Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Report

We ate too much.  We went to our oldest daughter’s home.   She cooked a marvelous meal.  I brought Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Bread and Spaghetti Squash.

We played a game that made everyone giggle.  One person writes a subject down on a piece of paper and lets everyone see it except the guesser.  Then the guesser asks “What is yours like?”  Favorite animal took forever to solve…using just descriptive adjectives.    ( Far Guy said “hairy” and I said “drooling”  Since there are 11 of us it is a great group game.


The girls…sisters… oldest, youngest, middle.Brothers

The boys…brothers…oldest and youngest.

Here they are lined up for their who is tallest photograph.  I like to take this photograph every once in awhile when they are all together.

Not Fair the youngest is the shortest

The Five

Savannah the oldest is complaining that it is not fair that she is the shortest…as you can see no one was very sympathetic with her.  They all said “Somebody has to be shortest!”

We are truly blessed with five wonderful grands.  It was a fun day!

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  1. Morning, that's what it's all about, Francine.

  2. Well, of course you ate too much: it's traditional. Your grands are all fine looking youngsters. We had a quiet time with just the two of us, but we also tried to eat too much. :-)

  3. Oh, your grandchildren are beautiful! And they look happy and fun to be with! I missed having my five here this year.

  4. The best Thanksgiving, spent with family:) And you have snow!

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving - especially since it was spent with family.

  6. Glad to hear that everyone had a fun time, and lots of turkey. You have beautiful grands!


  7. Celebrating with five grand kids would be a great thanksgiving.

  8. Glad you had a wonderful time with your lovely family. I can see why your grands bring you so much joy!

    Looks like this was the season for your family to be in a pumpkin mood! Reminds me of a poem from the early settlers that I found in a book from the 1800s:

    For pottage and puddings and custards and pies,
    Our pumpkins and parsnips are common supplies!
    We have pumpkin at morning and pumpkin at noon,
    If it was not for pumpkin we should be undoon.

  9. Nothing like gathering with the extended family to create a stronger family. The Grands will treasure the photos and the memories.

  10. I'm glad you had a great day and enjoyed your family.

  11. Their beautiful smiles say it all!

  12. What a good looking crew! So wonderful that you could all have fun together.

  13. Glad to hear your holiday went so well. :-)

  14. What a fun group! I also enjoyed seeing your grands all smiling and laughing just for you!


  15. What a great group of grands! I love that you play a game or two to get everyone laughing and teaming up together. I know you don't love holidays, but this kind of family togetherness is wonderful, any time.

  16. Love the grands picture and I empathize as I am the shortest in my family...even the 5 year old is over half as tall as I am already! We ate too much too (right after the doc told me my cholesterol was too high....but I didn't let that stop me! LOL!) What doctor tells you that right before the holidays anyway? So glad you had a great day and you could all be together.


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