Saturday, November 2, 2013


Some days we just have to get out of the house.  One day we managed to travel about 20 miles into the boonies to an estate sale.  It was located just off a forest service road…or the end of one.  Much of the land had been clear cut.  It must have been a beautiful forest one day and will be again …in time.  Finally after meeting several cars on a barely one lane two track road we arrived. 

The estate sale had lots of “guy stuff.”  I bought an blue speckled enamel pot with a lid…nothing special.  We visited with the folks there.  I tried on a Shotgun for size..Far Guy laughed when I shouldered the gun…the barrel was way too long for me.

New Fangled outhouse

They had a new fangled outhouse complete with a vent.  I asked if I could take a photo and they said “Yes, but be sure to get a photo of the inside too!”

Outhouse with a cushioned seat

A cushioned seat with a view.  The windows had screens, fancy smancy.   There were even curtain rods for curtains. It was a fine out house.

I grew up using an outhouse, we didn’t get an indoor bathroom until I was in the third grade.  This one looks like the Taj Mahal of outhouses:)

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  1. Wow!!!! That is one great outhouse, kinda cute, love the window......we used outhouses too at the lake for years.....Blessings Francine.

  2. Glad you could get out and about and enjoy the sale and the visit. That's a great outhouse - I love the window! I also love your new header. Chance is so handsome; looks like he is smiling.

  3. I also love your new header, always perfect for the seasons. I have only used an outhouse in the woods, never having grown up needing to use one. This one looks quite fancy, but I'm not sure how I feel about a window in an outhouse. :-)

  4. I remember the outhouses too. And not fondly I might add. LOL

  5. Our outhouse could have used a window. Leaving the door open part way was necessary. That is a wonderful outhouse that you visited.

  6. What a fantastic privy - with a view!
    My worst outhouse story was at a camp. The area was being overrun by Gypsy Moth caterpillars and you had to check the seat in the outhouse very carefully to make sure you didn't sit on one - they would sting!

  7. Pretty fancy!

    I grew up with an outhouse, too. Ours was definitely NOT this fancy. It faced a large open field to the south, so it was warmer than most. I hated the large garden spiders that made it their home in the Fall. I still detest those huge spiders!

  8. That is a wonderful out house!!! Although I didn't grow up with one my aunt and uncle had one when we visited them. They also pumped water into the house with an old fashion pump. I loved visiting them and the big ole barn they had along with all those animals.....

  9. That is the Cadillac of outhouses.

    We did not have a bathroom til later in my young years.

  10. You can always find something interesting where ever you go. What a biffy!

  11. What an outhouse! The ones I remember had several old Sears Roebuck catalogs in the corner...spiders and a wasp ever now and then!

  12. My grandmother had an outhouse on the farm. The men and boys were "required" to use it during the day because she didn't want them tracking their dirty feet in the house while they were outside working. My best girlfriend in high school did not get indoor plumbing until high school. I was glad that when I spent the night that I never had to go out in the middle of the night to use it.
    Looks like you had nice weather that day.

  13. Talk about a cushy throne lol ! We had a full bathroom on the farm every one over here did . I don't think there ever was out houses used other then for fairs, construction sites , camping sites and out door events . Have a good day !

  14. It's all in what you get used to I think. I'd be hard pressed to use one now that I have indoor plumbing. Mary Jane from Mary Jane's Farm had one and it was so cute it almost made you want one of your own! LOL! There were cute curtains and wallpaper and decorated nicer than my indoor bathroom!

  15. That is the Taj Mahal of outhouses.

  16. One day I want to go to an estate sale. All I know about out houses is you watch out for spiders and snakes! That was enough for me to be glad I grew up with indoor plumbing.
    Have a great Sunday!

  17. Outhouses meant vacation to me because wherever we traveled, we camped. In a big smelly canvas tent. And outhouses were the only "facilities." And the outhouse smelled. And the pine needles smelled. Oh, what fun!

  18. Did you know those padded seats provide a warmth when sitting on them in the winter. FYI!!!

  19. We had some family that lived on a farm and had an outhouse all the time we visited while I was growing up. I don't know if they ever got an indoor bathroom. They had a water pump in the kitchen. The biffy was way out behind the barn and scary to make your way out there in the dark! They also had a sauna, which was the only way they bathed. I loved the sauna! This outhouse looks darn fancy! But I don't think I would want a window in the winter-time in Minnesota. LOL! ;)


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