Monday, November 18, 2013

Train Set: Tower with a Bomber

Yes, a tower was built upstairs.  Three Erector sets were open and in the walkway…it is a good thing I didn’t wander that way in the dark.  Finally the tower was complete and the Enola Gay is flying CAP (Combat Air Patrol) over the train set.

B 29 Enola gay

The Enola Gay was the plane that dropped the big one.

Enola Gay and John Wayne got it covered

Yessiree the Enola Gay and John Wayne got the train set covered.  John Wayne is back there on the big screen at the outdoor theater!  I knew that display case on the wall would be filled in no time..he should build another one.

I am not sure if one more train piece can fit on this display.  Every time I go by I notice something different.  Our Grandson Adam studies this layout every time he is here.  I can hardly wait until he sees the really cool tower and plane!  Sometimes he moves things around..I would never notice but Far Guy does.


See that orange Astronaut?  It was purchased for 10 cents just to see if Adam would notice it next to the rocket.

If you are an old guy you can spend hours looking and tinkering and making something out of nothing…and dusting.  Lots of dusting..cause it is his “stuff.”

IMG_4117The music and lights are fascinating to watch.  It will take you back to simpler times if you let it!

Merry Go Round

Far Guy passed up a train show last weekend.  We usually attend the Train Show and Sale in St. Cloud twice a year.  He said he thought he had enough train “stuff” for awhile:)

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  1. How neat! This is such a great collection. It's hard to stop looking at the pictures. I can only imagine Adam studying this set up. If only I could get Poppy to dust 'his' deer heads and turkey tails!

  2. Wow!!!! what a wonderful collection. That's something, has enough train stuff!!!! Blessings Francine.

  3. Has he ever thought of building a layout?

  4. We saw a great layout in Cincinnati yesterday at the Krohn Conservatory.

  5. That is totally awesome. I love the Enola Gay (saw the real one at the Smithsonian) Far Guy has a lot to be proud of with that train collection and layout.

  6. WHAT ? Far guy passed up a train show ? what he sick or something ? lol Oh that looks like a fun room . Thanks for sharing . It has been warm and very windy here with some rain now and then . Have a good day !

  7. Fabulous collection. I guess Far Guy is feeling all healed up from his surgery? You haven't mentioned any problems, so everyone is doing well in your neck of the woods, I hope. :-)

  8. It is a great collection and display. My mother would have loved this. She had lots of villages that she displayed and the young kids just loved it.

  9. My dad loved trains...they were such a big part of his life. I enjoyed looking at Far Guy's set up. And you're right, its his stuff, let him dust it!!!

  10. It's beautiful. Mr. Dreamy will drool when I show him the pictures! Last year we saw an automated drive-in at a train show. I stayed at the display to watch the drive-in go through its cycle several times. It was fascinating!

  11. This is a wonderful collection. They are all in such great condition. I have a friend uptown who owns an erector set museum in his upstairs. Only certain people ever get to see after walking up creeky crooked stairs. I doubt he would let me ever photograph it. The cedar siding is so neat to have on the walls. It is an amazing room.

  12. I'm hoping to take our little guy to a train show near here. I'd like to start him and his brother with a train set when they're a little older.

  13. Wow, that is one elaborate display! And of course I love the carousel. I love having time to play with things; I think we learn new stuff from playing as we get older.

  14. Fascinating display. I would enjoy searching every single detail of it. Lots of memories there.

  15. While I dislike real trains, model train set ups have always fascinated me. I have visited some really spectacular ones in my travels.

  16. I have know some model train people and what impresses me is how intense they are and the tremendous knowledge they have. Besides that they have a lot of fun.

  17. Fantastic collection. Love the Enola Gay!
    Have a great week. ♥

  18. I think I need to visit the train show in St. Cloud. Does it have a name or address?

  19. What an amazing collection!

  20. What fabulous models. I have to confess to being just a little jealous.

  21. Oh, my! Can I come over and play? The amusement park is so fascinating. I wouldn't even mind helping to dust! ;-)

  22. My Mom's cousin had huge section of his basement and then later on an entire room that you had to enter by crawling under the "ground" to get to the center "conductor" hole. I remember examining it all to see the changes. We weren't allowed to touch anything, but I LOVED to see the little train going around the track and through the tunnel puffing smoke! Guys need a hobby. :)

  23. I'm impressed that he dusts his stuff. and I am very impressed with his collection. I love how he share it with Adam.


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