Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wood Carving: Lady Slipper

During the winter we go to Wood Carving every week.  It is mainly men, but sometimes a few women show up.  Most of the carvers are retired, all are very talented.  If you are struggling with something someone is bound to have a suggestion.

Far Guy was working on a Lady Slipper to donate to a Silent Auction for a fundraiser. Then he had surgery and didn’t think he would be able to finish in time.  I helped him one afternoon and together we got er done.  I have carved one before, Far Guy has carved several. 

I sanded and carved a bit, Far Guy put all the pieces together and cut out the base, then I painted and applied a bees wax finish. 

There are five separate pieces in the stem and leaves.  The stem is an actual twig that is stripped of its bark and sanded smooth.

Parts coming together


There are another five pieces in the flower.

The flower five parts

My wrinkly old paint speckled fingers will give you an idea of the size.

Awaiting a flower

Here is the stem in the base awaiting a flower.   The wood is all Aspen or Populus deltoids or Popple or as I call it “Piss Popple.”   If used for firewood it weeps out the ends the entire time it is burning.

She is a beauty

Here it is all done.  I think it is a work of art!

It was delivered in plenty of time for the Silent Auction.   Far Guy is a very generous  person to make something for almost every fundraiser in the area.  We didn’t know this young man with pancreatic cancer, but we know other members of his family. We live in a small community that pulls together to help out others when their situations seem overwhelming:)

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  1. Beautiful carving. One of the nicest I've ever seen. Hope someone bids high for it. Wood carving is an amazing art.

  2. Morning, WOW!!!!! Amazing work, that Far Guy is very talented and generous, Blessing Francine.

  3. The carving is absolutely beautiful, I'm sure it will bring in a a good price. Isn't small town living wonderful? That's why we retired to the northwoods. City life isn't for me. Except the three months in Lake Havasu. And the predicted snow makes me want to start packing!!!

  4. It is a work of art, Connie. And amazing at that. I love lady slippers in any medium and often bought porcelain ones for gifts for Barb. She has a collection on display now....

  5. That is beautiful ! Papa here likes to scroll saw and likes working with wood to . He is in the middle of building a large intarsia bald eagle he seems to always have a few projects on the go lol ! I will have to show him this lovely carving ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  6. That truly is a work of art. Far Guy is a very special person to donate that item. You both should be very proud of yourselves for donating this item to charity.

  7. I love it! And I know it's your favorite flower. This beautiful piece of art should go for a good price. I hope that young man will recover. It's a good feeling to help somehow.

  8. A beautiful carving which is a work of art!

  9. You are right, Connie, "a piece of art".

  10. You have a very finely carved piece of wood and it's going to a great cause.

  11. OMG, what a gorgeous sculpture.. You're both very talented, and of course, extremely generous! The only wood carving I ever did was a bas relief, and I cut myself several times! Keep sharing your work with us!

  12. What a beautiful piece of art! I didn't know Far Guy and you did wood carving. you will have to show us more.

  13. You are both very generous, and it is a lovely piece.

  14. Lovely piece of carving that truly is a piece of art. Nice job!

  15. Love it! i missed this benefit (shucks) - but I have a couple of Far Guy's carved houses that have come from other fundraisers ~ this lady slipper carving is beautiful and yes it is art!

  16. What a beautiful carving and a wonderful cause. I would have bid on it! We just had a silent auction and I bid and won carpet cleaning from Steam Masters. My donation went to the local ASPCA and the Search and Rescue dog program here.

  17. It truly is gorgeous. A very kind act, indeed.

  18. I love both the form and the colors. You both do such nice work, even when one of you is under the weather.

  19. The carving is wonderful. It is a difficult carving as everything has to be so perfect in shapes and sanded so smoothly. I painted a lady slipper once but I gave the painting away to a family member.

  20. That is beautiful, and I am sure that the family appreciates all your effort. Someone is going to love to have that in their house, maybe the person is a orchid lover too.

    Re: Thanksgiving, I bet you are a great cook...now if it wasn't over the border, I'd be there like a flash.


  21. How thoughtful that Far Guy does that for the region's fundraisers. How wonderful that you have a community that pulls together in support of each other!

    We had a friend who had pancreatic cancer...but he was someone who discovered it shortly after retirement. How awful for someone so young to have that ahead of him. I wish the best for him--and your kind community for their caring ways.

  22. The lady slipper is lovely. It's wonderful that the community comes together to support causes like this one. I'll bet Far Guy's carvings are local treasures.

  23. Beautiful! Hope it brings a big donation for your charity. I have many woodcarvings my dad did that I treasure.

  24. It is a work of art! You two make a good team.
    Piss Polar!! OMG! I never heard of the name, but I think I have heard one in a fire. ;)

  25. You both are OUTSTANDING artists! I just love what you come up with and the skills you both have!


  26. A beautiful flower and a beautiful gesture. You guys are " the salt of the earth" type people...strong stock and gentle souls. I'm so glad there are people like you around still...it does my heart good.


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