Tuesday, November 12, 2013


It has spit snow the past few days.  Just enough to help the deer hunters track deer. 

Chance and snow November 9

Just enough snow for Chance to run around scraping up the slushy snow in his mouth.  Chance likes the snow, he is invigorated by it and loves to wake us up early in the morning just so he can sit outside and watch the sun come up.

There is not enough snow to begin to use the snow stick yet.

The deer reports are good, both my Father and brother had good luck over the weekend.


The Waterfowl were really active near Crookston Minnesota yesterday.  They must have been resting after their trek out of Canada.  This is only part of a huge flock flying east…to a couple of ponds and corn fields for an overnight visit.  I think there must be a huge flyway in the Crookston area as I have seen Canada Geese in that area before.  I think that these are Canada Geese but I am not sure…waterfowl for sure:)

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  1. Great picture of Chance. Maybe I can have a snow stick this year since we moved!
    Hope you guys have a nice day.

  2. Morning, Ya, love the picture of Handsome Chance, funny he likes the snow. None here yet......The Geese have moved on your way, miss there Honking in flight, Blessings Francine.

  3. Chance looks like he is enjoying the snow. We had some here yesterday. It stayed on the grass but melted else where. I'm just not ready for snow.

  4. We've got snow in our mountains, but none here. I always love to see Chance. :-)

  5. Yes, I am happy that I was finally able to move south. I don't do snow anymore. :)

  6. Just stopped to say hi, its a ho-hum day in Wisconsin. Maybe I'll stir up a little trouble!!!

  7. Nothing stirs my heart in the Fall like first hearing and then finally seeing the skeins of geese overhead.

    Love your photos - Chance is a handsome fella.

  8. Do you follow Karen Ramstead and her Border Collie, Bet? She's actually a sled dog person, but Bet's a key player...who doesn't share Chance's love of snow ;-). http://northwapiti.blogspot.com/

  9. I have an old book ... James Michener "Chesapeake"...one of my favorite books. It is a wonderful story that tells the history of Chesapeake Bay area, ecological story about geese, crabs, etc. Give it a try. Especially with the long cold days coming an excellent read for Winter.

  10. We were supposed to have a few snow showers overnight, but I didn't get up to check. Today and tomorrow will be COLD, but then we'll have 60s again by the weekend.

  11. Cute photo of Chance sitting in the snow. I wish I love it as much as Chance. Our first snowfall has melted but we got a little more yesterday. Way too cold for it to melt today. Maybe tomorrow.

  12. We had our first snowfall last night. Yes, the deer are plentiful this year especially if the number of victims lying alongside the road is any indication. We have an overpopulatiion of those tick carriers being hit by vehicles.

  13. We have lots of snow so the geese cleared out because all their food was covered up.

  14. Lovely header tribute!
    We just got 6 inches of snow at it's 13 degrees out this morning. Winter is here!

  15. We have a chance of snow flurries late today..here in NC! I'll bet there is not one loaf of bread or carton of milk left in the grocery stores here. It is funny how we panic around here at the mention of snow! Chance looks happy sitting in the snow. He is beautiful.

  16. Sigh... and so it starts! Winter is on the doorstep.

  17. Congratulations to your father and brother, Connie!

  18. Is this your third snow...or do you have one more before it sticks!


  19. Great picture but you better get that stick in the ground! It's coming! LOL! Gorgeous picture of the waterfowl too. I used to love to hear them going over even when you could barely see them sometimes...that was always my sign plus the dead skunks again in the road like Spring. They would always come around in the Fall and spray our foundation and it would come up through the vents when we turned the heat on...AHHHHHH!!!! But we knew then Fall was over and Winter was on its way! Down here....I have no way to tell....I'm out of my element but I do know I have to be careful walking. I forget and the other day here I am in black with 2 black dogs and I hear guns going off. Just when the weather is good for walking. Of course they're not supposed to hunt in the city limits but down here they don't follow rules much at all. They drive down the middle of the road, shoot things in their back yards while you're next door in your garden...not sure if they've just gone whacky or they're aiming to get me! LOL!

  20. I went for a walk on Tuesday with some other birders... and we saw 16 Tundra Swans. They aren't usually around here close to town. Many geese and ducks and other water fowl linger where the walla walla and snake rivers rolls into the columbia at the north border of WW County.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie