Saturday, April 20, 2024

In between

 Yesterday I picked up my Aunt Judy (she was married to Uncle Dennis who was my Mother's brother, he died a number of years ago) and she and I went to see my Uncle Al.  Uncle Al is 7 years older than me and loved the job of rocking babies instead of chopping wood.  I was born in September and my Grandmother had twins in November ( My Aunt Karen died a few years ago but Uncle Kenny is still alive and lives in Nebraska. )  So there were three babies to rock, Uncle Al says it was almost a full time job. 

So I am the in between between Al and Kenny.  They are the the last surviving members of that family.   Uncle Al was diagnosed with Leukemia 6 1/2 years ago, the Doctors bought him a few good years, recently the Doctors reported that the cancer is in his bones so there is nothing medically that can be done for him...enter Hospice to keep him comfortable. 

He is in good spirits, taking it one day at a time. His wife Donna is a marvelous caregiver, between her and hospice they hope to keep him at home for the duration of his life.  We had a nice visit and talked about many things.  We took chicken from KFC for lunch because it is one of Uncle Al's favorite lunches.

I also took him an old picture.  He looked at it and said "Is that me and you?"  Pretty sure it is!  The photo was taken at my Grandparents home and everyone else was way older than him.

Uncle Al and me June of 1952.

Aunt Judy and I had a good visit there and back, she has a really good sense of humor, so it was a giggly girls trip! 

It snowed on and off most of yesterday.

Far Side 


  1. Best thing you can give someone old and sick is a visit.

  2. It is amazing to have been as your grandmother had twins. That photo is precious.

  3. So sorry to hear about this, and I'm glad you had a nice visit over all. Snow? Oh my. We are done with snow here, but boy the rain hasn't stopped much.

  4. The days are long, but the years are short. It goes so quickly.

  5. It's good that your uncle is in good spirits and feeling pretty good, considering. He is very fortunate to have Hospice and his wife Donna.

  6. What a cute photo! I'm guessing you all enjoyed the visit, with a chance to reminisce. It's interesting how spread out in age families used to be. My husband has a first cousin who just turned 90. I spent years thinking she was his mom's youngest sister, when she actually is one of the oldest first cousins. In my defense his mom had 11 siblings so I had trouble keeping them straight in my head, and she was closer in age to the aunts than to her cousins. LOL

  7. What a charming photo of you two! I'm sorry to hear he is ill. I'm glad you could visit with all your family.

  8. It sounds like a very nice visit with both your aunt and uncle. What a cute photo!

  9. Wow, an uncle you're than you. I know it happens, especially in large families. It's good to
    have a nice trip with your aunt to see your uncle. Hopefully he can remain at home.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful visit. He is surrounded with love. :)

  11. You have such an interesting family. Uncle All must have been very happy for your visit, and seeing the photo!

  12. I'm guessing a 'giggly girls trip' is always good!

  13. When we get old and sick and become stuck a6t home a visit can be so lovely

  14. It's quite amazing that your Uncle Al had 6 1/2 years after being diagnosed with Leukemia. And still he is taking life as it comes and still can enjoy KFC.
    Sweet picture of you and him.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful family visit with your Uncle Al. I love KFC too! So good to visit with people we love and especially when they're heading towards the end of their lives. Good for you and your aunt.

  16. I'm so glad you got to have that visit with your Uncle and that's a great photo of the two of you.
    It's been in the upper 20's and low 30's the past few nights but no snow thankfully. I think it's supposed to start warming up tomorrow.

  17. I think it's wonderful that you have so much family close by.


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