. Today!

  4. Your yard looks so nice and clean. Congratulations on getting all the leaves mulched already. That is a huge job all done now before the snow flies. Shirley H.

  5. I'm happy you're keeping track of the weather up there so I'll know when it's 'safe' to return in the spring. ;)

  6. I am glad you are getting all caught up on the fall work! The grass in my front yard is green again just in time for winter. ;-)

  7. The yard is looking good! Nice to get some sun before winter sets in...

  8. A good reminder here ! Lovely photos ! Papa and I thought we had finished all the leaves and mulching but the winds picked up and wouldn't you know it more leaves to clean up ! It is cold windy with sun peeking out every now and then lawns are still green fields are a mix of brown and green no snow yet thanks goodness all though I do like the first snow fall for photos ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  9. Glad you are having some good weather, and that snow is taking it's time coming. Torrential rain here on Saturday, and beautiful sunshine yesterday.
    Did you know that you are also supposed to replace your smoke detectors every ten years? Even the hard wired ones apparently.

  10. My guy went to the store for batteries, bought several for the kids toys, but then forgot the ones for the smoke alarms. I'll send him out again! We still have tons of leaves on our trees, but they're gorgeous in all their autumn finery!

  11. I miss the leaves...and yes, we need to change the batteries in the smoke detectors..great advice. Some that might one day save a life.


  12. Yes. enjoy your fall weather and stop worrying about winter. We have winter with over a foot of snow which is an awful lot for us. We sometimes hit December before we get snow that stays. If you were here you'd have to go out and rescue your snow stick.

  13. I am pacing myself but the work is getting done. We had the bad wind yesterday and didn't get any burning done. I will mow mulch in another week.

  14. Its such a good feeling when the leaves are cleaned up for the last time. Due to the knee, I was not involved in the process this year. Our Tamarack needles just started blowing off today!!

  15. Great advice! We still have to clean the gutters and cleaning the heating system for the winter...running out of time!

  16. Thanks for the reminder. It's a good time to check the fire extinguishers, too.

  17. We are cloudy and cold here also. I'm already sick of winter. And I detest the time should be almost 4 here and I have another hour to go.


  18. Actually for me this is my normal's the DLS's time I don't like so I'm in my element now. The yard looks great! What's the ornament going to be this year or is it a secret?

  19. Are you going to unveil your latest Christmas ornament creation? I wanna see :)

  20. Lovely photos.
    We've been picking up pecans and doing laundry.
    Looking forward to the 'unveiling' of the Christmas ornament. :-)

  21. I love milkweed seeds and your photo is beautiful. I took that as a hint or ornaments to come. ? Enjoy every minute of sunshine.

  22. I'll be working on recharging my personal batteries. All work, no play made me a tired girl.
    I thought smoke alarm batteries were good for a year, or until they start beeping.

  23. Thanks for the reminder about the batteries. I really hate it when they start chirping at me. :-)

  24. Good reminder about smoke alarm batteries and do NOT throw old batteries in the garbage. Well, maybe everyone knows that. I take mine to our library and they dispose of them properly (full of toxic metals, etc.)
    The milk weed is so pretty in your photo.

  25. We have an apartment inspection once a year and I change the batteries in the smoke alarms then.
    I think we only have green grass because it got frozen green. In the teens tonight! Brrr!


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