Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Brown and Gray Days

Old Age: Just like an old building our foundation is a little unsteady.  A few of our rocks are loose, some are even missing.  Some boards have come loose and have been patched. Our roofs have seen better days.  We lean a little to the left or right or forward when we walk.



Now that the Oaks have shed their leaves this building is visible.  I think it is in the winter of it’s life.  


I wonder what it was in earlier times?  Who or what sought shelter there?  It is just a little building not far from a road. I have passed this way many times, I finally stopped to give the building a moment of my time.

Brown and gray days are all part of a Minnesota November.  There was a little snow in the air again yesterday not enough to make the ground white.

I am done at the Dentist again…hopefully for good this time.  I broke a cusp on a tooth eating toast.  Old age will get ya!   Far Guy is doing okay, his TN always kicks up into high gear when the weather changes and the wind blows.  He reports that his tooth and fistula extraction sites are healing, and he doesn’t have pain all the time. Jen is recovering from her kidney stone removal slowly…it all takes time.

The sun tried to shine a bit yesterday afternoon, the sun and the clouds are in battle…and the clouds are winning the war for now:(

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  1. Morning, love the picture of the old building, something about them, but I feel the same.......Been cloudy here but white, Blessings Francine.

  2. I love this post. Seems I can relate to that old building more and more lately.

  3. There are days when I feel like that old building. - great picture of it by the way. Happy to hear that everyone is on the mend. We are finally getting some sunshine here and the wind has died down. But very cold this AM.

  4. Great analogy. Lots of days I too feel like that old building. Wishing you a little sunshine each day.

  5. I'm glad to hear everybody is okay, and that your dentist visit is behind you. Yeah, old age is creeping up on us, but we have each other to commiserate! :-)

  6. November is gray and brown here too, but we do have snow on the ground.

  7. Wouldn't it be interesting if old buildings could talk. Great analogy. My hinges seem to be rusting too. ;)

  8. Super analogy... I feel those missing boards as the wind begins to blow!
    Glad everyone is hanging in there. Take care!

  9. I hope a good bit of sunshine comes your way today. It's remarkable how nice it is and feels - even when it's cold.

  10. I loved this post, and its analogy! I, too, feel more and more like that old building, as time continues to pass.
    Hope you and yours continue to mend :)

  11. Wouldn't you love to know the history of that old building.
    We have had a decent November, and are heading into a stretch of sunshine and freezing temperatures at night only for this week. I see blue sky this morning:)

  12. I love seeing older buildings such as this.. And, yes, we do resemble them as we age!

  13. Glad that everyone in your family is on the mend!

    I love photos of old buildings and have many in my own collection. Old buildings have character, they have stories, and they have secrets.

  14. oh boy do I feel like that bldg.! Glad the 3 of you are some improved. Last weekend was so drab/dreary here. The days felt like they were soooooo long! Hope you get some sun to brighten your week.

  15. Love your photo of the old building. Reminds me of what my grandmother called a corn crib.

  16. Below zero weather and achy joints here! Time to light a fire in the fireplace and sip on something warm.

  17. The sun has been peeking through for a few hours, which keeps me happy to know it's still there. Can't believe how quickly November is flying by; I hope December is sunny and bright!

  18. A great post that we can certainly relate to. Stay warm. ♥

  19. It is bad enough having brown and gray days with out all that pain. Glad It's all or some better.

  20. What a beautiful post. Thinking about our old barn behind the house that finally fell down because it wasn't kept repaired. Definitely food for thought.

  21. You use a great metaphor to compare us to and old building. this building is abandoned. I hope we are never abandoned.
    Good to hear that everybody is on the mend.

  22. It is very messy here. With most of the leaves recently down, with rain and wind storms, there is a layer of decaying mush everywhere. There is still some color in the later trees to hang on to their leaves. The mushy season will last a while yet.

  23. Beautifully written - and that is a lovely old hut!

  24. I love old buildings in the winter of their lives. I like to imagine what was around them and the stories that they could tell. Glad your family is healing from their illnesses, in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas especially.

  25. I love old buildings thank you for sharing with us this one!


  26. I've pondered over many an old building in the country. :)
    I hope everyone heals okay...and soon.
    Listing forward a little in Fargo. ;)

  27. Sorry to hear of Jan's kidney stones. I only know from being with others dealing with them what horrible painful things they are. I need to buck up and visit the dentist, I'm doing a crazy practice called oil pulling for a while, hoping in help my mouth not be so sensitive when I go but I doubt it will help the white knuckles and sweaty palms. Seriously, stupid phobias. Sorry that the cold wind makes the TN worse for Gene, but glad to hear he is healing otherwise.


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