Wednesday, April 3, 2024


 Ree has a new nickname that has stuck.  Peach is what everyone is calling her so me too!

She has seen us enough over the Winter that she no longer has stranger danger.  She is on the move now as she is creeping.  Easter Sunday she entertained us!

Peach is learning new things everyday!  It won't be long before she is pulling herself up on furniture.

Far Guy had a little set back after we got home...too much activity. So he has slowed down and feels a bit better...I think.  At any rate I am keeping an eagle eye on him. 

Far Side


  1. So sweet! I remember when mine were this small. 🥲

  2. Darling little girl. Bet you have the Grandma Brain.

  3. She's a doll! Isn't it funny how nicknames come about, some stick, some don't.

    Wishing Far Guy better days ahead.

  4. Peach is so cute. We had a bit of stranger danger last Thanksgiving with Baby "J" even though we talk on facetime all of the time. It looks as though your Peach will be pulling herself up to walk soon!
    I'm so sorry about Far Guy. Hope he's back to normal soon. It must be good to be home.

  5. Peach is a cutie pie!

    It's so easy to overdo things when on that healing path. I imagine he is having trouble being patient with himself.

  6. Awww so cute!

    Also, I get it trying to get back to normal takes a while.

    My oldest had a nick name of Bumper for a long time and my youngest had a nickname of Mouse. I like Peaches!

  7. Little kids are fast and keep us entertained.

  8. What a Peach she is! Hope FG recovers quickly.

  9. That's a cute nickname for her. Fits her. Such a cutie!
    The move and the traveling take a lot of effort. I'm glad he's resting up so he can recuperate. :)

  10. Oh gosh! I know someone who had that nickname and that person hated it, but everyone in town used only that name from about the same age as Ree. They would still use that name if that person ever went back to that town. I heard the story that when it was time for that person to graduate high school, the office had to ask what name to put on the school diploma. Sending good wishes to you and Far Guy!

    Goodnight Gram

  11. Ree sure is a sweetie. Peach is a cute nickname for her.

  12. She has that peach blush on her cheeks. so cute.

  13. Awe, what a sweetie pie! And Peach just fits. Keep an eye on that guy. Don't let him do too much too soon!

  14. Your family's Peach is such a cutie and so mobile too. Love the pictures.
    So sorry far guy felt worse after all the activity. Praying he will start to head the other Healthy direction soon!

  15. Awe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    these images are so sweet :)

    thank you so much for sharing
    remind me days when my kids crawled and kept me chasing them all the time
    PRECIOUS moments for sure !


  16. What a sweet name for a sweet little girl! My daughter's best friend had a little girl named Hannah but she ended up with a nickname of Peaches....too cute! And who doesn't love Peaches?

  17. Peach is perfect for those rosy little cheeks!


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